Why is there no Era for TBC and WOTLK

Wrong place for your personal squabble guys.

We still want fresh servers for TBC and Wrath and to give them era status.


There’s the Gaspathy I know…

Pretty sure huh? You included it as part of your argumentative centerpieces. Suddenly you don’t remember for certain?

Oh but as I keep reading this particular post, not only do you show that you do remember, but you also had all that information archived ready to display such as you’re doing now.

Did you mention that you only came to my server to verbally harass me? That you took out of context what I said as a self-invitation?

Why’d do you think I responded to you in such a manner in the game?

Here’s a formal invitation now. Why don’t you try it again coward? You’re gonna have to find me first. Now let’s see if you have the sand to follow through with your stalk-Ish behavior.

So warrior… you…

If you needed proof about what I was talking about, take a look…:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Here they are openly admitting to reporting me. Simply because I may have a tanking gem on as a shaman; not for my merits or actions on the battlefield.

That’s who’s mostly playing Cata at the moment and who holds sway over the devs on what content gets put out.

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No, I’m not going to remember every detail since March.

Upon relooking, as you can see in the link, you used Corroded Skeleton Key, 228 Stam and on use absorb shield. I understand the niche use of it, that said, using an actual damage trinket would have went further in almost every situation.

Yes, I keep logs. It’s the difference between someone like myself and you. I back up what I say with actual evidence instead of just throwing around buzzwords.

You were on these forums for weeks talking about how “no one here will say it to you ingame” while trying to hide behind random queues to avoid the actual ramifications of posting said challenge. So I messaged you. The context doesn’t help you like you think it does. If you truly felt like it was harassment, you were free to report me at any time. I even encouraged you to do so as seen in the chat logs.

All you need to do is confirm you’re still playing Wafectus and I will. It’s weird how you think I’m somehow scared of pixels.

Wrong again. I said “I’d report you”, not “I have reported you.”

I never reported you once in game. Forums are a different story.

It’s weird how often you believe your own lies.

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And there’s Gaspathy doing what he does best, because that’s not what I said or meant even after I had provided proper context.

Quick question…

Where did I ever say that I sit in WSG afk through sentry totem view? Because I know exactly what I said.

Of course, but I took precautions and made sure to make a Wafectus everywhere in classic era, hardcore, and SoD. You’re gonna have to come find me if you want to verbally harass me.

Taking out of context what I meant based on literal translation alone I see?

Ahh so you admit that you have reported me in one way or another… Contradicting the statement just previously posted; which was just Gaspathy being Gaspathy.

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I’m not going to flood you with quotes.

  1. There was a whole thread where you tried to hide the tech, then in another told another poster about it. No, I’m not going back half a year to find it.

  2. I’m not going out of my way to hunt you down. This is the exact reason why I wasn’t going to play your game of “come find me in random bgs”.

  3. You keep saying in and out of context, but your context is literally just misunderstanding what I stated, created your own headcanon of what I stated, and then are trying to pretend that your headcanon is what I meant from my statement. I never reported you in game. You can pretend like I have, but I haven’t. That’s just a cold hard fact.

  4. Yes, on the forums. There have been numerous times you have referenced me in other threads with insults without tagging me to even let me know you’re talking about me because you know you can’t defend yourself at all. It just ends up with me proving to everyone on the forums your inability to do anything well, then you move onto the next thread and repeat. It’s why I say that I live in your head. You openly make references to me when applicable, even if I’m not in the thread to begin with. In those contexts, yes, I have reported you.

Nor is this contradictory, I explicitly stated that I never reported you in game. The forums are not in game. To then double down with calling me a “gaslighter” for outright being correct is just sad to be honest. The more you use the word incorrectly, the less likely anyone is going to read what you’re typing and go “yeah, that guy knows what he’s talking about.”

Your core issue has and always will be that you’re too ignorant and selfish to understand why people don’t like you in an environment that provides a wealth of knowledge and requires teamwork. You quite literally are the antithesis to what a wow player should be. It’s a shame that the ignorance you blatantly show is your defining feature. It just slams you into walls everytime.

Just like your 1600 rating and inability to even enchant your gear correctly. All based off of ignorance and selfishness.

