Why do people request PvE buffs?

If it’s a conversation that’s been had before, then you can answer it. Right?

So go ahead.

If you’re not competing in PvE, and people form uncompetitive groups all the time (and also RDF doesn’t discriminate), then why request PvE buffs?

The question is still floating in the air. You are implying you know the answer. Are you going to share?

You are not going to get invited to heroic raids, and if you do not have a guild, you will struggle immensely to even get into a normal pug if you play a memespec

I think i want to touch up on that from a different angle for a second here. We’ve already talked about there being plenty of non-comp group makers that will take any spec.

But let’s talk to the low tier spec players for a moment.

Some classes, namely Mage and Warlock, are admittedly pretty different between their specs. If you enjoy fire, but it happened to be the worst, while spamming frost bolt happened to be the best, i would understand wanting to play fire despite it being the worst. (This is an example, please don’t get wrapped up on my choice of specs here.)

But what about other classes?

Don’t Hunters just… always shoot arrows??? If one of their specs is low tier and the other is high tier, why not just play the high tier for groups that want it? Honestly? How many different ways can you really shoot your arrows???

Same with DK. All their abilities are just “X Strike” anyway. Unless you don’t want to control a pet THAT badly???

I feel like, a lot of the time, people ARE playing a spec BECAUSE it’s less popular. And at that point, they’re getting exactly what they asked for. And if they DID get buffed, it would be more popular and they wouldn’t even like it anymore!!

Call me cynical for this post, but cynical doesn’t mean wrong.


Disagree about specs feeling the “same”. I literally only play my hunter to play BM because I enjoy micro-manging pets and I enjoy the “fantasy” element of it. I detest playing cata survival because it just feels like a caster, which kills the fantasy immersion of playing hunter in the first place.

Unfortunately I HAVE to raid and pve as survival, despite hating the playstyle. If I choose not to, the community self-polices and will hold it against me. Again, I don’t play video games to appease other people. If people decline me for content because I want to play a certain spec, I just won’t play the game. That’s just one example. The nuance between all specs exist. Even the playstyle between unholy and frost dks is different.

I never ever play destruction warlocks, but i’ll play affliction 80% of the time, despite how strong or weak it is. Everybody has different interests and playstyles. The issue is that for pretty much no reason, certain specs are not allowed to be competitive with others. No matter how “good” I play with BM, i’ll still do 18k DPS to survivals 25k DPS. It’s not skill, its just number tuning. That’s a turn off because I don’t play to perform well or show off to other people, I play to have fun, and certain specs are not fun to me.

For the same reason people request them in PvP. And if you think you can’t lose a fight in PvE you haven’t played much PvE.

Of course the different specs have their nuances, but most of that is… … “fake”?

Lemme explain that.

With a Hunter, you have a pet regardless. You’re managing it regardless. Don’t you get that fantasy regardless? Does it really matter if it’s the pet that’s topping your damage versus your arrows topping your damage? Correct me if I’m wrong, but typically… selecting your spec gets you one ability, and then your talent tree might have anywhere from 0 to 3 new abilities that you’ll select and have to use. The rest, and vast majority, of your kit is universal. This is true for the 3 classes I’ve been playing, at the very least. Even Ret vs Holy share 90% of the same skills, and that’s DPS vs Healer. (I even go in to melee enemies as Holy quite a lot, and might use Crusader Strike, lol. And i use Wog as Ret!)

So i mean… i dunno, man. I feel like you either like Hunter or you don’t like Hunter. I still don’t see how much it can matter between the specs, to the degree of loving one of them and hating the other.

But hey. I haven’t played every class. And Hunter is one of the few i still haven’t played. Maybe the specs actually do feel and play like 100% different classes.

Precisely blizzard stacks a handful of key abilities within the talent trees so they’re not base line.

That’s entirely subjective on your part, specs don’t “feel the same” to me. I have leveled over 15 druids to max between vanilla and wrath and I have NEVER played balance because it doesn’t seem fun to me. I don’t like the fantasy of it. Shooting different color spells DOES influence if somebody finds something immersive or not. MMORPGs aren’t about “numbers” like your post makes them out to be, it’s far more abstract than that. Damage done by x sources is irrelevant. Classes haven’t been “universal” since TBC. Specs play wildly different from each other

If it’s so scripted then why can’t most people beat it?

I tried specifically to not be that diminutive, such as by mentioning that Mages and Warlocks have the most noticeably different feels between the specs. But i feel like the other classes don’t share that property. Hunter being the most notable, probably also Warrior and DK.

Druid… i wanna say doesn’t really count, for obvious reasons.

Most people can, lol. This felt like copium, and i really hate to use that phrase.

