Yeah, those topics are right, lol. The vote kickers are pretty awful

You’re ignoring a LOT of variables, including things that may put you in an entirely different category. Your sample size means nothing if you generally play with a friend or 2, for example.

People are also less willing to try to kick a tank. (They don’t know that you return to front of queue if a tank is kicked.)

And third:
Of note, HEALERS are typically the ones being kicked. So if you’re a tank and you know what you’re doing, chances are, the healers have zero space to even LOOK bad. This will diminish, or even eliminate, all of the windows you might have had for encountering the kick abuse that WE ARE ALL talking about.

Like I mention in this topic… 1) When I play MY healer, I get kicked somewhat often any time there’s a Prot Pally tanking my dungeon, as they overpull AND refuse to mitigate any incoming damage. 2) When I play on my DPS CHARACTERS, I see OTHER HEALERS get kicked for no reason whatsoever.

This is what he have going on. Your sample size of the contrary has a lot more going on than you’re realizing. Additionally, as far as we know, you’re just a guy talking on the forums and saying anything at all. Meanwhile, WE EACH INDIVIDUALLY know that people are being kicked, factually, based on our experiences that are ALSO large sample sizes.