Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I you want to feel powerful then you need to do something in game. You’re already powerful in the questing world with the questing ear you’re given.

How about we get Horrific Visions 2.0? The end chest gave one piece of 470 gear per week when full clearing it with 5 masks, which was pretty difficult even with a fully maxed out cloak and tech tree. 470 was equivalent to ‘end of heroic Ny’alotha’ gear, which is probably about as high as a completely solo player should get.

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How powerful you feel is entirely subjective to each player. And lets not lie to ourselves. Most players that want to feel powerful, want to be as powerful as they can be. Not just “powerful enough”.

Seriously why is all of this difficult?


It’s not difficult, you’re asking for powerful gear for doing mind-numbing quests. Hell, maybe I should get raiding mythic gear for running around Oribos.

Not really, all they said is that it should scale like other end game content but it was a response to a loaded question. Personally, I hate all jump puzzles… they exist only for wasting time, as is a lot of bloat content.

Reading her responses though, she just wants a method of end game progression outside of raiding and M+, the other stuff was more of the raiders making fun of her as they always do.

They can’t address the actual topic because if they did, they would have to act like a human speaking to humans and they aren’t ready for that for some reason. Sad really.


As a casual player I want the game to play itself for me while I play Epic Seven and Grand/Fate Order at the same time.

This works well for collectors types, of which I’m sure plenty of solo players are, but it doesn’t really address the character progression complaint.

A lot of people like the argument “you’re just killing open world stuff, why do you need powerful gear?” but this is also a RPG(or it’s supposed to be, anyway). Part of a RPG is the enjoyment of feeling like your character got stronger, even if they don’t strictly speaking “need” it.

I don’t think you’d need to give solo players mythic raid level gear, but you simply need a better progression system for them in terms of gear. If they want to better support that playstyle, it probably shouldn’t be throwing a certain level of gear at you left and right but then barely giving you anything beyond that. It makes those players hit that wall where progression slows to a halt extremely quickly.

That’s probably because there functionally is barely any gear progression for solo players. What they’re using is the catch up mechanics designed to get you into endgame content as fast as possible.

Something like Horrific Visions would have been a decent enough template for gear progression for a solo player if they just made a few changes so high end raider/M+ players didn’t feel compelled to do it.


No, because that’s stupid. Why should she get end-game gear for doing something completely mind-numbing and something you can do in literally any Nintendo game or RPG.

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Play tower of fantasy.

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If you want to you should be able to. That’s the entire point of the game.

Why shouldn’t there be solo means of acquiring top tier gear? Because it might discourage people from raiding? Well news flash, those people probably don’t like raiding then, they like good gear. Which according to your logic they don’t need if they aren’t raiding. So why do they bother?

Just give people options.


Oh, they don’t want much.

They just want an entire new game inside WOW specially designed for them

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Ew no. I only play gachas with good Live2D plot.

I understand - I was just going to the extreme and saying I am not opposed to giving them the moon if that’s what they think will make them happy. Let them grind gear progression to the max or whatever, as long as it doesn’t give them a leg up in group content in any way.

Archaeology is basically a gathering profession where you gather lore. Everything doesn’t need to be a jam packed adventure and super exciting. They’ve made a number of changes over the years. The problem is that they remove them after a single expansion. For example, the legion quests. They can these additional parts to add some excitement and help them.

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No, just no. Why should people get the same gear quality as me? When I am actually playing the game the way Blizzard somewhat intended? I am playing the content that is always constantly being nerfed/tuned. I am doing keys and raids and such, what are you guys going to be doing with that gear anyways? Go off and show it off? Roleplay with it? I don’t get what you aren’t understanding here, at this point it just feels like freebie gear.

I actually prefer Korthia gearing to ZM. I had several alts doing Korthia. ZM was a huge letdown.

Look at fishing for example in FFXIV, its 1000% better then the fishing in most MMOs because its action-based, not a sleepy time activity thats worse then watching a wall dry. Archeology in FFXIV would be amazing because they would make it something fun, not a snorefest.

i encourage all to touch all the content in the game :slight_smile: wow is awesome azeroth is big.

People like you are the reason i QUIT Raiding.

It’s people with your type of attitude should have their opinions disregarded.


If you consider less than 1 hour per week of content Blizzard catering to solo players, sure and is something that people that raid or do m+ also do is not like is exclusive to “solo player”.

Solo players are just somebody that refuse to advance their character in group content, is not an exclusive class of players that are different than the rest of the player base, is just somebody that participate in less of the content.