That’s kind of funny because mages and warlocks are the most similar since all their specs are for the same role.

What’s the clear rate of H Sinestra and Nefarion?

Well 2 reasons.

  1. Its a massive investment to get a max level character both if time and emotionally.

  2. If there is too much strength on 1 place, it sucks. A stale meta is a boring meta. The world top players in moba games complain about balance. Why not just pick thw best champs every game if you are hyper competitive? I mean, they do, but they still think what they are playing might be OP.

But as you said, as long as the chacter is viable to clear all content then theres no real issue. People who complain about specific specs blows my mind. Just play a more competitive spec.

This has got to be a troll post right? That or the most out of touch wow player ever :rofl:

Just a reminder that only a few short days ago he was saying that he was getting kicked out of most of his heroic 5 man runs, they tried to spin a story to make it seem like it wasnt their fault, but in the end it was simply due to their poor healing. Now he’s saying most people can clear heroic raids.

There are at least 3 fallacies in this alone.

  1. Red herring fallacy, redirecting from this topic to an unrelated topic.
  2. Straw man fallacy, misrepresenting what I even said in the other, unrelated topic. I didn’t say it happened to me most of the time. I also didn’t “spin a story,” I told THE story, but my story doesn’t fit your agenda of flaming me, and so… you resort to straw man to bend things to your agenda.
  3. Ad hominem fallacy, claiming my healing to have been poor, even though you weren’t there and have no idea - despite the fact that I explained what happened, and I explained that even spamming Flash of Light, which is the best HP/sec possible on a Paladin, wasn’t enough HP/sec to keep the tank alive, which is indicative of bad tanking, and bad DPS support as well.

But I’m most certainly overexplaining things to a person that has absolutely zero intentions of discussing this fairly. However, by all means, feel free to prove me wrong.

Just a reminder that this is the same person who said nobody is alt hopping on the forums.

It’s amazing how often you lie on here and continue to get busted in those lies. You would think you would just stop by now. So far this is the 3rd alt you’ve been on that you forgot to switch back to Hottie before posting lol.

Yet another fallacy, revealing your disingenuous intentions.

My characters I post on:

  • Hottiepants
  • Skillshock
  • Boostieboyz

I’ve never pretended this wasn’t the case. I’ve always posted as if I am still me, myself, talking. I’ve never pretended to be different people having the same opinion. I’ve never even liked any of my own posts.

And while you’re stalking my other posts and cherrypicking from them (another fallacy), why not go share with everyone the posts I’ve made where I declare these things I’m saying in this post as well? I know that I’ve already stated that Hottiepants is my mobile posting character (because I have no idea how to swap chars on mobile), and Skillshock was my PC poster (because I made a Paladin-related topic; and now I’m on Boostie because I made a Warrior-related topic).

You’re so thirsty. Are you even capable of discussion without fallacies? I’m nothing but open and honest, and people like you live to try to take advantage of people like me. It’s disgusting. Even right here and right now, you’re trying to use my own honesty as leverage against me.

It’s absolutely gross.

This is simply not true. At all. You constantly try and spin your story, even going as far as editing your posts to fit whatever narrotive you’re trying to push at the time if you get called out and your exact quote was not copied. “Lesson I learned early when dealing with you, is to always make sure I direct quote your nonsense.”

I just use your BS against you. It’s easy to do as I’ve already proven.

No amount of chatgpt posts are going to change the fact that you’re a clown and have been busted in multiple lies.

Show. Me. One.

Just one? I’ll do much better than that.

Here is one, you have done this multiple times on multiple toons, so this is an outright lie right here. Yes yes yes we know you tried to cover up your mistakes when caught… but had we not busted you doing this… you would have never said anything.

Another example is you trying to spin your words to fit your narrative, and outright lieing to try and spin it.

When in actuality you said (on another account, remember post 1, “People don’t change accounts”

As I mentioned. Somewhat often and a few times… paint two totally different pictures. It’s your way of trying to manipulate the conversation/narrative.

Here is another example of a flat out lie -

Nope I said I’ve done between 500 to 1000 RDF dungeons between my 7 level 85s, and a few other 81-84s. Or I have said “hundreds” as in my example below. For context - You were trying to spin the narrotive with that comment because I pointed out that somebody you were agreeing with “Who said they did over 30,000 heroics in cata” was clearly lying about what they were saying. Since it would literally be impossible to have completed anywhere even CLOSE to 30,000 heroics since Cata has been released.

And proof of me saying hundreds not thousands, again proving your lie

I mean I could continue to go on… but I’m about to do some pvp. You asked for 1, I gave you 3. And I could easily find more.