Why do the devs hate Night Elves so much?

Wonder why your old one was removed this one has already been reported to I don’t see anything wrong =/

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its flagged because it’s a repeat post.

Yet the original post was removed for no reason at all. And it was my first post so it wasnt a repost

The denizens of Ashenvale would like to have a word with you… (PRE LEGION/BFA!)

You may have run into mass report trolls. This is provided your post didn’t go against the rules.

For example:

Threads complaining about Night Elves are the same as complaining about game systems and complaining about Horde getting villain batted.

People may or may not choose to mass report on their personal preference.

Things don’t get removed without reason. Sometimes it’s the comments a lot of the time it’s the op.

The op was about the same thing I posted now (just without the post removed part). People were having a discussion there and I did not break any rules in the post at all, it was suddenly just removed because of false flagging. The reason I was given was it was spam / advertisement… what? Seemed like an automatic removal or something to me.

I wonder if this one will once again be removed, this absolutely shouldn’t be the case. Or are they just trying to silence Night Elf players entirely ?

Ok, pretty cool and all but…

When i said it was not more Alliance focused? And since when are we talking about what faction was the focus in Legion? :thinking:

What I see rankling most night elf players isn’t that Teldrassil burned, it’s that Blizzard has bent over backwards to dignify it as anything other than the reprehensible act it was.

“But war”

We have a word for ethnic cleansing conducted during a war, it’s a ‘war crime’ and it’s punishable by death.

The fact that Blizzard is propping up ethnic cleansing as ‘morally gray’ in their story is gross enough, but doing it to a player faction in a game that is built around a RvB mentality? That’s just malicious.

  1. You are trying to deflect from it being the NE and Worgen getting the majority of the Alliance story.
  2. It was definitely a faction xpac if you played enough of it. Blizzard just forgot one faction existed half way through.
  3. Trying to claim it was not a faction xpac as if that means anything when it focused on Alliance races and heroes.
  4. Comments like “it was not a faction xpac” really makes me doubt that people even played it let alone played both sides.

Remember being horde and having to beg to be allowed to get back into the Alliance city of Dalaran (which had gone Alliance at this point)? Remember questing with Tyrande as she smack talks and threatens the horde player? Remember Stormheim?

I guess I can see why Alliance thinks it was not a faction story as the story basically seemed designed for an Alliance player after 7.1. Just like WoD and MoP legendary quests basically felt like they were designed for Alliance and the Horde player we just inserted into it.

Lol, they have flat out called it genocide multiple times.

Did you miss the ENTIRE story?

Blizzard called it morally grey before it happened. Nobody called it that after. Just like they said it would not be MoP2.0 before launch as well and how “it will surprise us” who burns down the tree.

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And they have also multiple times whitewashed it, swept it under the rug and called it “not evil”.

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No they have not.

Yes they have.

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faction favoritism threads are always baffling to me because they always pick one specific moment in the lore where one faction came out ahead and then proceed to ignore every time their faction came out ahead


Well then go ahead and prove it. All the talk of genocide by the story devs happened after. The night warrior quests happened after. Saurfang running around screaming at them to stop. Trying to save civilians. Saurfang turning traitor. The short story that happened after.

When did the Night Elves EVER come out ahead.

Already did in my OP.

They can talk about genocide as much as they want if they are going to call it “Not evil” because it was against Night Elves, and then justify it.

Yea, and they think that killing 1 Val’kyr while getting mocked my Nathanos was an appropriate closure for Teldrassil.

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No, I am not trying to deflect from it, I said the highlight of it were the Class Halls. From Dalaran, to the armies of Legionfall. Only the Argus content had little to do with them. But the expansion had more alliance related races in Legion, that’s for sure.

We also have to take in consideration that what NE we were seeing there was Broken shore and Suramar. While NE related, had little to do with it as it was not the theme of it, it was the Legion. Aside from Suramar, they were merely ruins that no NE was using ever.

The real NE content was Valsharah, and most of these Elves are neutral, much like the Highmountain. (Edit: And Aszuna, at least these joined part of the Alliance).

I don’t recall the Horde having to beg, but I do recall some doubt with the Blood Elf mage. And yes, I played both sides and did everything on the story with my Alliance main and Horde main.

But once again, I also didn’t say the NE or other races don’t have spotlight. I’m saying the Humans take most of the spotlight and the faction is based around them most of the time. Similar to the Horde before someone finally decided to give other races a shot at ruling or whatever.

Edit 2: I consider Worgen humans, btw.

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Over the years I’ve been playing, its feels like the The Devs wanted to promote and get more people playing Horde over the years, guess they had to pick the most popular race and destroy it to make that happen. (imho)


If this was the case then they failed because BfA’s horde story is probably some of the worst writing ever in the history of Warcraft and that is really saying something