Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

People who don’t talk out of their rear? Or just have zero tolerance for nonsense?

Because either way, you weren’t fit for it if that’s the case. If you don’t raid outside LFR or dungeon above +10, I don’t care what you think about any loot system, any class balance, or any form of endgame progression.

I think all levels of game play should feel as if it has its own awards for progression. I don’t think that it should suddenly come to an end early in an xpac with the feeling one has only the option to pay a part of the game (ie raiding, mythic + or PVP content) in order to just continue to progress for the next year n half of an xpac life cycle. There is more than enough room for everyone’s style of play, even though who like just world content.

Pretty much all of these arguments could have, and were, thrown at people who wanted dungeons to give better gear a decade ago. They’re things that are hilariously easily addressed.

Handing people freebie endgame gear is always going to be a bad idea, but they didn’t do that for dungeons. They went and made a proper progression system for those players to play through to get that gear.

There is very little reason they couldn’t do it for solo players too rather than simply throwing it at players for doing world quests.

So, them saying people have zero game experience outside of LFR is offensive? I mean, it’s slightly true, they don’t have experience with Heroic raiding or really anything else that isn’t qued based. There’s nothing wrong with but people who only do LFR why should they get a say with how everything functions in the game when they only do one thing? Like do whatever you want, I don’t care. But we shouldn’t have to change the whole game to cater to a group of players that want high gear for doing something that is easily achievable.

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t care what content you do but it becomes a problem when people feel entitled to get good gear as those who actually try to strive to better themselves in game. And I’m not saying LFR people have zero experience with the game, they’re good at many other things and know a lot more about certain things in-game but they don’t know how other stuff works.

Not sure the point is to convince some self-righteous rando on the forum that their opinion matters, you chose to be part of this discussion.

It is better (IMO) but I dunno about thousands of times better.
It’s a bit more interactive and has many more options for sure, but still basically you
cast → wait → hear a noise → reel in → Fish!

I was raiding long before you even starting playing this game, so I know what I’m talking about.

I use to raid 4-5 days a week back in the day, so you’re the one talking out of your rear.

IMO, ffxiv is a bit complex when it comes to certain things.

Raiding in Wrath is not considered being “experienced” in raiding in any way shape of form.

I’m not asking for high-end gear,

Raiding in the olden days was like standing there and killing something with a mechanic or two thrown in.

What are you asking for then lol

So what is then?

Oneshot ubbergeared nerds in front of stormwind auction house.

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as a solo player no way am i thinking i am entitled to raid or mythic gear, however if i see a way of getting better gear solo of course am going to go for it, and would love solo dungeons, more quests, anything actually that makes it possible solo


To say you know what you are talking about for current raiding? Probably Legion mythic raiding, anything before that was another beast.

The way I see it there are 3 eras of raiding:

-Classic, TBC and Wrath

-Cata, MoP and WoD

-Legion, BFA and Shadowlands

Raiding in any of those 3 different eras are vastly different experiences.

Best response this post.

Their fishing takes skill and challenges like the shark mount was fun! Fishing ain’t a joke over there, actual use of skills and how to manage keeps it fun.

Ok if you say so

As somebody that has raided in all of those expansion, yeah I said so. Somebody that only raided back in Wrath, has no idea what it is to currently raid mythic or even heroic.

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Oh, grow up.