Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

lol its late and my caffine is running on empty

It’s not the care what gear you get, it’s the level of the gear for the bare minimum amount of content you have to do that gets you gear equal to high end M+/mythic raids.

You should have to challenge yourself to get higher gear, not spam daily world quest for a month and finally get 1 piece.

Well you don’t play the game so your opinion isn’t really worth anything.

No it’s not.

As usual you can’t understand what pay to win is.

What do you think I have done on my rogue/warrior/Druid?

Like seriously try playing the game.


Rogue as an example


Why do you need mythic raiding gear for “open world” content.
You don’t.
You’re just jealous and insecure someone else’s gear has a bigger number than yours done.
If you want the arbitrary number of your gear to be higher, do the content that requires it and earn it.

This is nothing more than a “stay in your own lane” and “stop comparing yourself to others” issue, nothing more.

You ARE trying to dictate who gets what gear. plain and simple. Your mythic gear should not make you a god in open world or battle grounds. It should be useful in your raids but not unbalance the rest of the game. You dont need it.



It doesn’t.

Well you’re just looking to slap players down so your opinion isn’t worth anything either.

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No, I am saying that you should get gear the same way everyone else does.

Yes it should.

It already doesnt.

It doesnt. You dont need it unless you want to put forth the same effort everyone else does.

I dont slap players down. When someone says something ignorant I let them know they dont have a clue. Hence why I always respond to you.


That’s all you’re looking to do on this forum.

If someone disagrees with your view you go ballistic.

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Wrong. I help people that actually want help.

I have never gone “ballistic”. I also disagree with people all the time without being rude.

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Could boosting with token to gold purchases - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


Yeah. That’s it. We ALL do P2W for our gear.

What a wonderful and pitifully weak generalization.

Bless your heart. Your thread means absolutely nothing.

The best PvE gear should definitely be the best in any PvE content.

PvP should be more normalized with their own system, which it seems like DF is already addressing somewhat.

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I mean, if he wants people to stop telling him he’s wrong, then maybe he should bother to learn about what he wants to talk about.

As I’ve said multiple times: There’s nothing inherently wrong with having no clue what you’re talking about, but when you try to sound like an authority on that topic, it’s obvious that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

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Hopefully, to end this silliness, they don’t.
WFR guys don’t hang out here, it’s the wannabes.

The real question, is why do the open world players care what raiders have?

Same reason they walk to work and get passed by some guy in a
$100mil Lamborghini.
Jealousy? Resentment?
Resentment, drinking poison, expecting
someone else to die.