Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

I dont care who agrees or disagrees. A lot of people agree you are a troll.

LOL and here is where you dissapear after being called out on the obvious.

See you in a couple hours because you just cant help yourself.

Your every discussion starts falling apart when you draw lines.

Like so.

Nah. I have plenty of discussions with people that actually play the game.


I see I was correct again.

Yet you feel the need to draw up lines with those who contradict you and when they call you out you resort to measuring contests.

If someone came in here with Mythic cleared raiding status you’d still find a way to argue against them or write them off.

It’s your credibility to shoot to ribbons.

It doesn’t matter if you do the content if your attitude is so derogatory and dismissive towards others.

No. I point out that people who don’t do content they are pretending to be educated on when they make statements acting like they have an informed opinion.

People like yourself who think their opinion means anything when they don’t do the content.

Depends on what they said. Even if I disagreed with them they atleast have the credibility to back their opinion.

I have had discussions with people that actually have credibility in the area we are discussing and disagreed with them.

The difference is you think you are an equal in these discussions and you’re not.

My credibility hasn’t been damaged.

I’m only dismissive of people talking out of their behinds without any experience playing the game.

There’s a reason why you’re wrong on every point you bring up and that’s because you lack experience in the content you comment on.

Just sounds like an excuse not to have content change. To shut out the voices of the masses.

That shouldn’t matter but you make the distinction anyway so you can force only your vision of the game down everyones lane.

Your hate for solo and bad players is plain through-out your posts.

Pretty sure it has between our discussions.

Yet you’re just intent on building echo chambers.

If the forums ran your way you’d of locked everyone out of the forms who hadn’t cleared raids or keys.

Not a good way to do business or cultivate a healthy community.

You’re not the masses nor can you claim to speak for the masses.

But it does matter. How can you possible have an informed opinion on content you don’t do? Let alone don’t do it at any respectable level?

I don’t have any hatred for solo players or bad players.

I know you can’t make a valid argument and have to resort to making false accusations but let me clear them up for you…again.

I don’t have an issue with solo players. If someone enjoys playing solo good for them. Knock yourself out. I have an issue with entitled solo players that feel they are entitled to the best gear in the game just for doing world quests.

I don’t hate bad players either. I dislike players that think they know what they are talking about. Infact I have no issues helping people that actually want to improve at the game no matter what level they play at. Example being a priest in the GD discord that wasn’t feeling confident to heal 15/16s. I grouped with them and pulled in three pugs and we two chested a 16 streets with ease.

Trust me when I say nothing in our discussions has ever damaged my credibility. This is what I was talking about. You actually think your arguments are valid.

Yet all you can do is make fake accusations based on nothing.

Even your troll game is weak.

We are the only one’s currently having this exchange.

Though I think between us it’s an Immovable object and Unstoppable force kind of situation.

Neither one of us is ever going to agree with the other.

Which is why I stopped responding to your posts and only respond when you respond to mine.

I’m never going to agree with someone that hides their main and claims they play the game.

Not all dialogue is bad. No matter where it comes from.

That’s a pretty bad idea for one simple reason - it’s hard to progress from other content to raiding (or M+ or PVP) if you do this. So how do you gear a character to actually do anything other than open world content? Imagine you are a serious raider and you decide to main switch. How do you take your new level 60 to a point where you can actually raid?

Having open world gear that can be upgraded by doing stuff is not a bad idea but having it suddenly become useless if you decide to raid is. Every raid leader will see you’re doing awful DPS, realise you have “rubbish gear” and kick you from the raid.

Just allow slow but steady upgrading of gear, or make better gear available via some long, difficult process. Then you’ve got effort -v- reward that’s more on par with M+/PVP/raiding. I mentioned a couple possibilities earlier in the thread. Another is to have upgrade token in the paragon chests. That way you’ve got to do a bunch of work in order to get the rep which in turn gives you the upgrade.

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It is when that person is pretending to have a valid opinion.

If you’re commenting on raiding and you only do LFR you don’t have a valid opinion.

To gear a character for raiding and mythic + you should be completing that content.

The issue is people want gear progression, but for one reason or another they dont want to actually raid or run keys. Thats the whole crux of the argument - people expect or wanting mythic item level gear without doing the content. SO a gear set which is specifically for world content would solve this issue, allowing for those who just want to do world content to have a way to feel like they are progressing in the game, without being forced to do content they either dont have the skill for or the want to do. A set of gear thats designed for open world wouldnt be like the tier sets in raid, the active benefit would be basically things like, a run speed increase after killing a mob. Open world health regen or open world aoe boost. Maybe even a reputation boost for completing world quests or killing mobs that give reputation. Its not designed as a raid set. If you want a raid set, you need to raid. This would be a set specifically designed for open world content, with benefits to the players that complete that content.

Getting raid ready is not hard. Start of each tier or xpack raiders do dungeons, heroic dungeons, mythic 0’s, then when the raid tiers open they work their way thru normal, heroic then onto mythic raiding, or work through the mythic + system. Thats how you gear a raiding toon.

I use to raid back in BFA.

Not on this toon though.

Ok? You still don’t have a valid opinion on raiding in shadowlands

If Blizzard only listen to the raiders of SLs when it comes to changes then DF is going to fall flat on it’s face.

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Ahh the blanket ad homen comment has returned.

Then stop trying to pull rank on everyone.

Just makes you look petty whenever you make your arguments.


That is an entirely different thing. I really hate time limited rewards. Mage tower was at least available (on and off) for a long time. But there are some that have windows of weeks or even days. If you happen to be bombarded with work or away on holiday or just not playing the game at the time it’s pretty lousy not being able to get that gear/mount/xmog. And that has nothing to do with skill or being willing to put effort into the game.

I’m all for blizzard bringing back challenges like the mage tower at a later date so that people have a shot at getting it. Just tune it for the current level.

I’m not pulling rank. I’m adding credibility to my statement. Something you can’t do.

Better than looking clueless like you do when you make yours.