Could boosting with token to gold purchases

Be considered pay-to-win when said gold is used to pay for boosts?

By-passing the natural gameplay loop?

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Everybody has their own definition of what pay to win means.

Being able to buy an item in the cash shop that will fast forward you past really boring and grindy content to the part of the game you really want to play is a pay to win mechanics most pay to win games use.


It’s still crazy to me that it’s so popular. Like, lots of people think that they can’t play the game until they’re full gear or something, so they buy a ton of carries, then stop playing.

Or better yet play super poorly, like grey-green parses with near bis gear.

Yes it is pay-to-win and it is exactly the same thing as people using RMT to boost. The only real difference is the fact that the people are paying blizzard the cash for the boost instead of paying some sketchy website.


There’s also being able to use gold to buy shop stuff, which is nice for those who play the game.

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It depends if you care about the semantics of the term or not.

Most people settle on pay-to-skip, which is the definition I personally agree with.

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The hourly “hot take: boosting/token bad” thread when tokens have existed since wod and carries have existed since vanilla is kind of frying me. What caused people to get all uppity simtuaenously, anyways?

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To each their own.

This is just the way the forums work. Everyone wants their chance to argue about the same thing to several different people.

People who buy a ton of carries to get the best gear they can buy aren’t actually into playing the game as much as getting as much value as their money can buy.

Most people who buy carries are either people who have already had some success but can see that months of grinding is going to hold them back, or alts of carriers who just do more carries on their mains to save time. Casuals and new players don’t buy carries, they just quit when they find out how much money they would have to spend. They aren’t invested in the game.

No it isn’t. RMT introduces currency from outside the system, tokens work within the game’s economy.

You can color-coat it all you want, but it is exactly the same thing. But the bottom line is the fact that people put money into someone’s pocket in order to boost.

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WoW is only P2W in respect to gearing. You can pay RL money for a token which gives you gold to buy a carry for gear. In that respect, there is no question WoW is P2W. It simply is beyond dispute.

That being said, what is winning? I’d like to see someone try to pay gold to win this:

Sure you can buy some of the cage-able pets, but what about the wild ones you need? What about the massive amount of RNG of the battles themselves? You can’t AFK this. This is by far the hardest pet battle achieve to get in the game.

Buy op pets with gold from token, import battle pet script to auto-win fights.

Couple hours to collect.

No, lol

I would say it is,you don’t know how the gold was made< main problem but the result is in the end is a pay to win. If i want a boost made the gold in game over time ,boost for a kill in a raid is no different than me buying a gold tokens for the same kill,yeah,there is no difference.

Not that simple. I already countered this.

A small part to be sure but still stops the P2W since you actually have to go out hunting yourself.

Link me a harder pet achieve. I’ll wait.

Get rng’d, bandage, repeat

There’s only one difficult pet battle achi and it’s one of the rarest achievements.

Only if that is someone’s definition of p2w.

And since P2w has about as many definitions as they are opinions, thats always possible.

Like…a lot of RNG. More than any other pet challenge. Kinda destroys the concept of paying currency to get an easy carry win.


Oh why do people who don’t even do pet battles reply to me

Like what compels them