Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

from what i’ve seen its mostly because open world players feel they deserve mythic level loot, similar ilvl to +15s and mythic raid bosses.

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I’d like for you to show me where I said this was happening or what it has to do with anything. Strawman much?

So you just ignored my post to make a strawman? Okay then. Clearly it was a waste to participate in this thread.


For what though? Like seriously, what are they going to do with that high gear? Do a stupid jumping obby while killing things?

I’m not even necessarily talking about BIS loot.

I’m just wanting to know what Solo players perceive that their group counterparts are getting over and above them?

They haven’t even begun to answer that question. Its like they got offended by me asking the question and proceed to ramble about what it means to play an mmo. lol.

Please tell me. Why do Solo players feel “shafted” or any of the other terms that ive seen thrown around as it relates to what they can or cannot do in Dragonflight?

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maybe from a tech. standpoint. but from a logical standpoint no. gameplay design is clearly toward grouping for content. it is safe to assume that when talking about this game when they say massive multiplayer online they mean doing group content. pvping. raiding. dungeons. even grouping for rp if thats what you want. solo play isn’t the main focus of the game and never has been. let me know how vanilla questing goes without ever joining a group.

You literally have. It’s FOMO.

Because they want wow to be skyrim…where you get the best gear possible ingame for content that doesn’t need it and for little to no effort.

The question you posed was answered.

That question right there? :point_up_2:

Answered. :point_down:


ok i dont buy fomo on this one. u can’t just blame everything on fomo

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i’m making chicken tacos tonight


Incorrect. There is only a trollish minority on this forum who tries to claim as much. Most of us open world players are perfectly content with the ilevel we got from Korthia when it was current.


Correct, you can’t blame everything on FOMO. However, this is FOMO. They want to feel like the game has enough content for them, and if it doesn’t feel that way, lo and behold… you feel you’re missing out.

i have no idea hehe.

isnt that how buzzwords work?

EXACTLY! So, what the hell do they need the gear for? Just as an easy way to get gear without going through hell with keys and raids and getting a bloodshot eye?

My apologizes, I didn’t see this reply.

To my knowledge, they do add in those solo oriented systems throughout the lifecycle of any given expansion. Evidence can be seen recently in Shadowlands.

Not sure what you are looking for here, when Blizzard already does what you are asking for.

I don’t speak for ALL solo players but…
I’ll bite as I usually play solo nowadays.

  1. I don’t feel this way so none of that applies to me
  1. I should … well, I would like to get the same things as those “efforting” players: gear/items that make the things I do in-game easier to do.

I don’t need the same things as them, just what would make my gameplay easier

It’s pretty simple to understand.


Solo players who think they deserve M+ loot may just have some sort of social anxiety joining groups with other people. Or they could just have low self esteem, be new to the game and think they’re not that good.

Solo players like myself who have played solo for 6+ years don’t really care about your gear. We never see you in game to acknowledge your higher level gear and probably don’t care if we do see you standing around a major city trying to show off your new shoulders.


I just don’t know what Blizzard can do to satisfy your lust and hunger for gear than what they are already doing.

I see you make a rational argument, but when blizzard implements these things, i see more and more solo players saying its not enough.

When is it enough for you people?

Well what I want is seemingly in the minority…

  • Return of Archaeology.
  • More quests in every zone.
  • reuse of old dungeons outside of gear progression. New bosses, new mobs, new stories. Not the timewalking rehash.
  • Actual zones added in patches. Timeless Isle, Mechagon, Korthia, are small and boring with little reason to repeat them. Zerith Mortis was a bit better in size but simply empty aside from running around and doing “rares”
  • More hidden adventures like Ba’al.
  • The ability to bring my garrison to Azeroth and place it in a zone of my choice.

Literally any form of progression, rather than determined by level. There was some of it in Shadowlands, but it’s hard not to feel like it was hollow. Set pieces from the covenants and increasing World Quest rewards with a catch.

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