Why do people request PvE buffs?

It’s weird to me. I see no reason.

PvE is not competitive. You’re playing against scripted enemies that always do the same thing, and you’re supposed to beat. And you can. You won’t lose. Every spec is capable of clearing all content. No spec is unable to win.

And thus, the next point: Those that DO take PvE competitively don’t care what specs are at the top. They just PLAY those specs. And they compete against other guilds, to try to clear scripted-to-lose content FASTER than everyone else. They don’t post about how they want… Fury Warrior to be top tier because they think Titan’s Grip is really cool. That isn’t what the game is for them. And if it is for you, then that’s fine, you can do that still.

And EVEN THEN… if you’re into “competitive parsing” for some reason… EVEN THAT is separated by specs. So even if your favorite spec is bottom tier, you’re competing against the same spec, so you can still rank #1 as that spec if you want to.

And so… i ask… Why make all these threads requesting PvE buffs??? What lane are you even in, where you would do that???


Because some people enjoy playing different classes and specs that’s not the current meta. And a ton of pugs/guilds won’t take some players simply based on what their current spec is. Especailly if one spec pulls much higher numbers than the other. “Think Arms warrior/Fury warrior, or Fire mage/Frost mage”.

So people would like to see their fav spec buffed to be in line with the other specs. It’s a pretty understandable request on the surface. Though not in practice obvously.


some want to be top of the meters. They don’t grasp it can be okay to be 3rd place. They dont see the riad run minimal wipes.
Teamwork makes the dream work lol.

Some need moar as their crews use cut and dry rule to spots. The concept of fun in games is not there. Min/Max took over.

2 issues here usually are…

this is classic. Its like playing skyrim unmodded the 20 th time. Guess what, sneak build is still going be the best lol. You need to mod that stuff a fair bit to change.

and when retail has tried to fix pve…pvp goes to crap. A few times they said lets make monks nice for pve. and they became a hybrid chuck norris/bruce lee in the pvp content.

You didn’t fight some of these retail monk after pve buffs. They just allowed you to be beat up by them lol.

Because they have no life OP.


You know the real reason for this phenomenon: No achievement or sense of accomplishment in real life. It’s as simple as that.

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So you see there’s things called mobs in pve the objective is to kill them some people care about how well they can do so.


it’s to become stronger.


This has mystified me as well. Hoping to be enlightened in the replies here.
These guys claim to enjoy competitive gameplay yet avoid the modes where you play against real humans

Also mysterious how certain classes/specs seem to cry much louder for buffs, than others


Your ability to get into group content often depends on the perception of the spec you’re playing. If you enjoy enhance shaman but everyone thinks it sucks, you will have a harder time finding groups.


They want the 1 spec. They are inflexible for reasons. Maybe some good?

I just 85’d my hunter last night. She will go MM since I have a pvp focus. Its good there. Also its been my fave spec in retail for a good long while.

If I pursue more serious pve interests I am well aware if my MM finds no homes…I will need to go SV. its liked in pve in cata I’ve read. I can do that if need be.

But I came from games where you have to be flexible. Its jsut one of those things you do.


It’s because some people view the game through one type of play and claim that all other forms are “side games,” rather than enjoy an immersive and vast MMORPG where each class has various talent and stat priority choices to make to enjoy content whose limits we have yet to fully explore.

Or maybe some other reasons…


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Imagine judging people on how they want to play the game.


Alot of people seem non meta classes as unplayable. It’s dumb and silly.

Most of these people don’t even play at the peak of their classes.

But people looking for the best possible results with the best possible tools is common in game as it is in real life.


Well that’s just plain wrong innit?

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you act as if providing those buffs is costing you any kind of time or effort. Putting up PvE buffs too hard for you? Its simply yet another point of you “contributing” to the group effort.

I m sure its harder to script that into a bot program as well as I ve NEVER seen a bot buff the group. Thats why you so upset? Ruins your lil scheme?

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people don’t wanna put effort into the class they play and feel like they should be on top of the details every pull

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Didn’t bother reading beyond this. Post can be binned.


“Pve is not competitive” is the most casual gamer comment I have ever heard lmao pvpers really our here living in their own world


i love how PvP andies only argument about PvE is that “it’s scripted so you can’t lose” like people don’t actively use bots and scripts to climb the arena ladder, yet i never hear about people botting a whole raid group to clear heroic raids


This is the only thing i can think of, but when i think of it, my brain says… “But then those groups are trying to be competitive. So you’re trying to join the wrong group anyway, since you aren’t trying to be competitive.”

And, although that is true in theory, of course we know those groups aren’t… competing in any way whatsoever, despite being selective as if they were.

And i know that happens.

But I’ve also formed groups myself. And i can’t even imagine myself not taking someone cuz their spec is considered low tier. I’ve only ever declined people to try to even out the loot spread. So, surely, there are enough people out there like me?

This can apply to both sides, so I’m not sure what you mean.

  1. implying I’m judging people for wanting to only play one spec, while also being upset it isn’t top DPS on a universal parse ladder.
  2. Implying group makers are judging the person who wants to play the bad spec when they decline their entry.

But at any rate, I’m not judging. I’m literally asking. Because i can’t find the logic to it. And, sometimes, asking people a question that they have no answer to can make them outwardly realize that they have no answer, and rethink their awkward stance.

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