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So anyway… Yeah TBC and Wrath era servers. :neutral_face:


The devs dont care they want us in thier predatory retail milking scheme where the content sucks the furries are annoying the content is straight up modern disney vibes i cant stomach it!! What we are seeing here my gaming brethren is when a work of art the game we all loved in 3 stages of its conception aka vanilla tbc and wotlk as a service is no longer run by the original creators! The company is a husk of what it was, controlled by the evil beast that is activision who dont see us as human beings but as whales to be milked like the hoardes of noobs in retail. WE ASKED for classic because of the first 3 and ONLY the first 3! Cata was never successful its the downfall of the game! The removal of the talent system and weapon skill were the final killing blows to turn WoW into the absolute abomination that is Retail. WoW classic cata should continue for the classic players that first started playing wow in 2019 vanilla classic and fell inlove with the game who will eventually see how poorly things will turn out in the future expansions and theres no way to fix it because the people who crafted the first 3 games are long gone! Nobody in modern blizzard has the artistic aptitutde to ever craft such a video game just look at retail! Its made for the lgbt queer fanbase and theres nothing wrong with that but its not for me! The first 3 deserve an era otherwise this whole classic fiasco was a big waste of time! These out of touch devs never had a strong character made the fair and proper way in thier life! With dedication and a will with the help of a good team!


Grey parsing devs who dont even know what real wow was have no right to dictate to us what we want from wow! Stick to your vupera dracthy furry crap and dont touch the original work that made the company where you work today! Give us tbc era and wotlk era! And allow us to clone our characters you time wasting dev who never worked hard to craft a strong character in your lives!


Please share the post and like as much replies as you can to bring more awareness to this fight! The devs made a big mistake and they must know it!


everything you said is 100% right massive UP to this thread


No, Blizzard explicitly said you will be able to choose what expansion you want to stay in when they announced the cloning service. They did not explicitly state there would be TBC era servers… but what else could this have meant? They lied to us, plain and simple. TBC was struggling towards the end and they just wanted to force everyone into WOTLK rather than fix the problem. The reason TBC was struggling was as interest dropped off a bit (which is inevitable, does not mean it’s a failure) servers with smaller populations became difficult for raiding guilds. Also gearing up for new players was harder because people didn’t want to do heroics anymore. But this all comes down to Blizzard being 100% responsible because of their absurd way of cloning the servers, making each TBC realm a split off of an existing Classic Era realm, including all the tiny ones. This made absolutely no sense… all they needed to do was create new servers for TBC that consolidated players into healthy populations and none of this would have happened. Instead we got a lot of dying servers and a few huge 100% Alliance or 100% Horde servers that no one wanted to pay to transfer to. They sabotaged TBC Classic, intentionally or not… and so they just decided to pretend they never said we’d be able to stay in TBC era rather than fix the servers.


I mean, I tried arguing my case so many times now. But, blizzard is greedy. And, while we still exist. No one else seems to think we do or that we should be able to have a voice or get what we want.

But, I mean if we keep fighting. I imagine we will eventually get what we came for. Because, classic wow wouldn’t exist if we all just quit and stopped fighting. So I say keep fighting the good fight.


Also show support for the wrath classic era petition to. Just type it in on google. Man only 830 sigs. I know there is a bigger crowd for wrath than that. But I duno anymore


Blizzard rolled out TBC because the overwhelming majority asked for it. They offered a cloning option because ($$$$) Era servers were going to be permanent - so they offered players the option to play both - if they wanted.

We got Wrath because the overwhelming majority wanted to play Wrath. We got Cata because the majority wanted to play Cata and Blizz certainly doesn’t mind profiting with Classic additions like boosts, cash shop mounts and gold tokens.

The players sabotaged the whole Classic movement and can now sleep in the bed that they made. We were never, ever promised TBC or anything after it, let alone permanent versions of them. It worked out the way that it did because the demand was there and Blizz can exploit it like any good multinational corporate.

There was, perhaps, potential for TBC/Wrath Era servers and maybe there still is for a day further along down the road. But much of that flew out the window thanks to player feedback and behavior. Never mind the fact that Blizz is on record as saying they dont want to be managing multiple MMOs which they would have to do with requests like Era versions of every expansion.

