New endgame content

Please for players that don’t like mythic+ or raiding. Hard mode dungeon with no timer or something to that effect or even open world jumping puzzles and challenges. I’m not asking for mythic raid gear, just something competitive to it. Giving a mode for players that aren’t into the esports direction this game has taken while also wanting to participate in endgame gearing would be amazing. I’m leveling a blood dk right now and nothing about the endgame makes me thrilled to reach level cap. I do not like the direction this game has been heading and I think it needs improved.


In your opinion, what is an acceptable gear ceiling for completing jumping puzzles?


It’s too late atm but this team really doesn’t know how to deal with none mythic +, raid type content. Their open world sucks and they refrain from THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX.


Isn’t this what the new open world events they’re adding are basically for?

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Casual challenge = casual rewards

Rewarding anything else is simply comical.

I want endgame gearing which is equivalent to mythic+ or raiding. A form of progression on my character

Depends on the difficulty and amount of jumping puzzles but it should scale to be like any other endgame content

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Have they announced what the ilevel for the open world content is ?

I’ve seen the sets in the collections tab, so they certainly exist.

Or am I misunderstanding, are you asking for the whole loot treadmill just not from m+? Is it the timer that’s an issue ?

lol That’s not an answer.

You get that with Elemental gear.



Solo dungeons.
Dont even make them hard or drop much. Mats will do.
I want to see the dungeons without having to deal with garbage mouth players.


Right lol, there are many games out there that do this. She doesn’t want to do Mythic+ or raiding because it’s esports geared yet she wants something competitive with puzzles lol.

Right, and let’s just neglect those that are spending their time completing a key that takes 45 minutes or less while you guys just complete your jumping puzzles less time than that.

I’d love a way to experience current end game content, solo, without having to be with other players.

I’m fine with reduced rewards, even drastically reduced rewards. Heck, just give me 20-gold. I really don’t care. I would just like to experience end game content alone while it’s current, instead of waiting two or three expansions down the road.

Give me a team of buffed up A.I. players that’ll carry me through in easy peasy faceroll style, and let me take my time and look around and get a feel for the place and what’s happening and how it all ties into the story of the expansion.

I’d freakin’ love that.

There is emphatically NOTHING enjoyable to me about trying to experience current end game content in the usual way; therefore, I entirely skip it.


I want gear that’s competitive. Not to have competitive puzzles. :joy:

No. If you want gear that powerful you have to do the content that awards it

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Competitive gear? What do you mean? You want gear that is as high as Raiding and M+? How would jumping gear help you? Besides, I knew what you meant

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Exactly! Either play the game or don’t, it’s that simple. If this were ever the case then I would feel like all my hard work was in vain because some person has better gear than me all because they have gear that is like 370(as an example idk what the max gear is right now) while I’m stuck at 320 because I did a 15 or something.

I miss when people did mythic zeros.

I also greatly miss 10-man raids.

If they bring back 10-mans, I’d step back into raiding. Haven’t raided in about a decade now.

Pushing mythic and raiding “for real” is too much work (and too long), and in their current states, I’d rather put the game down and play more “DEEP ROCK GALACTIC”




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Once you get to a certain ilevel, the only reason to upgrade is to do harder content which isn’t what is wanted here.

What use would ilevel 370 be in open world, you take out mobs slightly faster ?