Why do the devs hate Night Elves so much?

Yeah but NONE of those are the main city of any race except for Undercity, but it was payback from Teldrassil burning so they have to live with it.

What do you mean “all the more reason to fight”? Lol fight for what? For something that oh mighty Blizz telling me ‘that’s the enemy’? BS I’m not a child and I have my own opinion, and this is how we can fight because Blizz is forcing us to think something IMPORTANT be not important.

What, do you want me to hack or bomb the blizzard company irl instead of sitting on the forums? Lol

Writers hate it? Jesus Christ. They are the ones who should have never made the situation like this in the first place. They are the ones who underestimated the importance of Teldrassil. It’s their fault. Not mine.

Somebody needs to fix my tree.

Humans were barely even in legion. It was mostly NE, Worgen, and Draenei. WoD was almost all Orc and Draenei.

Also did you notice that most of the Horde story since Cata has been orc focused? Even when we have a crazy undead war chief the orcs still get the focus.

Maybe that importance is a driving motivation to, you know fight? If you don’t want to fight don’t go doing your # warchants. You can’t have it every way you want all the time. [quote=“Lightsongs-proudmoore, post:195, topic:664112”]
BS I’m not a child and I have my own opinion, and this is how we can fight because Blizz is forcing us to think something important be NOT important.

But to you Blizz also doesn’t want you to think it’s important, how does this make sense?

That kind of thinking is so far left field I am worried how much you are attached to this game. I want to really -really- stress this point, this is a game about war, people die, places are burned, horrors happen in war… but it is a game, and if you at any point get so worked up to this point I want you to go take a walk and clear your head.

Legion was not Alliance and Horde on the most part. It was class halls. But:

The leader of the Warlock, Death Knight, Mage, Paladin and Rogues were humans. While Khadgar and the Kirin tor were mostly humans and were the driving force. Those are 5 of 12 class halls out of 13 races. (I could be wrong in the mage and that one be a Forsaken).

The leader of the Army of the Light (Draenei) was a human as well. with that I am not saying they are 100% of the spotlight in WoW, of course not. But they are the face of the faction where the Horde ends an expansion with all their leaders dinning, or forming a treaty and the Alliance ends it with Anduin talking to the humans, or finding Azerite, or choosing what Human will be the leader of the faction.

As for the Horde, yes. It has been very Orc centered as the main point of the game was Orcs vs Humans. But lately, it has shifted better than the Alliance did, imo.

Hey, come now I would have gladly burned the great tree myself without Horde orders after all the only good Night Elf is a dead one you know. That and well Archerus always has a use for new Death Knights which is the only job where a Night Elf actually becomes useful and worthy of attention.

That is SARCASM, dear. Have you ever heard about SARCASM? That means I am NOT gonna do such things, so I’m sitting here speaking about what I don’t like.

I don’t understand what you want to say. What does make what sense? I don’t like what Blizzard told me to do. So I don’t want to do it. That’s sense

Okay I really don’t know what you want to say here.

Are you one of the Blizz employees or wirters or sth? If you’re not, sorry, but the way you react to me doesn’t seem like you are just a normal player. Weird.

Posts often get removed because of the comments in them.

The people stealing your rights are the ones who post in appropriate comments. Don’t act high and mighty and act like it’s you who Blizzard had a personal vendetta with.

Last I checked, there are plenty of Night Elves left. We even have a whole covenant next expansion based around this storyline and there was a brand new customization added to Night Elves as well.

Players get to kill Nathanos in just a few weeks. Storylines take time.

I mean, it’s war. The zones got removed for Horde as well. And as I said above, Nathanos will die for his actions in prepatch.

I don’t think so. Tyrande has still vowed for revenge and is actively moving against the king of Stormwind to get it.

Source? Because I doubt it. She will likely die.

Plenty of races have never received a cinematic.

The villains in a story often get a lot of attention to drive a story forward. Homelander, Cersei Lannister, and Thanos are just a few examples.

Maybe lore-wise, but Alliance can still level through it with their towns in tact.

As do many other female protagonists before they end up being right all along. Have you ever read a YA novel? This happens all the time.

Stop being so dramatic please. I understand your feelings, but Night Elves received the best customizations in SL, receive their justice for Teldrassil when they kill Nathanos, Tyrande has an entire storyline where she jumps into the maw to kill Sylvanas, and those who perished in Teldrassil have an entire storyline dedicated to them in Ardenweald where they find their peace. And the player gets to be a part of that.

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So here are your # warchants just wanted that part cleared up.

The tree isn’t important to you then, so the whole For the Alliance, Death to Sylvanas was for gits and shiggles? Would you prefer to just take up crafting and ignore the war… cause that’s an option.

