Why I want Wrath Era

Do people actually believe these ridiculous things they say?

You fail to understand that people want to play the expansion they enjoyed for their own reasons, for some that is vanilla- others tbc, others wrath

The servers may not be highly populated like they were a few years ago, but that’s because people tend to jump on the bandwagon, whatever is ‘new’ or ‘fresh.’ That cycle has been going on with Wrath private servers for 10 years, people flock to a ‘fresh’ server


I mean, log into Era right now and walk into Org.

You’ll see the place is crowded

Yes because in era the realms have been merged down to create a couple healthy realms.

I get there is a small number of people who claim they want to stay in a certain expansion for the end of time, or at least until hell freezes over. But It really seems that most people want to play an expansion and after an appropriate amount of time move onto the next expansion.

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Era also had a lot more players when it was relevant than Wrath has had over the last year. The reality is Vanilla has a dedicated fanbase that TBC an Wrath fanbases do not even come close to rivaling. This should have been the most popular time for Classic Wrath as it was the Lich King patch and RDF was finally put in. However, the population continues to drop weekly.

Just because era has stints of popularity does not mean Wrath would. They are two different games.

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Which is fine those people like the people who play era would be fine with servers being merged down to accommodate that.

I honestly signed it. Blizzard is taking way to long to respond to the feedback and actually make permanent wrath classic servers a reality in my op.


Not my server. My wrath server is booming lol. I just have no motivation to play because blizzard might possibly be moving everyone into cataclysm classic, so I won’t be able to play wrath classic anymore.

I want cataclysm classic, but I really want classic wrath. And I am not budging or paying for anything else until they make permanent wrath classic realms.


Sorry, but the numbers are more important than your feeling of how the servers are doing.


I’d be fine with that too but you have to consider why Blizzard refuses to do that. The obvious reason is Blizzard thinks they’re too few to make it sufficiently profitable.

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Sorry bro. I don’t feel it. I know the numbers are booming. My server is very high pop lol. And I see people going through org and thunderbluff all the time.

So I know it is full of people playing.


My server is booming too & there are raids all day, every day

Just because you disagree with others does not make you right nor accurate


Looks like you started playing in 2016

Probably, I’m guessing this is because blizzard screwed up the client/server infrastructure.

TBC and Wrath have been on separate clients/servers instead of just baked into a generic classic setup(like SoM, SoD and HC are) so they’d have to maintain them separately. But that does just go back to blizzard’s lack of proper planning.

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Is it a lack of proper planning if they never had an intention for TBC and Wrath Era servers? Sounds like they planned to not have them. You can call it a bad plan, but there was a plan.

When TBC Classic launched it became very obvious to me that the plan going forward was to milk players. Deluxe Edition. Boost. Why add these things? So they can sell the same game a second time. They do the same thing for each Classic expansion they go through. Great way to resell a product to people who already bought it once.


I call it bad planning when they decided to do TBC and made it a separate infrastructure, then repeated that mistake in Wrath classic.

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This is the only.game where the players have to fight the devs in order to continue to play the game

And that’s honestly kind of ridiculous

The fact that we have to fight with Blizz in order to keep playing Wrath is absurd


I agree lol. I feel bad for bc classic players. They have to play illegal private servers now because blizzard won’t let them play the game they love legally.

And now, the same will happen to us permanent wrath classic players.


Its quite sad. isn’t it?

Like. what was the point of Classic in the first place?