Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I don’t play retail so forgive me but why do so many players dislike the new flying?


I don’t think a lot dislike it as in hate it. Depending on what you are doing it can be slightly tedious.

The most valid complaint ive heard is that it is so much quicker it invalidates old flying.


Where are these “so many people” you speak of?


According to at least three people on these forums whom I could name (but won’t because of CoC) “these people” are the very vast majority and everyone hates DF lol.


Dragonriding is superior to old flying in every way so idk why people whine about it.


Some folks really struggle to control it.

Some folks get physically sick doing it from motion sickness.

It’s not very good for things like herbing and what not, precision landing can be a real trick.

It doesn’t hover.

The only thing I don’t like about it now, is the whole All On or All Off toggle nonsense coming in WW.

The way its set up now, I will likely switch back to static flying once I open it up. Just going to be too much of a pain to switch back and forth, and static flying will be “Fast Enough”.

Which is too bad, I really like Dragonriding, but that toggle kills it for me.


Skill issue, same reason people complain about most things


I don’t hate it. I enjoy it quite a bit. Just gotta take breaks when my hands cramp. But I usually have to do that with any form of gameplay.


Most people like it fine. Some people have difficulty with it and they post a lot about it.


Not every flying mount is getting Skyriding, so couldn’t you just pick a mount to use for farming/hovering out of the ones not getting Skyriding, and then have your default skyriding one? Remove the necessity to constantly toggle.


I know two people IRL who hate the feature. The first is a clicker and isn’t used to the controls, the second said “why not just keep old flying but increase the speed to 800%”

I’m indifferent about it, I like flying around either way. I can do it but I agree with the second person’s point. It seemed like a lot of work for something that probably doesn’t matter to most people. I would have preferred a fourth raid. I thought it was fun to farm the glyphs at least. The races are also decent gold.


There’s a learning curve involved, and gathering “power ups” to get the full experience. Some can’t or won’t do those things.

Those that can’t due to disability have my sympathy and share the same frustration with pathfinder being in TWW.

Those that just refuse to learn how to use the fastest, and slowest flight, there are no words.


Most people love skyriding, you’re just hearing the very loud and very small minority on the forums.


I have had issues getting over high peaks in Remix. That’s my only problem with it vs normal flying.


Change of habit can be hard for some.

I think it’s fine to voice your opinions and feedback but what I find gross is a lot of people who do complain about skyriding point at people with disabilities.

As if those with disabilities couldn’t possibly use a new form of flight with less controls than the rest of the game they are already playing.


Like its been said already, there is no “many players” that dislike it, there are a very few and can actually be counted on one hand on the forums that try to make it sound like there are millions. When it actually probably less than a full 1% in all of reality.


I don’t think anyone hates it. They’re just incapable of understanding that it’s the new version of ground travel to keep people immersed and static will never be seen as such, so will always be gated until people hit max level.


No its not not with gathering herbs…I’d love to see a real test done between a Tauren Druid that herbs and another player using dragon flying …I know for fact the Tauren Druid in TBC flying will gather more herbs and do it faster then a dragon riding person herbing.


Its not a skill issue with many that don’t like Dragon Flying its a Physical and mental real life pain for many that play and want to use TBC flying…getting physically sick or put in pain from dragon flying is just wrong.


How? You’re flying significantly faster between nodes and you’re spending about the same amount of time picking the herbs. So how is normal flight faster?