Okay now I understand what you want to say, but, I mean, why are you so bothered about some hashtags? Everyone does it about all sorts of things. About the things they want.

Uh… I don’t know how you end up in such conclusion but Teldrassil IS important to me. The hashtags are what I want to have in the game, but I know maybe it’s not gonna happen in SL. Then, I’ll just quit the game or something. I can’t ignore the war because I play this game mainly becauae of Anduin. : P

End of the story. Right? :no_mouth:

I’m convinced I got trolled by you in the other thread now LOL

I’m just confused cause Blizz gave the Alliance reasons to fight and be mad at the Horde but you said you don’t want Blizz to tell you how to feel, but you are upset about the tree? Like the tree being burned and people dying was supposed to be important and I don’t know where your claim of Blizz didn’t think it was important came from.

Yeah Blizz did give us reason to fight. Teldrassil, death of thousands of Nelves lives. Big time.

However, they didn’t give us the appropriate solution. I normally don’t use generalization, but I can say almost NO ONE thought Darkshore Warfront was the solution. Solution here I mean ‘revenge’ - the death or surrender of the one who ordered the tragedy. NOT just a Valkyr’s death.
That’s why, at the beginning of bfa, many people thought that Sylvanas would become Garrosh 2.0. Teldrassil was that big crime.

When Blizz said ‘Darkshore WF was the revenge,’ ‘Alliance, Nelves, you got your revenge so stop hating Sylvanas,’ THEN some people who don’t have much attachment to Nelves or the Alliance started to think ‘ah it’s what it is.’
But no way Nelf players or Alliance players like me could accept that. Here is the point that “I don’t want Blizz to tell me how I feel.”

So, okay, maybe Blizz knew it’s important, but let’s say Blizz didn’t know it was that important.

And you know what? They made Anduin so incompetent by letting Sylvanass run away twice from the important scenes, and by not aiding Nelves in Darkshore. So, Tyrande had no choice but to carry out a very dangerous ritual. I can understand why Nelves don’t like Anduin.

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And from what I’ve seen the Night Elves are not taking this and sending their armies in after Sylvanas, Tyrande is done letting the High King lead her people, she was done with it at the start of BFA. People were hoping for big payoffs in BFA but it’s being dragged into another xpac, it’s an on going story that is going forward. And at no point did Blizz tell NELVES or Alliance to stop hating Sylvanas, again Tyrande is still playing a huge role in the hunting of her.

They do? Weird i can say that they hate horde more on that subject. No more heroes left alive worth a anything. Horde control by alliance. Seem to me they hate the horde sense they have not won anything sense 2004. Horde get the lamest ways to lose. war chief throws up hands and leaves is just one of the way. Suarfang is cheated a honorable death, ect. Denied all a person wants its the truth.

What, you want to say “Tyrande got her revenge at Darkshore Warfront” does NOT mean ‘Teldrassil thing is over, stop hating Sylvanas’? How can you possibly think like that. For what do you think Tyrande and Nelves want revenge? I don’t care what Anduin or Tyrande’s doing in some novels. The important things are what happened and will happen in the game.

If Blizz hadn’t said it in the interview, OR if Blizz had said at least they’re preparing sth more (which I think they should have), it would be better now. Because almost all people here would think that she will pay for what she’s done. Read the OP. The interview comment was literally the fuel to the fire.

Also, of course, I wouldn’t be thinking something like ‘Blizz don’t know it’s important.’ If Blizz really knew the importance of what they did thru Sylvanas, there’s no way they could say sth like ‘warfront = revenge’. Gees. Oh don’t forget they did sth very big to the Horde too.

This topic is solely needed, but it’s really exhausting sometimes. I hope you can understand why I said that. We will never know what’s gonna be like, until 9.3. What do you want me to do now? :woozy_face:

Edits : grammars, clarify context

This is the battle cry of Alliance who wants to ignore how Alliance focused Legion was.

Edit: also to think that the class halls was even a 10th of the legion story, lol (especially since they order master does not determine the class hall racial make up either).

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They don’t hate the Night Elves.

For years Night Elves asked to be more relevant to the story.

Story is driven by bad stuff happening. To put the Night Elves in the spotlight, they had to hurt them, so that their heroes had problems to solve, people to save and villains to kill.

And that’s what they did. They hurt the Night Elves. That resulted in the Night Warrior Questline, the Darkshore Warfront and a big chunk of the Ardenweald Story in Shadowlands. Night Elves in the spotlight.

If nothing had happened to them, they would have remained in the backseat. Now they are driving plot.


Because dev’s are all Horde except the art director.
Dont believe me? Look at all the Horde posting in this thread desperately saying there’s no issue, they know and they want it to stay that way.

I’m sure it’s nothing compared to the next loot-a-rang I’m sorry the leaders you may get xD