Yeah thats my fault, I usually dont read the entirety of your daily “tryhards are bad” thread. To your point though, people enjoy rewards for being successful in their hobbies, be it trophies or the respect of peers. Seeing everyone get the same rewards for disparate levels of effort cheapens the sense of accomplishment. This is pretty basic psychology.
Either you got lucky or there was a issue with the algorithm, which could of been adjusted to make it so the harder content got the reward more often.
Dexter I’m going to tell you a story, and just for some context I do strive to eventually be in the top 200 enh shaman in the world. When I first started raiding this xpac it was the first time I had raided seriously in a very long time. In fact I was a pug for the guild I am now a main raider in. Anyway my first time with this group it was in Ulder. I did no research, had no food or pots that I can remember and 100% had no enchants. After we downed mother the GM at the time whispered me I either needed to get my dps up or I was out. And she was right. My dps was abysmal compared to everyone else. So I worked my but off to figure out what I did wrong. Did some research into my class the whole 9 yards. Basicly I did what ralph would refer to as being a “Tryhard”. But I got better. So much better in fact that we have had pugs since that said they didn’t even know Enh Shaman could even be good. Point is if I had just said no and never even tried to get better I would never have gotten to where I am today and I would have just been dead weight instead of being a asset to my group.
Yes there was an issue with the algorithm. Basically, when an item dropped it could get +20 ilvls and socket for no reason at all.
You must be confusing me with someone else. I don’t usually make these types of threads. I may occasionally, but the main guy that does that is Ralph. I think I may have made one or two covenants threads in the past? But those wasn’t try hards are bad threads. I honestly try to avoid that type of language when I can. Although I will admit I fail occasionally and get overly zealous and passionate.
It was not uncommon for alts to randomly have more higher iLvl than mains back in legion if you actually played them
There really is no secret algorithm here
I think you are referring to Ralph. Dexter posts in those but you can have a good conversation with Dexter.
This mage I’m posting on is my main. It was my alt at the beginning of this patch but because it got good corruptions, it became my main instead of my other mage. I have multiple mages for arena.
For the record, I hate the corruption system. The level of power creep on it was disgusting and took way too much of the power away from the players.
Ralph is a card carrying bridge habitant. Dexter is a good doggo. Mostly.
Very much agree. Even with the vendor it has thrown any kind of attempts at figuring out how to get better out the window. That guy that manages to 99% parse that boss? Oh he has IS so good luck.
Well hopefully you can understand that try-hard players don’t care if you get gear. We just want our efforts to mean something when we do them. By giving everyone gear just randomly, there is no meaning.
Now can I ask you… If you want to be all inclusive, why do you need to have the best gear in the game? Why can’t you be happy being 15 ilvls behind doing normal and heroic? Why do you have to have what other players who worked harder/smarter have?
If I used try-hard at all in this thread. I apologize although I’m pretty sure I did not. I try hard to stay away from those red flags, it only serves to degrade a conversation.
Honestly? Now days personally I don’t care so long as I can do my content on a endless treadmill chasing a carrot and have plenty to do with rewards that follow that which makes me feel stronger. It wouldn’t matter the ilevel. That said, When I wanted to do more content I did want more inclusion. It was frustrating that people would deny me for just about any reason. It was frustrating that people was so judgemental on a variety of things from class pick, spec pick, to more important things like how you statted your gear. Inclusion just feels to me like it’s an important part of a game. Because games are fun, and exclusion is the opposite of fun. Or do you know someone that likes to be excluded?
You’re right you’re not creating a thread a day, but you are posting this drivel in at least one a day.
Yea, i was in a similar situation back in Legion during nighthold, my main was a resto druid but my mage was somehow a higher ilvl then her even though my druid was the one doing mythic bosses.
Long story short my guild asked me to play my mage for M Gul’Dan, we killed it, i got CE on my mage and then it just became my main for the rest of legion because of circumstance.
Do you not agree that there is a lot of people in this game that feel or act the way I described? Is there a problem with me shining a spotlight on that? If you read that thread you will Also see the only thing I, or people like myself truly want is content where we can continue to play and feel rewarded. Is that so wrong.
Not worried about being labeled try-hard. It has some weird negitive stigma attached to it but I see nothing wrong with try hard to do so something so I take no offense to it anyways.
I empathize with this. I get denied from mythic 15s this patch cause I just play arena now even though I’ve had US top 10 runs when I use to PvE a lot in legion. RaiderIO, ilvl, mmr, are not perfect indicators of how you’ll be. They are ball parks and does the community put too much emphasis in them? I’d say so.
However, there really isn’t an alternative except spending time to gauge a player out and risking your key / rating. The system just doesn’t provide an incentive to playing with lesser skilled / knowledgeable players.
What I really think we need to have to address this is not the normalization of gear or watering down systems that provide avenues for growth / player development, but instead a system that rewards teaching and grouping with players that aren’t very familiar with their class / optimal ways to play / or this dungeon.
I think that mentor stuff could shape up to be exactly that. But I would love to see something like: You helped a player get a fifteen key done for the first time, here’s 5k gold for being a good dude.
I get that you want to get stronger but when should the rewards stop? You can’t just have a infinitely scaleing reward because then you make other rewards pointless. Everything has to have a end point somewhere.
Do I think there are a lot of people who “want the peasants to worship at their feet” ? No. Thats disingenuous hyperbole. I think people have a myriad of reasons (some good, some less so) for the posts they make on these topics, but you can’t honestly say you’re trying to have a legitimate conversation or take the high ground when you use rhetoric like that quote.
Does it? IDK. I really liked the AP system. I know others hated it though so idk. I wish there was someway for them to do an alternative growth system like that which everyone would actually like. But it’s impossible I feel like alt lovers will always hate it.
If it’s that offensive to you, I’m willing to rephrase it. It was actually just words used to emphasize how it feels to us that get treated that way. There was no intent of condescension. Was that the only thing in it which you found offensive?
please understand I’m just human and am subject to raw emotion just as anyone else here. Sometimes that comes out and reflects in my writing when I want people to understand how they are making me, or others feel.