Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I’ve seen some threads where apparently, solo players feel like they are getting nothing compared to the Raiders / M+ / Rated PvP players.

If this is the case, why do you feel this way?

What should you be getting if you are a Solo player, vs someone who puts effort in to participate in group oriented play?

I’d really love to know, because its hard to get on your side when all I see is what amounts to whining on the forums. You’re not giving us any reason to back you.


easy answer everything. AND nothing. only thing worse than their desire for free bis tier is their insatiable need to complain and demand to see the manager.


This is the issue: your mindset is that only group play is “putting effort” into the game.

Open world players are mostly just asking for an engaging system that rewards them in a manner befitting the content they do.

For me, that’s a Korthia style gear ranking system in an engaging environment at end game.

Most open world players are NOT asking for mythic level gear. There’s nothing wrong with the ilevel we received from Korthia when it was current.


You’re not going to get a consensus because everyone’s got a different opinion on what they want.

You wanna get right down to it there’s An abundance of solo activity to be done even today.

But without proper rewards why would you do it? I will admit that I wouldn’t do mythic plus without gear… I would only raid a handful of times without gear.

Gear is king, and we will never see eye to eye on how much a solo player deserves.


Because comparatively, they don’t? Questing dries up real fast.

And it has to. Narrative-driven questing is, at the best of times, extremely low replay value in most games, not just MMOs, and also requires a lot of upfront work for not a lot of play time, at least the way WoW handles questing.

So that leaves dailies/WQ type activities, which solo players often criticize as lazy, time gated, uninspired, what have you. There’s also activities like the Mage Tower, which are a big hit, and they’ve tried to recapture lightning in a bottle and the best result was to just bring that content back.


We don’t get anything really lol
The content itself is realllllly bottom of the barrel stuff.

I speak for myself; we got more ‘things’ to do as expansions went on with more focus on the solo player BUT ultimately I don’t need top end gear. I’d like to have things that make sense in the environment. And if it’s a ‘slower’ progression with gear, that’s fine, but again, the implementation of such ideas make or break the experience.


blizzard could have struck gold with torghast because of this, if it had only had a better rewards system. it needed gear rewards that would slowly upgrade as you hit higher floors, which would enable solo players to continue to progress alone. instead we were locked out until we either bit the bullet and ran group content or waited until future gear catchups came out


Here we go again. I need to put my phone down and do irl.

Something’s in the water today.

Jebus take the wheel


Torghast for me wasn’t only a rewards issue.
They skimped on the powers, and NOT making them actually whacky and fun which IMO they should of been…
I really found that place more annoying as time went on.


Torghast wasn’t for me because it took too long to do, there were no pause points, no save points, and after an hour or more on a single run, I really didn’t get anything as a reward for it other than stygia or whatever that as a solo player, I didn’t need. Had there been a way to save progress and come back later, that would have been fine but having to leave mid-run was always a huge waste and never felt good.


I bet those threads you saw explain it in quite a bit of detail, and probably over the course of hundreds of thousands of replies.


Most solo players I know including myself just want solo or small group (less than 5) instanced/WQ, progressive content. Torghast was a great idea but lacked progressive gear even though it required progressive gear, meaning you had to gear up elsewhere to do the progression system. If they made a new Torghast that allowed players to progress inside, that would satisfy many solo players.

Everyone says entitlement, or laziness, or whatever but really its just wanting a different kind of content not tied to others and not the basic outdoor grinds. It’s a difference in play style, mostly from people who don’t want to deal with others so often and that’s OK.

I don’t know of a single person who has asked for raid gear for solo content, that is a strawman by the “elitists” to argue because arguing against people wanting single player instanced content and progression doesn’t sound as appealing.


No, “everyone” doesn’t say that. Very few people actually say that.

What almost “everyone” will tell you, though, is that rewards need to be appropriate to the challenge overcome to get those rewards. That’s RPG Design 101 as laid out by Gary Gygax in the early 1970’s.

And as history has shown, Blizzard CANNOT have challenging solo or open-world content without people screaming about how “hard” it is. Suramar, Maw, Torghast, Mage Tower, Horrific Visions, the list goes on and on.

Just take a look at how people imploded over the latest version of Mage Tower. Can you IMAGINE the response if that was a primary gearing method, in the game?


Why do you people feed this obvious troll?


I’ve never heard a single person as for raid level gear outside of raids, so you’re making a strawman here.

You miss the point, the challenging solo stuff has always required high ilevel gear, which means its not progressive to solo players, its solo content for raiders.

The mage tower is solo content for raiders and M+, there is no place else to get gear good enough for that content outside of them. The ilevel gap is too large. If people could do a Torghast style dungeon and have gear progression, they’d be fine.

Calm down.


FOMO. 10char

People on these forums, as a general rule, have zero game experience outside of LFR, and should have their opinions disregarded.


Raiders and M+ runners complained Torghast to death and i loved that place. You people deserve to lose now.


The MT in its latest iteration actually favored a legacy set rather than higher ilvl. If anything, people were upset that they were getting raked by players who had, fortunately for them, kept up with their crafting professions going back to Pandaria.

A Mythic raider going in fully decked in Sepulcher gear might have had a harder time than someone with the right trinkets, enchants and about 10-12 gem sockets in their gear.

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I can’t understand what is engaging in wow outside of M+. Nothing comes to mind.

LFR to unlock the story cinematic ending and I don’t find raiding fun.
Even though raid drop trinkets are more interesting, I have zero interest to raid to obtain & fine with that choice.