Why is there no Era for TBC and WOTLK

If no one would play them they would be cheap to maintain, problem would be there would be constant low numbers.


Not true at all. Although the games may not update often… the servers that support the games… do. The login servers that help you login… do. The mainframe that runs retail and classic updates.

There is a ton that goes into maintaining era… its not as simple as putting a piece of tape over a lightswitch so nobody shuts off the servers overnight.


It’s not tbh. When cata came out u have all ur transmogs in the new system, that shows that blizzard have a register of the items u get, also u can see it in the restore item system they have. So it’s nopt crazy u can move ur cata character to tbc or wotlk as a clone or just moving and have the option to restore items u deleted.

I’m down for a fresh TBC but I think all people who played original TBCC need the option to keep characters just as Vanilla era players could do it, same with WOTLKC.


The simplest answer is that someone above the actual classic developer team is probably hoping to get people to go to cataclysm and beyond where greater monetization can be found rather than the safe and slow income of subs but few purchases with static servers.

Buy the new mount and tabard for the next expansion before it releases!

Buy the 25 dollar horse and transmog helmet you had previously bought for your retail characters!

New races! Consider paying for a race or faction change!

A basic and probably too low of an estimate but let’s say there’s 150k cataclysm players and 1500 of them pay for race changes and they bought two at cataclysm launch 25 x 1500 x 2 equals out to 75,000 dollars. The collective total of 15 dollar subs offer substantially more money than this example but are only charged once a month whereas these purchases can be done multiple times within the same time frame.

And if it fails they got some extra money from the whales and can now circle back around to the first three versions of the game to settle for steady subs while garnering praise for listening to the community on bringing back TBC and Wotlk or maybe classic+


Would love to see the dynamics of a “Fresh” TBC server, since we’ve only ever had the two carry-overs form classic!


When you put it like that, it makes a lot of sense…

I still think there’s a market, albeit small, that would love nothing more than to play TBC Classic again and for an extended period.

Blizzard has to know there’s a chance they earn more re-subs by giving a TBC Era server no?


Of course there’s people that would love to play TBC or wrath and not vanilla or cataclysm onward but for whatever reason they seem to be holding those two expansions back, probably to release …again…when they feel like they hit a wall.

I can’t say I have access to their metrics that they’re using that make them think vanilla seasonal servers are a better idea than permanent wrath or TBC but I would assume that they think “new content” is a better hook and are hoping that people seeking permanence will settle for vanilla for the time being.

I have confidence they will return eventually, itd be insane not to, if even just 10,000 people return and stay subbed for the entire year that’s a huge amount of potential money for minimal investment, given how many dead and redundant servers retail has I find it hard to believe that it’s the classic ones that are too expensive to bring up.


ez fix, delete SOD, no cata calssic, no hardcore. ez.


I feel the same. It will happen, I’m letting myself believe what we’re waiting for is the end of SOD and the enough time passing after TWW launch…


bump. tbc please


There should be TBC Era and Wrath Era servers. Microsoft: money for nothing (more subscriptions). Bonus: you just leave them alone, no changes needed.


The problem is that there are issues that are de facto because doing so would cause problems in the nature of the product.

Example: everyone wants to win the lottery but if they did it nobody would win the lottery.

This happens with Cata, nobody understands (either because they are new or because they don’t remember) that when they crash against a gigantic elitism at the end of the game, subscriptions fall massively.

The worst thing about these pro-elitist guys is that they take a game that was born as a social network competitively and they are not even remotely close to doing well in truly competitive games like CS, LoL, etc.

WoW is a social network with adventure and fantasy components. Those who don’t understand that, well, play Cata and whatever comes next, but don’t bother the Classic community by saying that this pile of s… belongs to Classic.


Yet Cata failed to reach any of the previous versions’ peak and is on a steady decline, guess blizzard just sees whatever they want to see :clown_face:


Not sure what you guys are trying to get arguing with Nickole, the surveys gave positive responses, so Cata was asked for by people playing Wrath. That much is just the simple truth. Anything about cata, or what is or isn’t good for the game, doesn’t factor into her comment.

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+1, We want TBC servers!!


Make it make sense to me, why don’t we have TBC Era yet…?


the only people who participate in these surveys are probably not the people who know what the real players want.


Why cant we have wotlk era like a warmane server which is bis or like a whitemane realm that is bis for era ?


In a nutshell…

We have authoritative demographics/target audiences that act as bigger fish in a pond that consume the smaller fish, and they hold sway over the programming that control what content is put out.

Others in other posts/topics describe it as one target audience cannibalizing another, giving credit to whoever said it; a few in the Cata forums, I think.

What’s my evidence you might ask? The hindsight of the decisions that take place that make me raise eyebrows…

  1. The classic Andys target audience…
    We Have three derivatives of vanilla; vanilla, instead of the trilogy; vanilla, BC, Lich, as
    one would logically expect. And even during BC and Lich’s time, they weren’t given a fair chance; SoM and SoD both came out in the middle of those expacs and syphoned off from their life force.

  2. On to the Cataclysmic world…
    2s arena in Cata was gutted of content in order to favor the 3s demographic, who obviously defend the decision so stalwartly over in their forums putting anyone down that favors 2s. They use #nochanges as an argument that it was like that before so it should have been so again…

Always conveniently switching back and forth from #no-to-some changes and vice versa whenever it suits them don’t you think?


:point_up: :point_up:This nerd is one of them. Those who act and to some degree are, as I will explain, in authority.

Months ago, this fecal matter of a nerd threatened to report me for sabotage in BGs during Wrath simply because I used a Wrath hybrid spec.

With what we know about the report features now being triggered automatically, that is the enforcement tool these people use to chastise players they simply don’t like…

Which then transcend into suspensions.

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Dude, you were an ele/enhance half and half spec that got neither end cap talent, you ran around in half and half mixed melee and caster gear, you ran trinkets that quite literally did nothing, pretty sure one of them was just outright a tank trinket, your weapon was a caster staff enchanted with agility and gemmed for parry. You were hardstuck 1600 complaining about cheaters in arena while using this build, while simultaneously complaining about how you can’t get some rated gear while being in almost full wrathful, only missing if I remember right, 3 to 4 pieces of wrathful.

For the bgs, the “yeah I’d report you” came from you trying to brag about your super secret shaman tech for WSG. What was this tech? Sitting afk in base with sentry totem in the tunnel doing absolutely nothing but staring through the sentry totem.

So yes, I’d report you.

Edit: wasn’t your suspensions you baby raging on the forums and just name calling everyone you disagreed with to the point where you got suspended on the forums? Idk about in game, but I’d assume it would be for the same. Sure you avoid swearing to avoid being reported (never forget that “verbal thrashing” you tried to do to me, I will link that chat if I need to lmao) but you don’t need to swear to still be reported. Your name calling here does just the same in regards to being an offense.

Edit 2: https://imgur.com/a/short-suspension-cptsEzZ

Added anyways after second thought. Your “verbal thrashing” followed by an update with your gear and talents. I’m not mousing over every piece to show your mix matched gems/enchants, but the point should already be proven without. Your existence in bgs is outright a grief to everyone else.

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