Any player who actually played original wrath? ☆

Just sharing memory with everyone :slight_smile: please share your original experience if you wanna

-My LK 25m HC kill

  • farmed him on 25H for total 23kill till cata hits, so ofc had my Invincible in 2010 it was real flex to have that mount back then :smiley:

Runy sanctum Halion

  • Cataclysm the hated expansion even though it was awesome expansion

World 10 Ultraxion25m HC But deathwing kill was delayed because not enough rogues for Spin.
Deathwing 25m HC as World’s 21kill

among all expansion! this is the only legendary in whole game that was ever released just for one class :>
i loved how OP they’re in pvp, was super fun half year playing with them in original cata before MoP hits. oh well they was so useful at mop first raids.

i have more fancy kills in MOP my fav exp and for sure Progressing in original times was so thrilling & was super fun, Unlike now i got no motivation since everything is well known and TheGame was already cleared decades ago.


My only screenshots are of the arena tournament and then a few of my paladin running around on her mount in the snow in Northend. I thought my green Blood Elf eyes looked so cool then I go to Northend, see that there are still many elves who are up north who escaped the corruption, then I wanted blue eyes on my BE ever since.

Screenshot my first ever attempt at a TLDP kill… rogue killed me as I was tagging it down,he killed me but I did enough damage to it to where he basically killed it for me so I could loot it on my pally. Screenshot of me on my DK in an arena, people in a battleground. Back when so many played. Now got no one to play with so cant do any of those fun memories anymore.

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I started shortly before ICC launched. My first 80 was a DK, not long after ICC launched. I geared up fairly quickly and became the off tank for a group of dad raiders

I played on a server where just beating Deathbringer was an accomplishment. Never saw the Lich King once on that server, and in fact never even downed Sindragosa. I think I only ever actually saw her like 2 or 3 times

That same server couldn’t beat Halion, and things started to die down not long after Ruby Sanctum came out. I ended up swapping servers entirely and started playing a Disc priest. The new server was way better at raiding and I actually saw the Lich King finally. Never killed him though

Never saw any of Naxx beyond the weekly quest bosses, same for Ulduar, and I can count the number of ToC clears I had under my belt on one hand

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B.elfs with blue eyes are so damn charming :heart:
but WorldPvp in original wrath was super Epic…unlike now it’s nearly impossible to meet any other faction players

blizzard always trolled new players back then, you buy the game and once you login it auto login you to create character screen on a new server which is Empty, no good guilds…etc
happened to me in mid 2005 when i started the game and didn’t even realize about it until i hit 60 and was like “oh so there are many servers but i happened to be in this one without even a choice :S?” & had to pay for server transfer in 2006 to be able to clear aq40(and later clearing naxx) cus there was zero guilds on my 1st server doing that.

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