Why do you like/play Survival Hunter?

Pointing out that Blizzard has already commented on this isn’t whining. It’s hopefully preventing additional posts leading up to Shadowlands launch that continue to say, “maybe they’re bringing back ranged SV in Shadowlands.”

Why? To prevent people from giving feedback? You’ll just make up more excuses for every other time too.

Early expansion: “Shut up about X! The expansion just started so no changes are coming!”
Mid expansion: “Shut up about X! It’s the middle of the expansion and they aren’t thinking about that!”
Late expansion: “Shut up about X! They aren’t in the changes phase yet!”
Alpha: “Shut up about X! If Blizzard wants to change X they will say so!”
Beta: “Shut up about X! It isn’t Alpha anymore so there won’t be any more big changes!”
Pre-Launch: “Shut up about X! It’s too late to change anything, the new xpac is already finalized!”

Sorry bud but it is always a good time to give feedback. Even if Blizzard won’t do anything about it in SL at this point, it is important to express what we think about the content they are putting out, rather than just shutting up about everything and never giving any feedback ever about anything.

  1. i don’t; i really hate most melee specs in WoW yet in other mmorpg’s i play them just fine

  2. that it used to be range

  3. a RANGED spec. i would MUCH rather see SV as ranged and BM as melee and yet i’d STILL play BM versus me not playing SV. it’s about the sheer outlook on the 2 specs it makes NO sense on why a SURVIVAL hunter is not ranged whilst we have an iconic BM hunter who is from my knowledge strictly melee and BM being Melee makes more sense due to shooting while having a pet attacking unrealistic as you could literally shoot your own companion thus killing it and getting yourself killed.


Here comes another thread going into RSV vs MSV since ppl going off topic.

Or replying like this one:

  1. I play survival when I get bored of ranged.

  2. having an off-spec that’s different.

3)From what I understand, Survival Hunter class fantasy is your Troll headhunters and Orc Raiders. It’s not an undead thing, although scything things down can be fun.

  1. I like SV’s poisons and everything about Wildfire Bomb with the Wildfire Infusion talent
  2. The mobility because of disengage and harpoon it can clear giant distances almost instantly which is hella fun in bgs.
  3. A harpooning, poison shooting, bomb throwing, no nonsense, extra queen who is 110% that chick.

I enjoy the melee spec. Fighting with a pet tank. Just find it a fun change of pace. I’d call it melee beast mastery.

Ranger doesn’t and has never meant “uses a ranged weapon” in D&D. Some are, it’s one of the archetypes you can do. Most aren’t, cause ranged weapons suck across D&D history lol.

Hell, even outside of a video game context it’s that way. Park rangers? They range an area (to protect it, hunt, whatever).
Aragorn, for example, is a ranger.

A pew pew man is an archer.

His comment was fine, and I’m pretty sure you know that. You’re just not willing to be charitable or attempt any sort of understanding because you’re always mad whenever you come to the forums.

You guys all come here and post and rile yourselves up every single day and it’s wild. Yes, you all got screwed, it’s dumb, unfair, melee’s unpopular, whatever. It really doesn’t matter how correct or justified you are or that Blizzard’s hurt your enjoyment.

Why purposefully make yourselves unhappy every day? It’s genuinely like 99% of your activity on the forums.
Chill a little dudes. You’ve voiced your complaints, they’ve heard it. They don’t seem to care very much.
Blizzard’s gonna listen and make changes when it finally starts hurting them financially (which isn’t any time soon because all current wow players are all way too addicted to quit the game given they put up with BFA).

Stop makin yourself mad all day every day cause the only person it affects is you.


You’re telling them how to live their time on forums / game now… they will get upset at you.

It is mind-blowing how one will keep drowning himself in sadness / angry over a change made on a game. They need to find something they love and move on, not to stick around and stay in the super negativity of missing old days.

I get it.
I haven’t played my hunter seriously since focus was implemented because I stopped enjoying the class.
I’ve put in very little time on my shaman since Legion because maelstrom as a resource has been wholly unenjoyable to me and I consider it a failure.
I’ve tried on both to enjoy my time but I just don’t. And so I don’t.

I said my piece on why I considered it bad (more than once), trolled and posted dumb garbage about enhance and enhance players for a while because it was fun, and then I stopped.

I don’t necessarily mean quit and play a different game or reroll, but for the life of me I can’t understand why it’s like all they do here on the forums.
They probably do enjoy the game sometimes, and post about other things and that’s awesome, but why engage with all the threads that are guaranteed gonna make em mad every single time? And spend most of your time on it?

I could go make some bait thread right now about how BM should be melee too because Rexxar and how it’d be way cooler because the melee SV rework made it way better, and it’d get so many bites even though it’s extremely poor trolling.


There are a few reasons I post on these forums now.

  1. I’m bored.
  2. To voice my feedback about the Hunter class.
  3. To prevent Hunter hating contrarians from being the dominant voice.
  4. Because I have free will and can post on here if I want.

Really though. Why have you chosen to criticize those of us who post on here for an actual purpose? What about those whose only goal on here is to deride us from wanting ranged SV returned? Apparently they are completely in the right and we are the ones who should be chastised? Why?

Also, I’m not unhappy, or angry. On the contrary since I picked up Classic again for the time being, posting on the wow forums has been quite invigorating. Finally I can directly give feedback again rather than just watching from the sidelines while haters hurl hate for no reason. I actually enjoy discussion, the back and forth. It is engaging for me. It isn’t quite as engaging when the ‘opponent’ is essentially just a troll who never puts forward any arguments or reasoning, but it is still somewhat engaging nonetheless.

