Why has wrath become so toxic?

None of this seems remotely toxic


OP seems toxic tbh


Yeh i feel your pain and at the same time, being a healer i would proffer a 5.1k gear score or above tank to heal.
If you know the mechanics, it wont make much of a difference as some of the bosses when they hit they hit hard. Worst thing would be to be one shotted on a boss that requires 2 tanks to taunt off on x amount of stacks.

Some Gamma’s are fun, the TOC gamma is pretty fun when you have a good group and drops some pretty nice gear. you also get a few emblems to buy gear that will raise your gear score, might not be better gear than what you have but with a higher GS will get you into raids.

Thanks and good luck mate. wish you all the best on gearing your toon :slight_smile:

Its cuz RDF was added. Same exact thing happened last time.


We didn’t go off gearscore back then. We went off of item level and before item level as added, there was an item level addon. gearscore did not exist in original Wrath.

And back in original Wrath, no one even cared how good your gear was up until the last group of dungeons and ICC launched. And since many did not have the addon. Blizzard added item level to the game.

Gearscore existed during ToC

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My server started to use Gearscore around Ulduar back then. In ICC it was 100% a thing. I remember people asking for 5k gs for ICC 10m (obviously the requirements were not that bad as nowadays)

I’m still always lost when people say that it’s toxic to have requirements/standards.

They have added tons of catchup even if wrath didn’t really need it and people seems to find that too slow.

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There’s a progression curve that even on the last phase new players and returning players must follow unless you have a super nice guild.

At 232 with some 245 pieces you want to still do gammas and want to get into TOC 25nm/VOA/Dailies/Weekly and pray for good drops for your spec and win
 maybe you might sneak into an icc 10 1 day before the reset but dont expect much


What do people think happened in OG Wrath where there were no gammas?

We werent going into ToC on alts or anything. This is why Blizzard shouldnt have done any changes. Now people expect this guy to farm out 245 tier gear and the offsets. Thats just ridiculous.

How about people do the mechanics. 25m LK H was downed the first day with less ilvl than what !CC 25 gives.

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Yeah by the best players in the world.

Not you, or other scrubs on these forums. You need gear.

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So do the mechanics, thats all those people did, did the mechanics. You arent going to full clear if you are just relying on GS, you probably arent even downing Deathwhisper.

I have my LoD. It took a lot of practice AND GEAR for us to do it.

99.999% of the world needs gear to do the bosses. You and basically no one here are one of the special few

gear is only good if you do the mechanics and know your class. you arent getting anywhere with 245 if you cant happen to do bonespike, do the mechanics

You’re just arguing to argue.

You should always aim to improve your gear to make things easier - ESPECIALLY as a tank and ESPECIALLY as a tank with no connections.

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who is arguing to argue? looks like that is you.

Make things easier? Im having to use a pvp weapon and belt and a dps trinket as a tank because of thier item level rather than proper tank gear

Ok so go do Ulduar 10 and get a Serilas. You can also farm this with dungeon currency.

You can buy a 232 BoE belt, or go to TOGC 10 for one.

Juggs Vitality is also farmable with dungeon currency.

Which is stupid and not in any way required people back in ig wrath cleared icc with greens look it up

Thats alot of assuming. First the player in the bad gear might be a better player that is sporting the 6k gearscore because they will actually do mechanics. In my experience its not the badly geared people causing wipes its the players with the higher gs that worry about the meters instead of mechanics they just blane the badly geared players.

Second at this point in the xpac players in bad gear are probably 80% alts which can be confirmed since achievements are account wide.

Gearscore became a plague upon wow and i contribute it to the fall of subscriptions first time around and expect it to happen again because some genius will introduce a version of mythic io for cata which became worse for the game than gearscore was.

See as someone who was in a raiding guild I never even knew GS was a thing until leveling in cata dungoens and someone mentioned my GS. I had no idea what they was talking about, looked into and laughed at the odd stuff the pug world does and wonder why anyone would choose to live in that world.