Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

This I think is a big sticking point for world content end game. I’ve never cared about ilvl as long as I could farm world content at a decent rate. I do get a bit salty when tier sets would come out with a gameplay changing set bonus that sounded like it would be super fun to play with. Why is it that only raiders “deserve” to get fun new gameplay during the expansion?

That’s the part I find unfair at a very basic level. If you’re going to make tier sets that have an effect on core class gameplay, everyone should have a chance to experience that. I don’t even care if I get access to a raid ilvl (although it would be nice to be slightly higher than max WQ gear, as I would still consider a set to be at the top of world content gear). I would be all for having to complete special challenge quests to obtain it as a solo player, as that would give me a sense of accomplishment to go along with the nifty look and mechanics.

I guess that’s what I mostly don’t understand - when did having special pixels become more important than the feeling of accomplishment? You completed mythic raid X and got the AotC achievement and a mythic only reward, which I will never do. Maybe the question isn’t just a matter of “better reward for harder content”, but in the degree of how much better and how many unique rewards.


has nothing to do with you. has everything to do with what they might have to do to acquire gear on top of their raid schedule. remember that most raiders are not 12 hr a day no life andy’s with infinite time to grind things; most of us have pretty tight schedules to fit in our raid times.

the idea that anybody cares what someone else they never see or interact with in game wears is entirely made up

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I’m at the point I think they are either purposely trolling or a little kid.

No other explanation makes sense.

Everyone does have a chance for that though. Nothing keeps players from forming a group and doing the raid.

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Because they are the ones doing the content that awards said gear with set bonus.

If you want the set bonus go do the content that awards it.

Everyone has the same chance to get it. You actively choose to not do the content that awards it then you can’t complain about not getting it.

Why bother with these threads? You are not gonna get Mythic 15 or mythic raid loot for killing a few groups of bugs for a WQ.

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It actually offers more perspective than what you say so it actual does mean something.

It also shows that your opinion is just that. A single opinion.

Cause they wish their vein of content got the level of care raiding did.

All the effort is sunk into raiding on the development side and many don’t like that.

The failing E-sports scene shows that the high end raiders aren’t what is carrying this game.

So your response to receiving what you perceive as sub-par content, is to complain not about the content itself, but that other players are getting better rewards?

The opinion of players that don’t play the game at any respectable level offer nothing but unqualified opinions.

You’re entitled to have an opinion but as soon as you claim to know what you’re talking about it’s painfully obvious to most people you don’t.

Put the better rewards in world content and more people would play.

I mean if you don’t like being wrong just say so.

This quantifying opinion rubbish really makes you look like a troll with stick up the rear.

I mean im not wrong.

Its not rubbish and thats what you dont seem to understand.

A player that does mythic keys at a 15 level or higher has a more valued opinion than someone who refuses to do keys.

That’s just stupid. Then in your world no one else’s feedback matters.

If you’re only doing content for the rewards, then you agree that said content isn’t intrinsically fun. So you’re complaining about other player’s rewards, when you seem to actually think that you aren’t getting good content.

If you’re talking about feedback about keys, then he’s not wrong that KSM players have a more valuable opinion than someone who refuses to do keys.


I don’t recall anyone saying the patches where revolutionary in their innovation.

No its not.

Nope, in my world players like yourself have opinions that dont matter. There is a difference.

Just look at the state of the game now.

They listened to the hardcore base and game is in a rut.

You’ve written yourself off as a helpful source by already being prejudice.

No better than a troll.

Then why are you complaining about the rewards discrepancy, instead of the content discrepancy that you seem to think exists, and are actually bothered by.