How long are we going to argue over Msv and Rsv

People were actually. It just wasn’t as common because most people understood that it would never happen because Hunter was a ranged class.

From what I’ve seen the only topics that contain this discussion are topics that are about Survival. Not every single thread. As for why we are ‘arguing’, it is because there are trolls on the forum (such as Azagorod) who, without reason, oppose bringing ranged SV back as a forth spec, and deride anyone who wants it returned. That’s the only real argument here: sensible gameplay feedback about returning a deleted spec versus senseless derision against people who want said spec returned.

There will always be an excuse to not talk about ranged SV. There was a troll a while back demanding people stop talking about it because it wouldn’t come back in Shadowlands. My response to them was the following:

Your post wasn’t as nearly as combative as the trolls, so don’t take the tone as being against you. I just wanted to express the same point I did here.

Assassination Rogues confirmed caster spec.