You want TBC, this guy wants Wrath, that lady wants MoP and there have even been people wanting WoD and Legion so it makes plenty of sense on the business end of things to not offer permanent versions of them.

You can play the blame game and accuse Blizz of robbing you of something you never offered to begin with based on specious reasoning but I dont think that’s a viable strategy. People who want TBC Era (Im one of them) have to play the long game here and just wait it out and see what shakes loose in the future.

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Yah people are just cowards bro lol. Oh no Im “spamming” or “trolling” the forums again about wrath classic. Yah. And?

Like I don’t get people. That’s all those people can say to me. And then they cower and report me to mamma blizz. Like people need to stop acting like they are in 4th grade, calling the teach because they don’t like what I am doing or saying. Go join your other niche of your cata classic friends who are cool and all ok.

I also feel like we need a wrath of the lich king forum for us to post on. I got accused of that bullcorn to lol. Like broo, you keep posting in the cata classic forums. This is about wrath classic. Yah. Go figure. Im just gonna post in any area where I can get my voice heard. Don’t like it? Give us an official wrath forum then would yah.

Of course, like anyone. I have had a hard time keeping my composure, and remaining normal and not toxic and beligerant throughout this whole thing. But alot of you pro cata classic folks, and some pro wrath classic folks to. Some of you have made that impossible. Kind of hard to remain objective and stuff like that, when there have been alot of spiteful and really, just terrible and toxic people on both sides. So, yah they can stop kicking a dead horse on that. You all are just as bad. I certainly don’t just report people for stupid things. Some people these days are insanely soft. They can’t handle anything. And, just being honest. I would only report if something real was actually said. You know. Like a death threat or something. Or a suicide note. Stuff that often does get posted in alot of cases in fact, but often goes unchecked. But then, turns into a real phenomenon. But people need to stop reporting others for supposed “trolling” Or “Spam” “harrassment” Like shut the heck up with that garbage.

Hard to have an intelligent convo with people who aren’t all that intelligent themselves.

No, I’m sorry, but they heavily implied we’d be able to stay in TBC, even though they never explicitly said it. Everyone believed they would be able to. I don’t think I would have invested so much time into my TBC Classic characters if I knew they were going to screw us. I never even logged into WOTLK Classic, I just let my characters rot for eternity… even if I wanted to play WOTLK again (I don’t) they already blew it by showing that I’d be wasting my time and eventually forced into Cata and Pandaria in the same way.

If you read Blizzard’s statements from the time, specifically the “Meeting the Diverse Needs of Players” section, there’s no way you could have not come to the conclusion they would have kept the same policy for TBC era when (if) they made WOTLK classic. They most definitely changed their mind about this, because they apparently no longer give a damn about this “diverse needs of players”…


Yah specifically that part where she says "We want to make sure that we serve the needs of a variety of WoW Classic players. Whether it’s those who choose to move on into the Burning Crusade Classic content, or those who choose to remain in WoW Classic as it is, we want to provide players with a choice when the pre-expansion patch goes live for Burning Crusade Classic.

So, now. We aren’t allowed to have that choice anymore. But they never even stated once that was changed somewhere along the lines. Just blatantly stated when asked at blizzcon during cata classic announcement, they said there weren’t permanent versions of wrath classic servers being planned at that time. And that always mystified me. Because “planned at that time” means that it could change going forward. Or something like that. I think they said no plans for permanent wrath classic servers currently.

Either way, it’s a stark contrast to how they originally presented bc classic when it was announced for sure. I think people like me don’t even care anymore why the decision and the mindset got changed. I disagree with it. I think permanent versions of bc classic and wrath classic should be a thing. At the very least permanent wrath classic anyways.


Another day, another +1 please give us a BC and Wrath server there is no way its that expensive to maintain. You do NOT need to update or touch it, just maintenance fees


Makes me so sad that it didn’t happen! :’(


How does that in any sense read as “TBC era will exist” LOL.

This was before TBC classic even LAUNCHED… nevermind 20 months later when the game is over, era was in complete shambles and beyond dead.

This clearly says, we want players to be able to play classic era or tbc so they have options. It doesn’t read at all as “TBC era will exist when the game ends”

Not even close.

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