Why is there no Era for TBC and WOTLK

The whole reason we asked for the “classic” is to play the 3 expansions again not cata which is when things went straight downhill for the game. What a colossal mistake to not give us what we asked for at the start of this whole “classic” fiasco. and classic means its worthy of a classic. classic era is worthy , tbc is worthy of era , wotlk is worthy of era ITS WHY WE ASKED IN THE FIRST PLACE. and now we dont have it AGAIN? Blizzard do you even know what ur doing?!


no they don’t know what they are doing


im not even someone who played past phase 1 of wotlk but its because i had personal reasons to get off the game. Im speaking for my fellow gamers who actually put in the effort to get shadowmourne then suddenly now they have no reason to use it again? whats the problem with blizzard they dont want people to be on top of the game? enjoying themselves at the peak of the content? they obviously miss the point of having a strong character maybe because the devs have no strong characters they actually put effort into


:microphone: Get ready for the concert event of the century: Marty’s Era’s Tour! :guitar:

Move over, Taylor Swift—there’s a new headliner in town, and he’s got daggers sharper than your breakup songs. Marty, the undead rogue with a taste for nostalgia (and Alliance tears), is taking Classic WoW by storm with a musical journey through every painful, glorious, and utterly ridiculous era of the game. Strap in for a tour that’s more epic than a 40-man raid and twice as likely to leave you facepalming.

Setlist for Marty’s Era’s Tour:

1. The “Starter Zone Struggles” Era :notes:
Marty kicks things off in Tirisfal Glades, the emo heartland of the undead, with his hit single “Welcome to the Dark (No, Seriously, You Can’t See Anything).” This era is all about those first agonizing levels where Marty slays wolves, bats, and his own patience. Crowd favorites include “(I’ve Got) 99 Copper But a Mount Ain’t One” and “Walking Uphill (Both Ways in the Snow).”

2. The “Dungeon Drama” Era :broken_heart:
Next up, Marty takes you deep into the heart of Classic’s most frustrating dungeons with bangers like “LFG Blues (Again?)” and “Loot Ninja Anthem.” Watch as Marty re-enacts that time he waited an hour to find a tank, only for the group to disband after the first wipe. The pièce de résistance? A live performance of “Ragefire Chasm,” where Marty spends 30 minutes trying to navigate out of Orgrimmar only to realize he’s gone the wrong way.

3. The “PvP Pity Party” Era :musical_note:
In this high-energy section, Marty dives into the chaotic world of PvP with songs like “You Belong with Me (In the Graveyard)” and “We Are Never Ever Getting Out of Warsong Gulch.” Marvel as Marty stealths through Stranglethorn Vale, delivering a stunning rendition of “Love Story (But You Were Level 20 and I Was 60).” And don’t miss the crowd-pleaser “Vanish, Gank, Repeat”—a musical ode to every rogue’s favorite pastime: ruining someone else’s day.

4. The “Raiding is Pain” Era :microphone:
The tempo slows down as Marty channels his inner raid leader with heart-wrenching ballads like “Wipe It Off” and “All Too Well (Loot Council Version).” Relive the agony of DKP systems and the drama of gear distribution with the show-stopping “Why’d You Have to Be a Hunter?”—an emotional plea to every hunter who rolled need on everything. And for the finale, Marty performs “Burning Down the Core,” a fiery anthem dedicated to wiping in Molten Core…again.

5. The “Burnout Blues” Era :guitar:
As the tour winds down, Marty reflects on the highs and lows of Classic WoW with melancholic tracks like “Teardrops on My Keyboard” and “I Knew You Were Trouble (When You Suggested UBRS).” In this introspective era, Marty confronts the reality of spending way too much time grinding and way too little time sleeping. The era’s highlight is the powerful “It’s Time to Quit (But Just One More Raid),” a ballad for every player who swore they were done with Classic… until next Tuesday’s reset.

Encore: The “Log Off” Era :desktop_computer:
As the crowd demands one more song, Marty returns to the stage for the epic closing number: “Exile’s Lament,” a tear-jerking goodbye to the game he’ll inevitably return to in a month. Lighters (or in-game torches) sway as Marty strums the chords to “/Camp (And I Mean It This Time),” a farewell that’s more dramatic than the ending of every expansion combined.

