Why do the devs hate Night Elves so much?

I wonder why Blizzard despises night elves since they were one of the most played races in the game and a fan favorite.

First the Night Elves lose all 3 of their zones (Darkshore, Ashenvale, Teldrassil), then they get all wiped out and the only zone they get back is a blighted and destroyed Darkshore (in a blizzcon Q&A, other 2 zones are still gone)

They basically got genocided, and Blizz said that the Burning of Teldrassil wasn’t evil and that it’s fine to say that the Night Elves deserved it / had it coming for them.

Then later on, in 8.1 Tyrande gets an ingame cinematic with a terrible quality for her Night Warrior transformation… but then can’t even beat Nathanos even with Malfurion combined, instead managed to barely kill a Val’kyr.

Later Blizz said “That’s it, you got your revenge for Teldrassil” like whaaat? How does it make up for anything? How are we supposed to feel good about killing a no name Val’kyr?

Then they get ignored for 3 patches and blizz said that the faction war and bfa has been resolved (it actually wasn’t) and Sylvanas gets another expansion for herself where she completely escapes any sort of justice or punishments for her crimes, basically has her crimes whitewashed and now the Night Elves and the Alliance forgave and forgot about Teldrassil.
And Ashenvale… the only nice looking zone we had is now a Horde zone.

Like hello blizz? If you hate Night Elves that much just remove them from the game and give people a free race change or their money back. I mean the race is extinct in the game and it doesn’t have any zones left, just come out and admit that you don’t want people to play the race.
It’s fine if you do, because we all know it anyway… your treatment of the race shows it…


I dont know but the lore has been really bad for awhile now.

Its been bad for everyone not just Nelves.


But only the Night Elves have received treatment THAT insulting and got essentially removed from the lore.


getting popular is actually the worst thing that can happen to a character or race in Warcraft because it means Blizzard will focus on them and that usually involves stupid **** happening. Look what happened to Saurfang


I think “Blizzard hates ______” is the most common forum trope after “WoW is dying”.


Well here is the thing, there is no longer any need for NElves or their lore for the Alliance. Night Elf lore belongs to the Horde now with the inclusion of Nightborne so don’t expect anything else after the tiny questline in Shadowlands. I suspect the other zones will be granted to the Nightborne along with any future lore.


theyre far from extinct
They had the numbers to win back darkshore without the aid of the alliance

Why is it only ever night elf players who cry?
Didn’t the worgen live there as well?


…they aren’t removed from the lore they’ve arguably had the most focus of any race in the game by far


Most likely Ashenvale will either be an orc zone or a Nightborne zone then.

Nope, they all got killed in a pre patch.
It said that there’s too few left now

What in the world do you mean? Your whole race was the highlight of a whole Pre-patch? I have not seen any other race get as much attention as the Night Elves…


Too few left for what?

An entire pre patch dedicated to completely annihilating the Night Elves and getting wiped out and having their zones taken away


it’s rare that an expansion doesn’t have a night elf themed zone or two even. they get by far the most representation of any race in the alliance besides humans


Nobody else has received this much attention in the entirety of WoW


I’ve a feeling night elves will never be happy until they are pampered to oblivion and moon beam nuke every other race off the planet.


you know… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

That’s probably because the Night Elves are the only interesting race the Alliance has because everything else is boring. But the NElf lore belongs to the Horde now so is it really ‘Alliance NElf’ lore?

The same race that LITERALLY caused the Sundering and the breaking of the world, summoned the Legion into Azeroth, and has historically been xenophobic to every other races in Azeroth, is crying over their tree.

Yep. The majority of Gilneans resided and died at Teldrassil.

Shadow’s Rising literally tells you where all the NE’s went, they are in Mt. Hyal and that CLEARLY the story isn’t over. Revenge hasn’t even started. Calm down and turn off the RP.


Um yes? it’s still alliance night elf lore just as much as it is nightborne lore

My only gripe with NElves is that Malfurion is never shown to be as strong as he really is. It’s like having a nuke but instead of blowing it up you hit someone with it like it’s a rock.