Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

They already screw over the PvP base by making them PvE so why can’t raiders get the hot foot for once?

Who knows. Might make the game more attractive than it is.

We don’t.


We only care what impact your content has on us. That’s it. The fact of the matter is that the world content is so easy… it makes zero sense in a raiding environment (particularly a competitive one) for members of the team to NOT get gear upgrades from it. It’s why all raiders were farming the heck out of manapearls…

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Explain how SL legendaries made boosting so profitable in BFA.

I’m talking about SLs not BFA.

From my experience BFA was more accessible due to the increased gear drops.

Plus the currency you got doing M+s which let you target gear more precisely, if memory serves.

I guess the raid / log thing is how allot of people play this game. Or just get on to PvP, etc…

Man I love just logging on and hanging out and doing so much in game. I can’t imagine doing just raiding and logging.

Long gone are the old days of MMOs

Ty for listening to my boomer rant

And I’m simply saying that even if the primary reason that boosting exists to the degree that it does is that there are enough buyers to support it.

Yet I remember it being slightly more profitable to sell keys, even with lower prices.

The residuum vendor, which let you fill 3 slots?

Accessible to what tho? Gear hasnt been hard to get in the last 3 xpacks. Even without raiding. SO what content are you unable to do without mythic level gear pieces?

Just like you can’t know it wasn’t. Either way bad system is a bad system.

False. Any type of progression is reliant on spending gold. This isn’t a new concept.

They dropped the rate gear dropped early in SLs release.

It was also in effect I believe around the same time they did the stat squash for BFA.

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How does Beak get upvotes when she should be getting a vacation? She literally brags about buying runs… she has no interest in this conversation, but she does like to cause drama…

Flag and move on.

You don’t pvp. The pvp player base isn’t screwed over and forced to do any pve.

Infact 1 minute burst classes are forced to pvp for badge trinkets to maximize damage.

In CN demo locks were grinding out badge trinkets because the Stam used during tyrant increased their dps as did stacking stam.

Fire mages have had to grind the crit on use badge every tier since bfa.

You really don’t know what you’re talking about.

Residuum didnt really let you target gear, it let you play a loot pinata to roll on a chance at getting a piece of a slot youd choose, And took a couple weeks or so to get enough to try for a top tier piece, tho it was easier towards the end of bfa. It basically was a form of bad luck protection.

I liked it.

So it is pay-to-win to buy tokens and sell them for gold.

Get to 60 and do nothing but PvP.

Tell me how you go.

Gear from what tho? mythic + when timed dropped 2-3 pieces of loot, raids dropped and still drop the same amount of loot they always do and did, you had the residuum, manapearl vendor gear, world quest gear that dropped from the sky almost it came up so often from the daily quests as high item level options.

So what gear rates were effected for you? Gear in BFA was extremely easy, as is gearing in SL. If your not raiding or doing mythic + content, having more than a 190 item level legendary will literally make zero difference to your ability to complete world content. If your farming world quests and mobs and gathering… having a 291 leggo is literally meaningless.

I’d prefer that than the vault honestly.

Early on in SLs gear from M+ wasn’t a guaranteed drop.

You’ll have to surf back abit, this was right on SLs release and opening weeks/months.

I personally preferred the reroll tokens. I hated having to feel forced to buy literally 30 odd helms before I got the BIS traits I needed.

The residuum system was gross.

Mythic + has always been at least 1 piece at the end of every run and then if you 2 chest it you got 2 pieces.

I dont think you even know what your talking about mate

You’re only just realizing this?

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