What do you mean assume if it’s true? Do you really expect people to know what their server will look like in a year?
It’s not Blizzard’s responsibility and it shouldn’t be. People will go where they want and make the faction that they want. On servers where the faction balance or population make it so that the game can’t be played, it’s within their power to offer server transfers. They’ve done it before.
Do you know what the world will look like in a year?
Dude, life happens. Roll with it.
If you’re equating real life with video games, I’m not sure we can have this conversation lol. I get that the game is fun, but you need to set some boundaries man.
Temporarily. Not the norm.
I see what you mean from a standpoint of looking at the world as a set of problems/solutions. But that’s an unrealistic ideal. Time continually shows us that there are no solutions, there’s only tradeoffs. You trade one problem for the next.
Blizzard offered server transfers. The tradeoff is that the OP feels inconvenienced by this. He’ll probably quit the game rather than pay more money than he expected to pay. Blizzard will gladly accept that over thousands of others quitting the game if they hadn’t made this decision.
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I think temporary transfers would be fine. Fix the issue for the players that want it to be fixed and then remove the service until the next time it’s needed. There just aren’t enough new players coming into classic for this to work itself out any other way.
I wouldn’t fault the guy if he chose to quit if the only other option is pay $100 to move his characters.
I’m starting to just feel like pve servers at least who cares if it’s 100-0 horde or alliance. But yeah that’s the question now, buy a new game or pay $100 to keep playing this one plus convincing friends to xfer too.
Personally, I post on this toon cause it was the default when I started posting.
That said, sure some people want to troll on alts. But it’s also true that some people just want to see your main to use it against you. Attacking the messenger instead of the message.
Man, I feel so bad about this. I really want to help out my server. I may roll a horde toon just to help out. Are you guys short on healers? Would it help? Could you wait a couple of months for me to level?
Lol mines not an insult. I think the guy genuinely forgot where he is.
But then proceeded to be an offensive loudmouth lol.
There are no innocents here apparently.
It is because of the way Classic World PvP works is what’s lead to the current problems a lot of folks are experiencing now. The “organic” solution that everyone took was, “If you can’t beat’em, join’em.” So they did that without thinking of how that would affect the game later on down the line.
What I’m saying is, the game is full of pushovers. Myself included, by the way. I hate PvP.
I waived PvP entirely and just stuck with PvE. Classic PvP in 2021 just seems absolute untenable to me, and watching videos of low-level bots killing other bots in graveyards is just confirmation that the entire system is broken, plain and simple.
The reality is that a lot of Alliance players rolled on PvP servers and came to realize they don’t actually like being stomped all the time and would rather be the stompER instead of the stompEE. And so, welcome to HvH BGs.
There’s a lot of threads right now that are begging Blizzard to artificially balance realms. But they won’t go for it because people would quit the game rather than not be able to play the race/faction they want to play as.
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I only spoke generally.
It’s as simple as acknowledging that people like to hide their intent and manipulate others simply because they can and they get a kick out of it when it works.
Context matters. If someone is talking out their rear-end about Karazhan on throwaway alt and I don’t buy what they’re saying, then a main with a wow log supporting them would actually lend credence to what they’re saying.
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I play Alliance on Westfall and have since day 1 of Classic. This server was a 90:10 Alliance:Horde ratio from the very beginning. I am highly surprised OP didn’t have a problem until after already leveling 3 toons to max.
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That’s not completely fair. OP said he rolled on that server back during launch. I feel for the guy, but I don’t really see any Blizzard fix for his problem that wouldn’t negatively effect other people.
Even at launch it was a horrible ratio.
But how would you know that on the first day? I didn’t know about Ironforgepro until almost a year in.
Correct. It’s not a “fix.” It is a tradeoff. Blizzard is trading a greater set of problems for a lesser set of problems.
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I mean even without ironforge.pro there are general ways you can know. Not many guilds horde side logging raids as well as general lack of player activity horde side. Even as an alliance player on a PVE server I quickly realized even in neutral questing zones I rarely ever saw any horde.
During AQ opening we had to funnel resources from Alliance to Horde via neutral AH just to complete the war effort