Just to be clear I am not talking about a subscription costs I’m totally fine with that. What I am talking about is servers having no players.
I play on westfall horde which right now is a 1:19 horde to alliance server. Prime time hours I can’t find a group for anything and I mean anything, I have a prot warr, holy priest, and enhance. I will play any role I just want to do dungeons but there is no players.
So my options are either server transfer my 3 chars for $32 each, level an alliance char/reroll on another server (which just isn’t an option), or buy a new account so I can boost on a better server.
I know forum trolls will say player made problem, but I picked this server randomly back in name reservations of vanilla wow, I chose poorly so I need to pay $100 if I want to play the game?
Blizz needs to combine servers or do something cause this problem just gets worse as more and more transfer off due to low pop. But in blizzards eyes it’s $30 more dollars per annoyed player. Just so sick of what this company has become.
nah you’re right, blizzard should be a lot more proactive about allowing free transfers in a smart way. hell, they could even pay people in the form of subscription rebates to make them move to servers that really need it, like getting more hordies onto your server. but that would require them to “give a crap”, which they don’t really. it is what it is.
Blizzard is trying to squeeze every dollar out of players they can. Why fix a problem when you can monetize the solution. It’s genius game design if you don’t care about your players, which blizzard clearly doesn’t anymore.
Which is why it’s frustrating, I love the game and want to play more, but can’t unless I throw money it at.
If you want to keep your characters, yes.
This is not Blizzard’s problem. Oops, that just made me a troll, didn’t it?
No, in Blizzard’s eyes it’s a service they’d really rather not perform. The price isn’t to make money – really, how many transfers do you think they sell a month? – it’s to DISCOURAGE people from moving their toons frequently.
Sorry. I guess that makes me a troll, doesn’t it?
Not a troll, just another person posting bad opinions on a low lvl alt
You could be a troll who’s wrong or just someone who is wrong. Either way its a bad take to assume that Blizzard isn’t trying to monetize the game in any and every way possible.
Why dont just transfer one character?
I feel for you. I honestly hate that every alliance pretty much left my server leaving us the new Skeram. I do t care if people play on servers like heart seeker for a reason; they need to merge servers and level them out. There’s absolutely no reason to have servers with 90+% of one faction when there are other servers with the exact same problem on the other side.
I’m sad to hear this. I am on Westfall and am enjoying it. I see horde players often, but I didn’t realize the numbers were so unbalanced. I’m not going to reroll horde, but I wish you luck and will help you kill stuff in the wild if we cross paths…
Why not? Let me guess… you don’t have time. But you have enough time to sit around on that server and accomplish nothing for hours on end.
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Literally what does this comment accomplish? You are saying he should just re-roll from lvl 1 after his server dies, because he has free time to play the game?
Weirdly enough some people don’t want to start from scratch, they have titles, mounts, gold etc.
What does your comment accomplish? Other than to try to defend them trying to call a clear option, not an option.
They clearly don’t want to give blizzard money and they clearly don’t want to be on a dead server. Sounds like rerolling is the best option for them.
Sounds like a good reason to pay to me.
“I shouldn’t be punished for picking the wrong server” Translation entitlement pay your 30$ or shut up we don’t care.
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Honestly man, I just don’t have the energy anymore for the people that post with the sole purpose of trying to get under peoples skin. If you wanna throw money at blizzard while they take a dump on you, by all means go for it.
If you’re a Blizz shill, just tell us
At this point I think they are allowing it intentionally because that’s how greedy they are.
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I mean in the last week 2 full guilds xferred off so 100ish players at least @ $30 a transfer. That’s not nothing.
It is crazy to me all the people saying either pay or reroll. How do people not see that this is a problem? I just don’t get how people always try and defend blizzard why can’t we all agree this is a problem?
Honestly man, I don’t have time anymore for liberals and their “my way of thinking must be right attitude.” I like capitalism if you want to be for the people go to Cuba I hear its real nice there right now.
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Alright then, @me when you’re sober