Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Can you name one time sensitive transmog that’s limited to a week let alone a few days?

Powwa! Powwa is the thing that holds us together today, dat blessed arangement dat dweam within a dweam.

(To sum up, it’s all a status thing. Thats why they care about the item level number so much)

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I’m not playing your games.

Just pointing out how stupid it is to be so fixated on it.

Then you are just trolling in the end.

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Not even close. But not surprising considering how off base you were in the other thread about group loot.

Then stop making statements pretending to have an informed opinion.

Just because you can’t prove me wrong doesn’t mean I’m trolling.

Seems like you’re the only one whose worried about that.

I have. Several times. You just deny it.

This is human nature. However, you will deny it because it makes you look bad to admit to it. Thus, to fiercely protect the fragility of the ego you will put down all logical claims. Then you will spin the acts using PR super methods X, Y and Z.

Your clockwork thoughts amuse me…please entertain me more.

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You’re missing the point. And you don’t need to explain how to gear a raiding toon, I’ve raided since vanilla. ALL raiding and mythic plus ultimately rely open world gear as the base. Otherwise you’d be going into the raid/dungeon naked.

You should be able to get decent level open world gear that competes at least with normal difficulty raid gear. If you don’t provide (at current) 252ish gear from open world then as I said a player who swaps mains is forced to slog away for weeks if not months before they’ll be ready to even do normal raid. Which means realistically by the time that person is ready for normal raid their guild has moved onto heroic. And the same thing happens with heroic-mythic.

I’m sorry but the set bonuses you’re talking about aren’t bonuses. They’re rubbish, kinda like most of the cypher gear bonuses currently are. Annoyingly the pseudo-gems you get for cypher gear have some truly amazing bonuses but they’re not usable in raid/dungeon. Frankly I find that more frustrating.

I for one am sick of the “this doesn’t work in that content” approach that blizzard has used a number of times. It means that you need multiple gear sets if you’re trying to even start to optimise. Look at the horrible gems that only worked in Sanctum and the maw, or the Nazjatar raid gear for good examples.

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I mean other people in this thread have commented about how you talk above your experience and don’t have an informed opinion.

Lol no you haven’t. Who’s being delusional now :joy:

Or I can be blunt and tell you that if you want the best ilvl in the game go do the same content everyone else does.

This game is designed around the best gear coming from the hardest content. That’s never going to change.

I mean your logs were pretty entertaining to look at when you were crying about being passed over for loot in the other thread.

For a start, all the annual ones. Thanksgiving, Christmas etc. And they’re definitely problematic since they coincide with times people are often forced to work or want to spend time with family.

There are also items from things like blizzcon, giveaways from olympics (I think spirit of competition was during olympics), trading card items that are no longer available etc.

You tell me.

All of those events are two to three weeks long just for that reason. Also the transmog for those holidays are super easy to get. They are also on the calendar.

Why should they be? The spirit of competition was a reward for playing during the xyz Olympics. If you didn’t play then why should you be able to obtain it?

Actually, for world content it would be a set that enabled faster farming and more efficent movement.

Not everyone wants something to do with a raid. And honestly, if its taking you weeks to get enough gear for raiding your doing it wrong. I rerolled on an entirely new server and leveled to 60 and was geared enough for heroic within a week.

Theres so many ways to get gear in this game it isnt funny. But your also missing the point. The majority of people asking for more item level in world quest etc gear DO NOT WANT TO RAID OR DUNGEON. They are not trying to have more options to gear up to be able to raid, they want more gear to farm old mythic raid content from old xpacks and kill things quicker in the open world.

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I’m sorry but that’s super condescending. Your own profile shows you’ve done bugger all raiding and it’s only recent. Maybe you’ve raided on other toons - but by the same token maybe the other person has as well?

Frankly raiding hasn’t changed much in the last few xpacs. Someone who raided legion or bfa understands raiding every bit as much as someone who raided shadowlands.

Still you as buying gold isn’t paying to win.

No matter how many times you repost that thread it still won’t make you correct.

I’ve got you clearly in the wrong and you still can’t take the L.

There’s no reasoning with you on any level whatsoever.


And you’ve completely missed the point of the argument. Congratulations.

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All the holiday event ones are available every year. So its not like you cant obtain the items. They didnt remove any of it. Just means youd need to wait for next year if you miss one event.

You should look harder at achievements. Have raided mythic every tier this expansion.

Achievements are account wide nor am I sure how this has anything to do with us talking about transmog.

Actually raiding has changed. The last two tiers alone have been overtuned thus making it harder.

Even then OP is hiding his main so he has zero credibility.