Why is it okay to replace Malygos and not Ysera?

Yes, that was when the Aspects had titan-powers.

They don’t anymore. That was the entire point of the ending of Dragon Soul - they no longer have their titan magic, and it rendered the dragons unable to produce eggs as well.

Aspect is just a formal title now, no different than King/Queen/Warchief/etc.

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I already covered that delema:


Mentioned this on a later post, but also goes here: The blues were the only flight to participate in the selection. There was no Aspect for the blue dragonflight, so no titan powers.

You’re welcome.


That’s you assuming something that hasn’t even been remotely implied.

Your headcanon does not justify things. Lol.

About that…

I did not. I’m merely saying in their spirit forms, Anduin and Wrathion had…a different relationship.

Ain’t my fault Disney made a flick about it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Unless they changed something on alpha after I did the quests, they don’t. Lol.

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There is another possibility that also originates in the book. After the fight against the Twilight’s Hammer, each of the Aspects gave Thrall a scale. Throughout Warcraft history, the scales of a dragon have had special ties to their owners. It is possible that since they are scales of the aspects, they are still aspect scales.

Honestly I have wondered why this has never been used before to bring them back, who knows, maybe it is?

Possibility =/= actuality.
Its possible for blizzard to make a coherent story, does not mean they will.

Honestly your joke wasn’t funny or original. It’s been a meme now for like 10+ years to mock transgender people. People might appreciate your “dark humor”(LOL) if it’s actually funny


My understanding was that the Oathstones restored most of their power, with the final Mother Oathstone intended to bring them back to full before Razageth interfered.

None of the Oathstone cutscenes were implemented when I did the quests, and Captain Exposition didn’t mention anything about power returning.

It’s possible they mentioned it, but I doubt it, cause part of the story in one zone is Wrathion and Sabellion fighting for title of aspect after the Oathstone is fixed.

If the oathstone restored the aspect powers, one of them would have already gotten it and there wouldn’t be a decision.

I assume the Oathstone fixed their ability to make eggs, but I imagine that’s probably it. Mother Oathstone will probably be Aspect Powers, as you said.

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Her death made me shed a tear. However I thought how they handled her death with the Shadowlands story, it felt well done. And I would have left her dead in Ardenweald. Honestly if we have to sacrifice/lose Malfurion for Ysera that’s terrible story writing.


A humorous retort to obvious jocular misinterpretation of the topic at hand.

Calling John Money scum and mentioning what terrible fate befell the children involved in that particular experiment has nothing to do with trans people, nor LGBT in general.
And I’ll say it again just because it makes me feel good: John Money is dirt in human form.

A joke about ridiculous requirements to have for literal beginners in M+.

A pointless change to a name to signal virtue is virtue signalling, yes.

Honestly I thought the blatant spelling errors and erratic behavior made it obvious I was being facetious. Facetiousness is not bigotry.

Didn’t realize calling someone stunning and brave was considered transphobic or anti-LGBT nowadays. My how time flies.

I see disagreeing with the way the devs appear to weigh things they’re intending to change is also bigotry now.

Yes, I do think people that can’t help but stick their nose into other’s business to make sure they’re not having any thoughts out of line with the supposedly prevailing cultural zeitgeist have earned what mockery befalls them. Within reason, of course; I wouldn’t want anyone to get bashed in the head with, say, a bike lock or a milkshake filled with concrete.

I literally said it was bad. Bad jokes are still jokes.

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This thread really doesn’t need to become a Pawzer v Maurdeth fight.

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We have reached peak satire where the story would be the same regardless if you were writing the actual cannon lore… Or a monty python movie…

Not at all, again more mocking of certain topics.

It is when every time gender is mentioned you bring them up, which is an alt-right tactic.

Changing the name that referenced an abuser isn’t virtue signaling, it’s trying to resolve harm brought on others in their name.

When you’re consistently mocking the left and LGBTQIA+ topics, it is.

Again, mocking Gender related topics with right-winger tactics is.

Again, mocking Gender related topics with right-winger tactics is.

Or have laws changing whether you can get married, or read a book at school, or refer to yourself or others by their pronouns at schools, etc etc.

Guess they should admit fault and retract previous statements, Thal too.

Again, partly on you for that one. On them too for bringing in an outside topic just to mock things.

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Because there are no Aspects right now. There will be. Thus, Merithra.

If that were the case, Kalec wouldn’t exist.

Nope it doesn’t. They need to take this crap elsewhere. It’s just trolling and derailing and it needs to stop.

Ysera is hot. Malygos wasn’t.

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