About the LGBT thread

It’s worked swimmingly for me all these years, treating people as people and not as their race or sexuality. Sad to hear it’s not been so in your experience.

Not caring about a person’s sexual preference is a good thing from my perspective, but I suppose one would take exception to that if they were opposed to meritocracy on the grounds that it didn’t readily make room for people by virtue of their being in these minority groups.
Presumptive of me, I’ll grant, but I haven’t seen arguments against the position not couched in such terms as to imply just as much.

This is the essence of every negative movie review, all else being no more than furnishing to accentuate the point.
“SJWs mad” is just a relatively new style of dressing, and one not unearned for the inane virtue signalling and mob mentality characteristic of adherents to the monicker.

They don’t need to hyper-focus on it in the first place, frankly, if they and critics would let stories be without going on about representation and letting that sway their opinion of the work.