Why is there no Era for TBC and WOTLK

Yeah you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. At all.

you have me conviced you must be an undercover dev trying to manipulate us because your takes are so bad


I work in IT infrastructure but please continue to tell me I have no clue what I’m talking about


The bottom line, Microsoft, is you are leaving money on the table. Make a few Era TBC and a few Era Wrath servers. Make them permanent the way Era Vanilla is permanent. Then leave them alone for the players to play. Free money.


It was never implied. We all just assumed that would happen because thats what they did with 60 WoW.

I did too. Then I realized I was wrong. When I examined why I was wrong it was because I made an assumption based on faulty reasoning.

I made the same mistake. I stayed Era for most of TBC. When Wrath was announced I rolled a character from scratch and leveled it to cap thinking I was going to run around in the S2 Merciless set forever. I was simply incorrect - nothing to do with being a victim of Blizz tyranny.

Like I said earlier, the potential was there. That potential sunk faster than the Titanic thanks to ‘we the people’. We have no one to blame but ourselves. I could go into it but who really cares when people are just going to resort to the victim card no matter what.

Now, there is still some potential there and I actually think that we will see Era servers for TBC and perhaps Wrath down the road but its not going to come before the current money train, currently resting in Cata, exhausts itself.

So going forward its about being patient, asking nicely and trying to prove to Blizz we are worthy of consideration on this but I can tell you if I were them I’m not going to cave to a bunch of wanna be victims crying foul at every damn turn.

Congrats, and there is people who work as bank tellers at a Wells Fargo in Des Moines, doesn’t mean they have a clue how Wallstreet works.

Yes, please continue to tell the multi TRILLION dollar corporation how they are missing $$ on the table. Trust me bud, if there was actual money on the table… they would do it.

But they know at best it would have a couple thousand subs, not even enough to keep the electricity on the servers.

Just leaving this comment here to come back in 12-24 months and dunk on you when the servers are added

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Oh yeah man, a total dunk that 2 years from now blizzard might completely re-do the classic trilogy again because Cata classic is deader than a doornail…

Thats really not the own you think it is.

We will VERY MUCH likely have TBC again… just wont be an “era” that will last forever. If anything we will see these very quick vanilla > TBC > WOTLK servers that are up for 36 months, then die and start up again.

So you created your own headcanon about what was going to happen, then got mad when your headcanon didn’t come true.

Heavily implied? I never felt that. I walked into Outland expecting to eventually take a ship to Northrend, because blizzard never actually said that TBCC was going to be permanent, only era had that promise.

Your logic is the same as “you cheated on me in my dream” like ok that’s not reality so being mad at it is just your own fault and issue.

ding ding ding.

There was NEVER an expectation that we would have TBC Era and WOTLK era.

Classic era makes some sense since ppl have been fighting for classic vanilla for 15+ years… so would be so weird to just remove it after 2 years…

TBC Classic? Nobody cares.

Well it was a thing, decisions which were made at the time made sense. Near the end of tbc people while they did like it didn’t like the group wide meta having to be planned around, tbc did fix the problems with lack of demand for specs with most specs giving a debuff to bosses or a buff to the group.

Wrath fixed the issue of group wide buff planning by making most buffs raid wide. At the end of tbc no changes was still a little strong. A new tbc free of no changes could see raid wide buffs which might make people very happy to not have to plan groups before the fun starts. So tbc fixed vanilla’s problem with some specs not being useful, wrath fixed group wide buff planning, and cata fixed the problem with people enjoying the game.

I mean unless the plan is legion in 2029 that might be a good plan hit legion then remaster the original three, and legion with whatever might be learned up until then.

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Yah this is the funny thing. Blizzard is just greedy. They make more than enough in profits to have a net loss of like literal pennies to them to make permanent wrath classic. But my god. We can’t lose those precious pennies now can we.

And, I don’t get it. It’s one thing to make money. And I get that. Companies gotta make money. But, they make trillions of dollars. And millions upon millions in pure profit. I actually want to look this up in a bit, because, Im not sure exactly how much blizz as a company makes. But this company makes massive profits bro. And making permanent wrath classic servers would cost blizzard literal pennies. That’s it.

I mean, I could understand if making permanent wrath classic servers would push blizzard over the edge and bankrupt the company. But it won’t. But, I still feel like if we keep fighting hard enough, we will eventually get blizz to cave. Classic wouldn’t even exist in the first place if people just quit talking and spamming about it for the last better part of the decade. Since I want to say warlord’s of draenor, and possibly before that.

I just wish I was in charge of blizzard as CEO. I would take those penny losses out of the profits to make permanent wrath classic servers a reality. I am not a money grubbing rich jeff bezos fool. Seriously, to heck with him to.

Like not every single thing in a company need’s to be 100 percent about making trillions of dollars. Sometimes it’s worth losing a little money in order to do the right thing in the long run. That’s how I would run my company anyways. Because, I am not a money grubbing greedy piece of ship. Wish more people were like that.


It isn’t pennies.

Players that played into tbc, wotlk, cata, etc. already showed that they are willing to play a game with official pay to win level boosts, token, shinies, etc. and that they like it.

That is blizzards favorite demographic, they are experts at keeping them on the threadmill and constantly dangling the next carrot in exchange for that dollar. A player playing full time on TBC, likely means -1 player on whatever current main ‘classic-retail’ expansion is. That’s not just server costs, it is likely potential hundreds of dollars of microtransactions per expansion and increases as it gets further and further into the series.

Vanilla players are different - if we didn’t have an Era we would have very popular pservers.


Uhhhhh what?

Blizzard sold for $75 billion… If they were making “trillions” pretty sure they’d be buying Microsoft, not the other way around.


I agree. I would like to see legacy servers for each expansion. Then players could just play the xpac they like best.


the addition of the wow token to wow classic cata was thier plan all along and the whales are buying


I don’t want to say something like “dO yOu KNOW wat ur doInG?!” but I would REALLY appreciate some communication from Blizzard. That’s the part that really annoys me, like, tell us your reasoning and or give us a hint if you’re bringing something players have been BEGGING for!


TBC PLEASE thank you.


I say it because its so obvious they dont and i stand on what i said that i dont think the devs have ever created thier own powerful character in wow classic

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I saw this coming the moment Classic was even announced.

I didn’t understand where the rumors were coming from that TBC Classic was being planned for reveal. The day they announced it people on the forums responded to my post as if I were coping and seething with contempt and ridiculing me for just asking where people were getting their rumors from.

I just wasn’t surprised when Wrath was announced. I knew this was the path they were going to go; but I wasn’t expecting them to actually continue past Wrath.

Like, what was the point of Classic, then? It’s Blizzard being so completely out of touch with their own community that they believed everyone wanted a cycle re-release of all previous expansions.

No, Blizzard; we wanted Classic to bring us back to the world that was gone as a result of Cataclysm. There is now no longer any point to have Classic if all you’re going to do is just re-release the old expansions. Most of this newer content is still in Retail. Vanilla content is not.