Why has wrath become so toxic?

Retail players

232ilvl is legitimately low, at this point people will expect at least 3-4 easier hc’s too so no wonder they’re denying you. While you probably wouldn’t just outright die to most bosses some would get really uncomfortable to heal or even require +1 healer which is not something people are generally willing to do to work around 1 stinky tank.
Just do the gammas.

people who ask for +5k GS to run things that require ~3k gs, do that for various reasons but mainly Wouldn’t a gold seller"who run gdkp’s gate keep you to force you buy gold and buy items from their gdkp’s?

the problem with classic regard (toxicity/few active guilds/gate keep) is because classic is manifested with Real money trades.

blizzard did add token yet…Still there are tons of thousands of gold being sold on those famous 3rd party sites and most of those sellers obtain the gold through those gdkp’s, as long as the game have RMT there will always be toxicity/gate keep & gdkp’s will eat guilds over time.

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I run 0 GDKPs and would not bring an undergeared player to anything.

Got any tinfoil hats to share?

Well this isnt the “og” wrath… and there’s a progression path that everyone must follow if you’re not in a guild… :man_shrugging: I wish I could join a 25 man icc PUG with my 5.1 hpaladin on any day of the week but it’s not realistic. The solution to your issue is a guild or adapt to the pug rules… just use logic…

Back when wrath was still fairly new, after ulduar was thee raid, people were still actively farming VoA, and to dk that, you had to to wintergrasp and win. For weeks and weeks, I had been going into VOA for gear, then legit in a week, gear score exploded out of nowhere. And when that came out, about half the people I would go with were no longer allowed to go into the raid because of it. You had to have a gear score higher than the pieces that would drop, because the raid leader wanted carried. I went back to pure PvP after that. Lol.

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if you’re kicking people from rdf when those 5man dungeons can be 2man’d then you really need to seek help…please visit psychologist asap.


Week 5 9/12 please visit a skillologist asap

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oh you mean fail rogue progress? i don’t even care about doing what i did 14years ago :slight_smile: i just play now for fun as casual.

P.S i played in top guilds in many expansions when the-content was new & challenging also btw during original wrath i have had 100% achievement in both pve / pvp so don’t dare hitting on my cute fail rogue now… because if we will have a comparison between me & you then you will be trash :wink:

Nice you killed LK with a 15% buff.

I got to kill KT in 2006, something even less players did. We gonna compare dongs now? Cause I promise mine is bigger.

do you think i was playing football before wrath? :stuck_out_tongue:
i killed KT in 2006 with TDE on Neptulon server they was 4th guild on Eu region at some point during tbc.

trust me…you don’t even stand a chance…when i was young i had multi characters and i’ve been in top 10 world guilds for +9years. so get lost & do not hit on my cute fail rogue now, she’s my dress up character on us servers :sweat_smile:


Looks like we beat you guys by 3 lockouts.

Farmed tbh

like any other sensible person. The issue is that some people vastly distorted view on “undergeared” literally demanding gearscore that are achievable with drops from the content that they run.

Undergeared is whatever the person running the group deems it to be. You don’t have to like it.

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vanilla was just the starting marathon for me, i never stopped being among the top
and i stayed main raider in here for 6x expansions

i did quit retail as they quit after long no life journey and i came to classic just to dress up belf characters never caring about progress or parsing, so i laugh when people hit on fail rogue in topics that has nothing to do my character.

your own view doesnt shape reality. Reality just is, you can accept it or be wrong about it.

If you are running running 4.5K content and demand 5.8K gearscore thats your right and you can do it of course. But that doesnt mean that 4.5K (or rather 4K, people run higher GS content for upgrades) folks are “undergeared”. it means that the person leading the raid either doesnt care about reality or refuses to accept he is an elitist that doesnt like challenges.

We seem to talk about different things,

The definition of “undergeared” is very simple and clearly defined. It doesnt change because the person leading the read doesnt understand it. It only changes that properly geared people cant run with him. It only shifts his position and outlines what kind of person he is.

Its a shame of course because I ve ran Alphas back in the day when betas just came out and had people with 4.2K GS APOLOGIZE to me for being a little “light” on GS making me shake my head because they were perfectly capable of running the content.

I m sorry but on the topic of undergeard you are simply wrong

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My complaint is stop coming 3/4 into a xpac and expect everyone to drop what they are doing and carry you. Some folks started at the beginning and progressed (exactly how the game was designed) and are doing just fine.

If you are late to the game then honestly it is going to be more difficult for you to find a team, find a group, find friends, do raids, etc. Run the catchup mechanics Blizzard has provided (gammas), put some actual effort and work into it and stop forum complaining.


Sounds like cope brother.

To give you a example on how GS is way way over rated, I cleared a UK gamma with all others at approx 4400 GS, I did it again with 5400 average gs people and they wiped the group 7 times. People are simply low IQ. GS is important but Id rather have players that know what they are doing.

OP is talking raids, not gammas.
Gammas are just heroic dungeons w/one additional ability boss’ have more hp and may hit a bit harder… nothing difficult about them. A low geared tank in ICC can be more problematic and 9 other people or 24 other people are impacted.

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