Why do you like/play Survival Hunter?

I suppose I gave you too much credit. You aren’t even here because you hate Hunters. You are just here to troll. Putting on this holier than thou passive aggressive attitude when the only reason you are here is to mock people for wanting to improve the game.

Ironic that you deride Hunter players for posting on the Hunter forums about Hunter issues, saying that we are ‘circlejerking ourselves into a frothing rage’, while you essentially only post here to look down on others and puff yourself up. Don’t care enough about the game to give feedback about Enhance, but care enough about random Hunter players on a subforum giving feedback about their class that you gotta come here and slander them for no reason.

Would you mind stepping out then if your only purpose here is to insult and mock? Some of us are actually trying to provide feedback to improve the game here.


RSV NOT being a thing, isn’t a hunter issue… It seems to be a player issue. Hunters seem to be getting along just fine without RSV. Just sayin’, not even hate at this point.

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from the post above, that was my wrong character.

What is it even supposed to mean that Hunters are getting along just fine? People still exist that play Hunters? Did you miss the part where total Hunter representation went down by 4.1%? We went from 12.7% to 8.6%. That’s almost a third of the Hunter playerbase. A metric ton of players left the class, way way more than every other class.


Getting along just fine, I think we both know what that means. Hunters are still clearing ALL content in the game, are competitive from what i can see (not saying every spec, but at least one). Numbers go up and down all the time I’m sure between classes. Maybe it was just because they changed ALL the specs from WoD Hunter to what became legion hunter. Heck, I didn’t enjoy any of the specs in legion. Possibly, others felt the same and just left the class all together, but we will never know. Saying the decline in hunter population was MAINLY due to the SV changes though, now that’s just speculative.

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If “getting along just fine” refers only to DPS viability, then that is completely irrelevant to the discussion. This is about fantasy and gameplay, not just where we stand on the meters.

I am saying that the most likely biggest cause of the loss of Hunters was the change to SV, yes. I am not saying for sure because I haven’t directly polled literally every person who stopped playing, but with the data and knowledge we have that is a logical conclusion to make. Other classes received controversial changes similar to MM and BM. But no other class had one of their specs deleted. Hunter did, and lo and behold Hunters lost way more players than any other class. Do you have an alternative explanation that could account for this?


You’re right, we got off topic since the post is about “Why do you like/Play SV hunter?” Nothing in the title states anything about RSV, or loss of players to the hunter class.

I’ll be honest i don’t care about your fantasy or gameplay. Blizzard has clearly DECIDED the fantasy of hunters was to remove RSV, it is what it is now matter how we feel. Maybe it’ll come back, maybe it won’t, but let’s stick to the OP topic eh?

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Yep, and as we all know Blizzard’s vision is not to be questioned and is always, 100% of the time, the absolute best possible thing for the game and for individual classes.

“Blizzard decided that X spec should be deleted so that’s that”.

If that’s what you think then why even post on these forums? Nothing you ever say, none of the feedback you ever give, will ever change anything.

Now we can get back to the topic at hand. Personally I like some of the ideas of melee SV (again, barring the fact that ranged SV was deleted to make room for). But it is just a cluster of ideas. I really like Harpoon, and it is fun to fight in melee range with the pet. It just needs to figure out what it is, because currently it’s just a mess of abilities without any rhyme or reason. It can’t base itself off of the same old Hunter fantasy because Hunter has always been ranged. I wonder what will become of it in SL where they are trying to re-emphasize class fantasy over spec fantasy.


This is also what i am wondering about. It would seem Blizzard is truly at a crossroads with SV Hunter… i guess only time will tell, and possibly player feed back will help. We shall see.

Hopefully this means, at the very least, that we will see something significant next xpac. Though again, that is wishful thinking.

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I agree with you TBH, not just for SV, but for MM and BM. People love the specs but I’m just not one of them. I play BM, but I feel meh about it. I think once I get cloak 15 I’m going to toy around with MM and SV more…

I would love to see a huge announcement from Blizzard making everyone happy, adding TONS of new things / changes to hunters.

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I like the idea of having a 2h, gives great transmog options but I’m not big on the spec. Had more fun playing Surv in WoD.

Honestly I just miss having a melee weapon on my back for transmog even if we don’t use them anymore.


Current Survival feels a lot more like how a true Beastmaster would play over the actual Beastmaster spec itself, you and the pet both attack the target together in unison as opposed to just sending the pet to attack the target and sitting in the background shooting it with a gun/ bow/ crossbow.

The Wildfire Grenades and the fact that you have to use more of your abilities instead of just one or two buttons.

Me and my pet fighting side by side taking down dangerous enemies together as one.

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This distinction is utterly meaningless. Nothing about SV’s pet toolkit is fundamentally different from BM’s from a thematic point of view, which makes sense because SV’s pet aspects are ripped straight from MM to begin with. SV fights next to its pet, but hey; BM can do that too, and aren’t SV hunters always going on about how much they fight at range anyway?

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Gotta love the year old necro on a thread that was likely contentious when it was still recent.


I mean its the least represented spec in the game. Blizz knows this. Its been ignored since bfa. Aside from small buffs that didnt do much. It brings nothing to a group setting.

Last I checked bm hunters were commanding their pets from a safe distance.

Last expansion? I mean, there weren’t a lot of changes, but saying “It’s been ignored since last year” isnt saying much.

That said, I enjoy the addition of Kill shot to our toolkit. Im glad clusters made it in the form of a legendary, even if I dont love the way legendaries work. Death Chakrams, though a covenant ability seems almost tailor made for SV.

Again, Im not saying that I wouldnt like to see a few changes, but BfA wasnt all that long ago. The spec doesnt play bad, and Id rather the devil I know.

I like showing off my grimtotem spirit wolf without out anyone thinking its the spirit beast.

I like the hybrid melee/range idea and I love being a “melee”, kind of, with utility.