Why do the devs hate the Night Elves so much?

My other post got removed without an explanation and I’m not going to accept that because I didn’t break any rules in it and Night Elf players are paying customers too, so they should have a right to express their opinions and complaints


I’m asking why Blizzard hates the Night Elves that much?

First Blizzard gave Ashenvale and Darkshore to the Horde and wipes out every single Night Elf in it and destroys every town, then Teldrassil gets burned down with the entirety of the Night Elf race.

Then we get a revenge patch where with the NIGHT WARRIOR and Malfurion combined, we cannot even defeat Nathanos. Nathanos is an undead archer and he mocks us during 8.1, how can we not kill him with Elune, Tyrande and Malfurion combined?

Then the Night Elves get ignored for a while and suddenly Blizzard says that Tyrande got her revenge for the Night Elves in 8.1.
Reeally?! Our home got destroyed and 3 zones were taken away, and then suddenly they got their revenge by killing 1 Val’kyr after getting mocked by Nathanos? Not okay.

Blizzard also said that Sylvanas and the Burning of Teldrassil weren’t evil. Okay… I get that not everyone must like Night Elves (obviously), but calling genocide not evil just because it was only the Night Elves that suffered from it? Come on, that’s a bit far don’t you think.


Then BfA ends and the Night Elves are suddenly fine with the Horde now. Sylvanas is awaiting her redemption as stated in other interviews and Night Elf players are supposed to be happy about the revenge they got in 8.1? Killing a Val’kyr? The one that wasn’t even present when Teldrassil was burned? Come ooon. We didn’t even get a cinematic for ourselves, we just got a low quality ingame cutscene about Tyrande’s Night Warrior ritual. Meanwhile Sylvanas and Saurfang got all the positive attention after they were the main architects of the extinction of the Night Elves.

Now Teldrassil is destroyed, Darkshore is blighted, Ashenvale is a Horde zone, the Night Elves are mostly all dead, Tyrande is being portrayed as crazy and our entire resolution for that was… killing 1 Val’kyr.

Why? Why have your writers / devs turned against this race so much? What is it that made you say “Let’s take away everything from the race and not give them any resolution, closure or justice”. Night Elves used to be a great race, now they have nothing left. Are they going to be removed from the game soon or why is all of this happening? Why can’t Night Elves get fair treatment?