I can post passionately without getting angry at the ignorance of others. I do it all the time on Reddit, lol.


Mate, aren’t you kinda demonstrating it here? Little hostile, don’tcha think?

I ask why you guys constantly make yourselves feel worse (and I genuinely don’t believe that you’re all not-unhappy or angry or anything, look at Bepples lol), and your response is to immediately stamp your feet and go “I can do what I want” like an angsty teen followed by asking why I don’t care about people who are jerks.

That’s what they do. They troll. Why engage? Fighting some made up “fight” against contrarians or trolls who you think are going to take over the class is some really desperate justification, tbh.
Blizzard doesn’t read this subforum, but if they did, I promise you they’ll be capable of separating out trolls, minority opinions and poor feedback from what most hunters want.

You can do whatever you want. I just don’t get why you subject yourself to this place if this is your every day here. It’s exhausting, and all I do is copy paste comments to my friends and laugh at them.


I’m sorry that you don’t personally see it as engaging, or that you wonder why I wouldn’t want other players to think that Hunters actually think like those people. Like I told Darke the other day. Their trolling allows me to clarify to the community and to Blizzard how and why they are wrong, and to restate the reasons as to why returning ranged SV would only be a good thing for the class.

They serve as a strong reminder to the rest of the community of how completely unreasonable it is and was to remove ranged SV.


Beast Mastery fantasy is based around sport hunting and big game hunting, not being the noble of the woods, “Rambo”, or DnD Ranger, like Survival hunter is.

Rexxar was made 18 years ago and doesn’t follow any real hunter path that makes sense, he is an NPC.

MM is the military sniper and fails miserably at being the “Elven Ranger” archetype that many Bow users have in WoW and it then fails at being the “Fighter Archer” archetype from other RPGs and even WoW. Marksman is a poorly realized spec, that lack visceral combat and class “fantasy”. You basically hit number do math, in a far worse way than any “My Buttons Do Math” spec, like Cata Ret, MoP Frost DK, and MoP Survival IMHO.

Thanks but no thanks. I really don’t give a damn about your fake concerns so you might as well stop pretending to be diplomatic about it. It isn’t going to work.

His comment specifically referenced polls that don’t exist (and have no relevance to this situation even if they did) so I’ll absolutely call him out on posting nonsense.


It’s not concern so much as me wondering what brings people to do it to themselves, cause good lord it’s pathetic. Justified at one point but it’s long past that now lol.

If you wanna sit here and have your pity party and make yourself unhappy all day because you’re addicted to the rage about RSV, then more power to ya. But man, I’d sure feel like a dummy.

I used to try and be charitable when Arctos would link me your posts to laugh at cause hunters got screwed over, but now it’s a major yikes.

You really don’t think polls about D&D and how people play ranger in it exist?
cmon dude
It’s relevant in that people at large who play fantasy games actually can and do enjoy a melee ranger archetype. That’s the only point he was making with that specific piece of information, and it’s absolutely true.

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I mean yea i understand it’s just wishful thinking tbh. i don’t main Hunter so i can’t really say my opinion matters im sure some out their enjoy melee SV too despite i dislike most melee specs so it’s all good. eventually i’ll learn to like it for what it is when i get around to swapping to a hunter main some day

The truth comes out. You just hate Hunters and that’s the beginning and end of it. You come onto these forums not to provide feedback about the Hunter class, nor to contribute to any discussion about Hunters, but rather to mock and deride anyone who does provide feedback about Hunters and contributes to discussions about Hunters. You want to see the Hunter community unhappy, and so you have a disdain for anyone who wants the Hunter class to receive beneficial updates that would please everyone in the Hunter community. But you have the audacity to call us pathetic? lol

Then I see no problem with my request to have links to those polls. I like to see with my own two eyes these things before I make commentary on them. So, where are they?

I guess the crossbow is cool. Thats all. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nah, not really. It’s mostly just all the RSV guys that post nonstop.
It’s also not hate so much as amusement at how much time and energy you guys invest into circlejerking yourselves into a frothing rage about it. Maybe a bit of pity, maybe a bit of thinking you’re all dumb, but not hate. That’d require way too much caring.

I don’t even like MSV, I have other melee that I’d play if I wanted to play melee. I just think it’s hilarious, stupid, and a little sad how much rage happens here on a daily basis. Especially so in a subforum nobody at Blizzard really cares about, by their own admission.

Enhance got wrecked with the Legion rework, I quit it. Pretty easy. MSV ruins everyone’s lives so much they apparently don’t enjoy the game at all and can’t move on after 4 years, even to just being bitter and jaded, and nothin.

I can’t actually include links, but there’s a google docs survey with ~40% of surveyers associating dual wielding with the ranger class. I’d say that’s a pretty decent portion of the playerbase that thinks it’s an important part of the class and something they like about it.

But in case that’s not enough because it’s not explicit “popularity”, WotC does polls and then publishes summaries of them all the time. Here’s one in a blog post:

There are two, interesting elements that emerge from the survey. To start with, the 2nd and 3rd edition versions of the ranger were the most well received versions of the class. Those two versions mixed an animal companion with wilderness skills, spellcasting, and a unique fighting style focused on wielding two weapons. 3rd edition added an archery option.

One of the most popular and well received versions of the class is the one with a heavy focus on DWing? Pretty sure that qualifies.

Point is, the DW fighting ranger is played enough and well received enough to be “a far more popular build than people think”. It’s not some niche thing that nobody plays or likes (that’s just the entire ranger class cus it sucks ayyyyy).

Waaaaay too much effortpostin going on, it’s not fun anymore