Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

We don’t. The ONLY people who say this are the trollish minority— and the small group of elitists who want to try to trash open world players.

They do, but ZM was a step backwards from Korthia in terms of the gearing system leveling itself. And as far as we know, there is no such system in DF yet. Obviously, that’s not to say there won’t be. But the concern is over the fact that the only system available right now in DF had that gear nerfed. I can’t say whether that’s going to be good or bad. But right now, there’s not much for us to go off of.

The threads you’re seeing are the ones with drama queens and they aren’t the majority. Most open world players were perfectly content with Korthia type systems and if that continues, there is no issue.

Excuse me? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Again… trollish, drama queen minority vs reality. Let’s keep some perspective here.

Stop blaming all of us for the few. We are NOT all like the drama threads you think are everyone.


Even from a logical standpoint it can be that way. After all, the term does not specify grouping or anything.

Who said it was? who said grouping was? That is the issue, the term Massivly Multiplayer just means a massive amount of players on at any one time. Currently the game might be slanted towards group play, but there is solo content for the segment of players that enjoy such to do.

Did that, outside of elite quests, like the dead dwarves in the lead in area to deadmines, or the Darrowshire end quest, you could easily be solo from 1-60 and even a decent time at 60.

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Do you not think there should be a limit to the strength of those rewards that solo players are capable of getting vs their group oriented player counterparts?

From what I understand, the open world loot from questing seems to be pretty powerful as it relates to killing open world monsters.

What I would like to know is where these elitists heard that solo players just want raid gear for doing nothing, I haven’t seen a single person say that. It’s a strawman that ignored the other group’s answer.

What I hear is that people want solo content that progresses and as such has its own built in gear progression system. Torghast with gear, so to speak. I’m even good with having that gear only work in solo and open world content. You see, its not about free gear, its about wanting another ladder to climb; another door to be opened for solo/duo players.


There is no such thing as solo player, is not something Blizzard makes progression for or something they encourage. Play the game, if you want the rewards, everyone have access to pvp, raid and m+.

I’m sort of confused here, as a person who is terrible when it comes to social interaction and hates it, how does social interaction really affect the game? I mean, you join a group talk in chat and do the content. Half the time people don’t even talk. And just because you have low self-esteem doesn’t mean you’re a bad player or there isn’t room for any improvement. I’m not trying to deny you have this or anyone else, I just don’ exactly get how this works in a game like WOW. I get it when it comes to using discord and actually using your voice but chat? I am confused.

Korthia and ZM and the 9.0 outdoor tier set we got through the Covenant campaign would like to have a word with you on how wrong you are.


and how much content are you leaving behind because that quest chain leads to elites you need to group for then? that’s the point. the game is literally designed for group content. with casual solo play a choice you can make sure but its a handicapped choice.

Fair enough. I won’t blame you for some of those outlandish solo comments I see :slight_smile:

I think the first drop of an expansion is excitement enough though for the solo player.

There’s a ton of new content to explore, items to find, toys, pets, mounts, etc.

Lots of stuff to keep players interested at the start.

Hopefully a month or two in, they do add some of those korthia type systems you are mentioning.

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People like that just :yellow_circle: me off. Because here I am working my dumptruck off and then a solo player that is entitled is like “I want mythic+ gear!!!” all for doing parkour or whatver

Why do you keep creating posts just to troll (solo players, gear, healers in keys, etc)?

Which elites did you need to group for?

From a few trolls on the forums and it’s also crap they make up consistently to dismiss others.

Agreed. I’d really like to see another Korthia type system to upgrade the pieces, instead of the crappy ZM system that kept constantly replacing pieces. People like getting the stats they enjoy and Korthia really was tailored to decide what you wanted.

Make it long, make it involved, Normal ilevel has been the norm recently and that’s fine. No one needs anything else, as long as the upgrade system is engaging and the content is as well.

That’s it, that’s all. That’s what reasonable people want. :wink:


Where are these people demanding mythic + gear for solo play? I can’t find any.


Like I said I don’t want or need the same things as a player doing M15 content

just stuff that would make the game I play easier and more enjoyable,

And personally thats all that I, me, myself, this player here, this individual, desires.

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Archeology needs a rework, right now its the most boring thing in existence alongside fishing.


The counter is how much do you have to leave behind because few, if any, did those quests? Some of these “solo players” might be the kind to do these quests, but can never find a group for them so they want the ability to get better gear or whatever in order to solo them.

It is now, but as others have said, Blizzard will do what they think will make the most money/keep the most money in their pocket. If they start to lose due to the solo players quitting en masse, they will likely try to reinvigorate that part of the player base.


I think the massive misconception is that raiders and m+ players think solo players want top tier gear for doing nothing. Which simply isn’t true. That would be boring.

Solo players want a means to acquire top tier gear solo. Mage tower, or crazy grinds, or w/e system you can think of that allows people to acquire top tier gear solo.

“But why do you need top tier gear if you are only doing solo stuff”

Because this is a game about advancing your character and feeling powerful. And its fun to feel powerful. Do people really need a reason to want top tier gear? No.

Why do raiders do raids? If its for the gear, why? They wouldn’t need the gear if they weren’t raiding, right? See how bad that logic is?

People just like feeling powerful in a game. Which is what WoW is, a game. And it’s suppose to be fun.

Why is all of this so hard to understand?


I don’t know they’ve been around though. I was going to send this one post but it’s irrelevant well okay not really but this person wants gear for doing parkour:New endgame content

Sure there is. :slight_smile: