I dont get it

It doesn’t bother me. I know this is going to sound narcissistic but during TBC I actively tried to preform well in game. I took pride in my parses and my growth week after week. Semi HC guild so about half the members, those who didn’t gem correctly, enchant correctly, use consumables, etc, made headcanon about the sweaty parsing rogue and actively hated me because I… played better. They hated me pointing out that you actively have to try to parse below a 20. Basically, I’m used to bad players lying on my name. Wafectus is just another bad player lying on my name. I get some form of entertainment just proving him wrong and watching him let me live rent free in his head.

But I get it. He’s dragging me into threads that I’m not in or care about, changing the point of the thread and using me to derail it, and I am sorry for that. One could say I’m taking the bait, I prefer calling it correcting those who are lying on my name, but, at the end of the day, the thread is still getting derailed due to his inability to do anything correct ever. I mean, even with the quote he used to drag me in here in the first place, I feel most people who read that would innately agree with me outright. It’s really not the point he thinks it is.

Entire post of cope.

You actively got heated more and more on the forums, and I assume took it out ingame as well. You got reported and now want to blame me and other random strangers for your own suspension.

Blizzard does not care about this drama. They aren’t contacting any of us going “who to ban today boss” or whatever your delusional mind can create as the reason.

Maybe you get reported for things like this. Has it ever occurred to you that random silent lurkers just exist on the forums and report things they don’t like with literally no other interaction? I get it, you’re not swearing, but name calling and insults are still against the rules. I don’t get how you’re so stupid to not get that. And yes, I understand I literally just insulted you in the previous sentence. I’m doing so to illustrate the point that I’m not pretending to be innocent when I do it, unlike yourself.

If you use insults, you’re not free of guilt or offense, even if you didn’t swear.

Uh huh :point_down:

Lying hypocrite. Literally 3 hours ago.

No, you did previously what you did with the above quotes. You actively called people cowards and that we wouldn’t say it to your “face” in game, and tried to hide behind random BG queues to actually avoid any confrontation because at your core, you’re a coward projecting that onto everyone else.

I decided to go talk to you in game. You backpedaled and scurried away. I had to reinitiate the conversation multiple times because you were terrified of responding, to the point of not responding at all, which was fine, but then you came to the forums to call me a coward who ran away. I then went back and messaged you again, to which you called me a “nerd b****” and ignored me.

Evidence you random forum posters may be asking, well here is it: