There is a lot of people in this game that feel like casual players shouldn’t have fun. That there should be no progression for us. They think the only way to play this game should be what the current end-game content is. They will always push to keep it that way. And when ever something like Titanforging is introduced or some sort of AP grind which lets you progress your character outside of instanced content they will do everything they can to get it removed. These players are selfish and don’t care about the other side of the spectrum. They only care about their own side of things, and want the peasents to worship at their feet. They want people to have loot envy.
I wanted to edit this. I’m unsure how to make this comment come off less aggressive without losing the full message of what I was trying to say here. So I will just say. This post was not intended to be an attack on anyone. It is simply a message which is loaded with some emotion. When I speak of people wanting peasants to worship at their feet. This is me trying to convey how these actions feel to myself and others like myself. If you feel like you are being attacked by this but the things said don’t really match the way you feel or act. Then it’s not about you. I intentionally had this message left vague so it could be about anyone, or noone at all. As I didn’t want anyone to feel under attack. If I somehow offended anyone here… Please accept my apology as that is not now, nor is it ever my intent. Even if sometimes my words come from a place of raw emotion or occasional bitterness. I will always endeavor to not make it personal. I acknowledge however I often do fail at this. But if you communicate with me, I’m always willing to re-read what I said and attempt to edit anything offensive.