Why I want Wrath Era


They won’t have as much if they don’t give us a Wrath era, that’s for sure


This is another “You think you do…” scenario.
How many players regret not buying the character clone for classic era? A ton!
The same thing is going to happen with WotLK, except this time we aren’t even being given the option!
People want to play WotLK era Blizzard!


Where do you get your information? I’ve never regretted not buying a clone for classic era. No one I’ve ever talked to brought up having any regrets. I never saw any discussion about it in any chat. Not once, not ever!


There were a thousand threads of people begging Blizzard to open Classic Era clone again after it was removed.

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Oh come on get real, it was a minor issue on the forum. Less than those asking for wrath era now which is drawfed by the numbers asking for rdf and the forum uproar over phase 2 in Vanilla. And the uproar during phase 2 in vanilla was only from pvp servers since it was not a problem for pve servers. Yet is was a significantly greater forum issue than wrath era and protests over the removal of classic era clones.


I would most certainly enjoy a Wrath Classic + with frequent hotfixes to class balancing, design, new mini zones within Northrend, and new dungeons/raids. But I don’t think keeping Wrath era servers out there as a stagnating expansion feels worthwhile or refreshing in any way. But again, this is my opinion.

I’m sure there are a bulk of players that would just want to play Wrath forever, but progressing into Cata just feels like the better option overall despite people’s feelings towards Cata in general.


I honestly regret it. Missed the deadline by 2 weeks. It wasn’t mentioned anywhere.

It was down to 5 bucks per cloned character to.

On a side note, I know it is just 5 hundred players. But they cannot just make 1 permanent wrath classic server. Like it’s not like it will cost millions of dollars for that effort.


it’s clear blizz doesn’t give a #$%@
instant 80 boosts, no limit, no customer service on wotlk classic, still haven’t fixed bugs, bots everywhere, arena /bg scripters and cheaters, fly hacking

back to priv servers boys

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“I never felt this way so that means everyone is the same” - Feywaif


I asked a question.

How is that different from what packfresh did?

Then I listed what was my personal experience.

How is that worse that packfresh just claiming


Not sure the only arguement from idiots who hate freedom and wrath is that the server size will be small. Even if we assume this the case blizzard doesn’t need a large number of subs if they can keep a wow token in cata and wrath. Heck there might be more money in char clones for wrath after cata drops if the gold there can be used for tokens. Not sure cata a weak expansion which will fail will be able to hold up, we might just see gdkp runs for the mounts.

The appeal of new or fresh does work but it will wear off fast for cata as players hit the wall of raids and dungeons which are difficult via tediousness rather than the fun kind of hard that tbc was. God I miss tbc and hope next bandwagon is tbc+.


I remember the posts and can back up what you say on era. I think people were offering gold on wrath for era so they could use the gold on era to buy boosts for what might be called the annoying levels.

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I’d play Wrath-era.


I would to. Wrath era for life lol.


The difference is that Packfresh is right and you are wrong

Wow, that’s such a convincing argument. It must have taken you hours to come up with something that intelligent. I’m sure people are sitting at their computer open mouthed in awe at your rhetorical brilliance.


Thank you. My mom always did say I was the man she should have married

Wow, That’s exactly what I was going to call you.

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current wrath classic is already bleeding
why would anyone think that wrath era will magically survive?

no game can be played forever without having new content, wrath era will eventually dies & it won’t even have any hype in the first place so it’s not wise to put time/effort/resources into a project with very high failure chance.

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