Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I disagree that this would be good from a marketing perspective, but that’s fine. This is quite different from:

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Just your guess, one I don’t agree with.

You don’t know this.


I am trying to find the positives but so far there isn’t anything other than it makes them look bad.

I mean what does BlizZard gain by locking away TBC normal flying if players are saying this will contribute to a negative game experience? Where are the players that believe it is a positive game experience?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I don’t think the amount of people that prefer or have to rely on steady flight, or even those that use both, is an insignificant number. It’s more likely they hope to get more players to use DF now that they converted so many mounts to DF.


I can send you him standing on stage saying the other thing if you’d like.

I do actually. The lack of attention on the forums is a clear example of this.
If people truly cared, they would make a fus.
Heck I used an example from this very expansion where players actively made blizzard backstep changes.

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I think they are not very smart because all this will do along with the super long toggle to switch between DR and TBC normal flying will cause more people to just stick with TBC normal flying. The maps are so small that you are better off using TBC normal flying and then using a hearthstone out. DR will have its place to use for long distances but that isn’t going to be as common in TWW because the mapsare tiny.

Their ploy is going to backfire.

People presume that with the long toggle that people will just stick with DR but if people need precise flying to interact better with the game world then logically they are just going to stick with TBC normal flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Its not that, its the argument of how many care about pathfinder.
I know many that use bc, but they don’t mind waiting a few days to unlock it when TWW drops.

Thats exactly it. They also don’t really want to support bc flying anymore either.


My experience in Beta says it’s a lot more than a few days. Some that oppose Steady Flight say it will only take a few hour, why even bother with the gate keeping then?

You continue to campaign against those that use Steady Flight, please stop.


If it takes a few hours then there is no point in gating it. In fact if it takes a few days there is also no point in gating TBC normal flying.

What are we doing here?

We all know it hurts disabled players the most at this point.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s more than disabled players, Dragon Flying gives me motion sickness. I play games for fun, not to get sick. I’ve used all the motion sickness settings in Beta, it still makes me sick.

I believe Blizzards goal in this gate keeping and slow toggle switch between flight modes is to remove steady flight from the game. I’ve played since Vanilla, it would be very disappointing to me if they remove the steady flight mode.


So, for myself personally, I LOVE dragon riding. Once I got the hang of it, I found it super fun.

However, even with the motion sickness settings, one of my best friends gets so motion sick while playing that she actively rides on one of us and closes her eyes the entire time when she plays (or regular flies now) - i imagine maybe other people have similar issues.

Honestly I have bad motion sickness. There was a horror game I played for like five minutes that had terrible camera blur. I was sick for hours. I’m actually surprised dragon riding doesn’t trigger it in my brain/stomach, but I can fly just fine. lol

I seriously doubt they will. If they were going to, we likely would have seen it removed already or heard they’d remove it in WW instead of offering a toggle for the people who don’t like it.


Citation needed.

All you have are claims :joy:

My experience with literally every other xpac says 2 to 3 days. Most will have it done before weeks end.
Tbh I can’t wait for release just to shut this nonsense up already. You have nothing but your silly buzzword.

Its pretty unlikely they will. You can tell they want to though.

I don’t think it’s that many people to be honest, but there is definitely a very loud subsection of players who do not.

I think it’s a combination of reasons:

  1. There are genuine concerns about accessibility; however, they amount of people for whom this is completely limiting for is extremely small, and is often used by people for whom this is not an issue as a cover for the real reasons they dislike Skyriding.

  2. People hate change. It’s a 20 year old game, and some people have been playing it for that long, and they are just naturally resistant to any change at all, regardless of whether or not they will like it.

  3. Some folks just don’t want to experience any level of friction in their game play. They want to steamroll the content, they want to mindlessly bounce from location ‘a’ to location ‘b’ with no chance of disruption in any capacity. They don’t want to put any thought into navigation or resources or anything.

  4. I have learned very recently how bad some people are at it. I found out that a friend of mine just spams Surge Forward until he is out of vigor regardless of height or direction. He never uses Skyward Ascent beyond taking off. So he was constantly out of Vigor and he had to land and take breaks as he was moving from one point on the map to another. When I showed him the correct way to actually Skyride, he completely changed his tune.

There are probably more reasons, but these are definitely a few of them.

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To get Pathfinder? It took me 12 hours in Beta Sky Riding and only a little longer when I tested leveling with a ground mount.

I’ll have it unlocked on Friday of head start.


That is a valid point that this impacts a larger part of the player base.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


There are at least 5 threads, over 2000 posts about wtf with normal flight being locked up.
Great communication by Blizzard on this matter.


I’m just so used to Dragon Flying at this point that I never see myself going back to “old flying”. In fact the worst part about dying is having to fly back to your corpse using slow flying :unamused:

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I’m sure unlocking Steady Flight using Dragon Flying is fast. Especially if you don’t get motion sickness like I do or you have a disability making it challenging.

I will be unlocking using ground mounts and my experience has been very different than yours.

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Does everyone realize there is a 5 second cast between normal flight and dragonriding?