Why Attend Marty’s Era’s Tour?

Because it’s the only place where you’ll get to experience all the feels of Classic WoW—the triumphs, the frustrations, and the endless grind—set to a soundtrack that’s as epic as a raid boss drop (if you’re lucky). Marty’s Era’s Tour is more than just a concert; it’s a journey through the best and worst that Azeroth has to offer, performed by an undead rogue who’s been there, ganked that, and lived to sing about it.

So grab your [Healthstone], equip your [Shadowfang], and join Marty on a musical adventure that’s sure to be more entertaining than farming for hours… barely. :microphone::skull::dagger:


Because apparently classic is the sacred cow that obviously deserves to exist standalone, despite being the weakest of the original trilogy.


that’s just like your opinion man


which one sir?

its ok u say that but you must agree all 3 were absolutely beautiful and great thats why we asked for it to happen again and why our brethren played in pservers because we loved all 3 and now the main reason we asked for it is to keep it like that forever before they RUINED IT ALL and now it passed us by AGAIN! WTH! Its just funny to me how me and my friends who play in warmane pserver before wotlk classic we were all excited we played tbc together and wrath and now theyre back in warmane haha this must be a joke.


As mentioned, they dont want to have to maintain several different versions.

Patching for

  • retail
  • SOD
  • Classic era
  • Classic BC
  • Classic WOTLK
  • Classic Cata
  • Hardcore

Too late comrade, that ship sailed years ago, and speaking of server and version upkeep; its a terrible argument when blizzard hosts many games on the blizzard battle net (now owned by MS who have dozens of titles on upkeep on Xbox live.

Steam isn’t any different with countless titles.

“omg its so much work to keep a game in maintenance mode zug zug”


Funny thing is, nobodies asked for sod or catrash.


All three were beautiful. Classic is just the bronze to BC’s silver and Wrath’s gold. Bronze is still a poll position and nothing to be ashamed of.


SoD, yes. Assuming the survey was real however, enough people asked for Cata. The blunder there was not keeping a Wrath server.


The surveys sent out said otherwise. Blizzard even admitted that the results of the surveys were more positive than even they had expected them to be.


tbh id be down for a fresh tbc server. but id go back and forth from era nd tbc. theres too many versions out rn and the community is too split. let sod end and then give us a fresh tbc server imo


Again, this is a fallacy. People play what they want to play, when they want to play it. If they solely want to play TBC and only TBC they aren’t playing your SoD servers or Era. They find TBC only servers. Same for those who only wanted to play Wrath. You are no different. You said you’d jump between the two, as would I as i felt like it

Blizzard only stands to bring those who left for private servers to come back to the game. It’s the same with Era, those who refused to play anything but Era came to the game to play Era and only Era. If they don’t want to play any other version then they just won’t play. So stop the “Mah playerbase numbers are split” nonsense.


What we really need….

-Classic ERA, 1 mega realm for PvP, 1 for PvE. No faction restriction

-“SoM” clone your era toon to this SoM realm and enjoy 6months BC then 6 months WOTLK. Then realm deleted and start new realm. (2 mega servers also, 1 PvP and 1 PvE)


For some folks, small realms are a lot more enjoyable than mega realms. Unless Blizzard does something to address resource contention, which is a change I doubt people would go for.

Right now we have the choice. If you like mega servers and want to pay for your mats, play on the main clusters. If you like it quieter and don’t mind spending the time to farm up your consumes, play on the dead servers.


I’m just here to add my 2 cents:

Blizzard has no idea what they’re doing. (look at retail changes)
They want us playing retail not enjoying classic. That’s why sod exists and cata will go to mop and wod and legion OR…they’ll butcher classic plus.

now they have a choice and they could listen to us and save themselves the pain.

Just do the simple thing and give us TBC and Wrath Era servers.


The posts of the “upkeep” being too costly is hilarious.

A few nerds could run classic servers thru wrath from their moms basement, so I’m pretty sure Blizz has the funds to run it.