Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

That doesn’t change the question. Can you use Static Flight in the Dawnbreaker dungeon or not?

Not the point.

So is Dawnbreaker Mythic-only? You won’t ever see it in a random dungeon or random heroic queue? Specifically will only see it by going to it and entering the dungeon door for it as an m0?

Stop being deliberately obtuse. You know exactly what I’m talking about and exactly what the issue is. Stop dancing around it.

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Stop being so damn thick headed when I say max level dungeon I meant dungeons that is for level 80s only on all DIFFICULTY.

Dawnbreaker is basically another nokkud offensive so you tell me if it allows steady flight because I already know the answer. And plus you can already go into nokkud right now and try it yourself with your mounts.

The one being obtuse is you. Since you are being so sarcastic thinking you know everything when you clearly don’t. I doubt you have even read up what is in the next expansion nor I doubt you have beta access if you did you when then know everything. But, based on how you comment you don’t.

So you can get it from a random normal or random heroic dungeon queue at 80.

So you don’t know?

I do know whether or not you do it’s up to you to see.

So are you going to answer or not?

Why not you find out yourself once the expansion launches in just a month. I don’t need to confirm anything for you.

Alright, so since you’re being evasive about it, I’ll answer.

On the beta, static flight is non-functional in Dawnbreaker. So for somebody who can’t Dragonride or doesn’t like Dragonriding, this is a problem dungeon. Much like Nokhud was.

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Really? Because based on all of your responses you don’t have beta if you did you would know how everything is. But, I guess you only watch YouTubers that were testing the beta. Or maybe you do have beta but haven’t gotten the pathfinder achievement and just making falsified claims.

Nice feature to Dragonflight :slight_smile:

In the War within it will apparently become part of a large number of mounts.
But it’s your choice if you want to use it.

So, firstly, that’s a pretty ignorant take. Plenty of people on the beta exclusively to do endgame testing. (And plenty of people who just bought it to have something new to do without much intent on specifically hunting down bugs/errors).

Secondly… Even if somebody does have the beta and is doing testing, they may not be aware of every single small change made. Since I have yet to see any specific blue post or any other reliable source mentioning Dawnbreaker being modified to accommodate people who can’t Dragonride or people who have issues with it, and no confirmation of unlocking Pathfinder on the beta permitting static flight within Dawnbreaker from people actually in the beta testing, I’m working off of the information I’ve got. No need to get like this with me.

You’d be assuming wrong. You know what they say about assumptions, yea?

I don’t have Pathfinder on the beta, but from what I can tell from talking to people who are actually on the beta with me, having Pathfinder isn’t enabling Static Flight in the Dawnbreaker dungeon. It may be that acquisition isn’t enabled or is bugged, but this is a problem that needs to be resolved before launch, not months after.

If you’ve got information or a confirmation contradicting what I’m saying, I would be more than happy to drop my entire point about Dawnbreaker, as that would actually be a welcome sign of Blizzard moving to not restrict access to that dungeon despite its presence in Normal/Heroic random dungeon queues. :slight_smile:

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Hence, Ride Along.

That’s wonderful in a coordinated format with people you know will cooperate, but this isn’t always the case.

There’s also just no good reason to actively disable Static Flight in a dungeon where Dragonriding is enabled.

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My main complaint was how it would make me extremely sick most of dragonflight with no fixes until the .5 abberus patch. There’s more stuff coming in TWW but I’m still baffled as to why all of these things weren’t available when dragonriding first came out

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dragonriding has become one of my fav features of wow

It does not honestly because simply put there is no solid argument to gate TBC normal flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Which is still more than the nothing they’d have to do if they didn’t lock it at all…

This makes no sense. So a small amount of negative attention to a minority is somehow better than no negative attention at all? I’m not suggesting a significant amount of the player base cares about it being locked, it’s certainly not. It’s just still very unclear why Blizzard would want to garner negative attention from anyone when it seems like not locking the flight at all wouldn’t garner any.

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If blizzard worried about every little thing that garnered a tiny percent of negative attention, we wouldn’t have a game.

Not enough people care to make it worthy of changing. Plain and simple.

I have beta. Please read the following: Good job Blizzard, you created an entire dungeon that is an accessibility nightmare


Again, this only makes sense when talking about the status quo. Blizzard did more work putting steady flight behind a gate than it would take to just have it be available from day 1. I’m literally asking for Blizzard to take the path of least resistance in every conceivable way…


For the thousandth time. Marketing and story. They also don’t care about bc flying as seen in ions interview.

And not enough people care for them to NOT do it is the point I’m making.

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