Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

Keep this post up to date. Don’t let Blizzard think we are done with this issue.


Make drums individual, with 30s cooldown (same as duration).
Problem fixed.

I actually wouldn’t mind this at all lol

This makes absolutely no sense and directly contradicts the Blizzcon statements. Please reconsider.

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Is there a tooltip error for the greater drums? Is it raid wide or party wide?

No one is asking for a revolutionary change. However, Blizzard said that they would make a change significant enough to NOT encourage min-max mentality through LW/drums (20/25 players in a raid group). By making this statement, not only are they inherently making it worse, they are flip-flopping on their stance and essentially slapping the community right in the face!

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Drums individual only? Actually that also works. Puts it on par with Ench/JC, slightly better for some classes, not as good as others–would do a shadow priest zero good but would make the prof worthwhile for rogues/hunters.

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I think you just need to do away with them. If Classic Raiding metrics proved anything is that gamers have evolved and wont need items like this.

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This makes absolutely no sense and doesn’t resolve the issue where players will feel the need to go leatherworking. Just add the debuff. I don’t understand the logic used to make this decision. Can you please elaborate if there is a good reason?

I think the 2 min debuff would be the easiest thing to do AND it doesn’t feel like “cheating/catering to the player-base” like some other options. The debuff was added later anyway, so there you go!

This is misleading and incorrect.
The debuff was added when Blizzard changed the buff to be raid-wide in WoTLK pre-patch (with WoTLK talents, skills, SWP and all other bosses nerfed and downscaled).

So, no, the debuff wasn’t added until WoTLK.
As long as it is a party-wide buff, it shouldn’t have a debuff and it shouldn’t be changed just because people are weak-minded and can’t say no to something they don’t want to use.

Exactly. The problem is the feeling you have.
It has nothing to do with Drums.

You won’t have a hard time killing a boss because you don’t use drums.
You won’t fail at progressing without drums.

It is not even comparable to World Buffs, where they had more power than the gear you were wearing.

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It was added to the files but it wasn’t applied to drums in-game. They simply made the drums not function on level 80 characters.

LMAO Blizzard, WHAT?


We’ve followed this discussion carefully, and we have a couple of thoughts that could stand to be clarified.

Looking Back

Drums of Battle were a meaningful part of the raiding experience in 2008. Sunwell Plateau was tuned with the improved Drums in place, and guilds tested the 2.4 PTR using them, and then all of the first Kil’jaeden kills in 2008 used them. Changes to how Drums work in this later phase of Burning Crusade Classic would make Sunwell Plateau harder or easier than it was in 2008. That would compel us to do raid tuning, which goes against our goal of establishing as much authenticity as possible. Yes, we’re planning on a progressive tuning model for the raids, but we want that to approximate how the original Burning Crusade played out.

The importance of professions in The Burning Crusade is part of the fabric of The Burning Crusade. While today the focus is on Leatherworking, we know that many casters will feel the need to pursue Tailoring, and PvP-focused warriors will feel that Blacksmithing is vital, and so forth. The changes made in the original Patch 2.3 were aimed specifically at bolstering the value of Leatherworking relative to those other professions.

Looking Ahead

In The Burning Crusade Classic, we want to provide an authentic experience. This means that while we are making some targeted changes where we think they’re appropriate to preserve the spirit and intent of The Burning Crusade’s original game design, we haven’t been planning to cause the value of Leatherworking to go way down over the course of the expansion.

The separation of Drums into two eras of items gives us a basis on which we can make tweaks as we navigate toward release. Players in 2007 felt that the early versions of the Drums were not really worth using. They had a cast time and a very small radius. Our intent in restoring that older version of the Drums for the first three phases of Burning Crusade Classic content is to approximate the evolution of professions through the early patches of original Burning Crusade.

Even though we’re only three days into the beta test, we’re looking forward to raid testing and endgame testing where we try out this pre-2.3 version of Drums. If they end up still feeling mandatory in a way that makes the early phases play out very differently than the original game, we’ll re-evaluate our design.

We’re also tweaking the Sunwell version. For example, the early design of the Drums in the beta today doesn’t include a change that we’ve put in to remove the additional resource costs on the Greater Drums. I think you’ll see that in next week’s new build of the beta.

We’re open to making further alterations, especially where a tweak still isn’t bringing the game to the authentic feel we’re going for. As always, we appreciate your constructive feedback on this issue and everything else.


Thanks for the update, but I and many others are still worried about LW being more mandatory and impossible to drop if it’s a raid drop pattern in ZA. If we go with the early version of drums proposed (tiny range mostly) then LW will be more mandatory to cover more people, and once you get to P4 (which is late TBC) it’ll be even more mandatory for those who get the patterns and impossible to ever drop.

As for the remarks about Blacksmithing, it is mandatory for at least Fury and Enhancement - it’s BiS for both until SWP. Rogues can also benefit from it, of course. So it’s very much so a mandatory profession for melee.


So basically, you’re taking #nochanges even further than you did in Classic.



Thank you for the update. To clarify, when you say guilds used them in testing and clearing sunwell, do you mean 20-25 players were all leatherworking to gain the constant effect of drums each fight? Or that “some” players had them.

Edit: another clarification about proffession “requirements”. You mention the strength of tailoring on casters and blacksmithing on warriors. Those, you must admit, feel very different from a warlock needing to be leatherworking in order to perform their best in raid, yes?


A pretty key thing to focus on is this:

Which seems to imply they think it’s actually an important thing to retain, and want to make sure that it’s followed in TBC Classic - even though I don’t know anyone who argues it’s fun or meaningful. I’d rather they tune SWP with 80 less haste in mind because it’s just… an annoying maintenance buff.


Why are you so desperate to keep #nochanges, people don’t understand what no changes means. You already perpetuated the world buff meta that burned so many people out of classic and now want to continue that.

If we were really no changes then ship the game at patch 2.1 with the terrible karazhan items that are outclassed by the heroic blues, (ex: quagmirran’s eye) and revert all talent changes that happened up until 2.4.3 and make people play with that.

You have a cash cow on your hand that will literally keep activision from breathing down your neck for years but you want to keep pushing people away.


You’re adding paid boosts in the game…