Why do people request PvE buffs?

The way you twist this is incredible. I’m not “covering anything up”. I, more accurately, don’t see why it matters if I post on a different character when my class is more relevant to a topic I am making. I do not feel the need to SWITCH BACK in order to WATCH OUT for weird accusations made by people like you.

What you consider “COVERING UP” is me just not caring. It’s really only a big deal to you. Nobody else sees this as my BIG HUGE CONSPIRACY TO LIE TO EVERYONE being UNVEILED by you.

It’s… … really weird.

You’re misusing that quote. My quote there is in reference to the “being kicked from groups” incident. But you went ahead and used it towards your weird “alt hopping conspiracy”.

This is a SEMI-fair point, but it’s just exaggeration. Not that big of a deal. And, frankly, it still paints the picture accurately. Party kicks like that should NEVER happen. The fact that it’s happened to me multiple times is the key here. Yes, it’s not so often that it’s like… 20% of the time or whatnot. But it’s still happening way too often. And that’s not good. It’s as simple as that. I see my exaggeration as harmless, and even HELPFUL for painting the picture, as the exaggeration is a reminder to the fact that this should not be a problem at all.

God, I honestly don’t even care anymore… You’re just reaching, and still abusing fallacies.

If you TELL ME, right now, that your post contains some kind of actually good & legitimate point, I’ll go back and read through the rest. But as it stands right now, you’re just…

I’m tired of this.

why are you asking a question you already know the answer to.

Once again, another attempt at spinning the story. You LITERALLY ASKED ME to show you times when you lied. This is a CLEAR EXAMPLE OF YOU LYING.

You said, that I said I’ve ran THOUSANDS of dungeons to try and once again, spin the narrative in your favor. this was an outright lie. I said hundreds of times. And I have run hundreds, probaly close to a thousand RDF runs up to this point. No way for me to know the exact number, but enough to get 11 characters now to full pre raid BiS and all the reps they need maxed.

So just like I said… you lied.

You literally posted on 2 different accounts talking about getting kicked, and you didn’t make it clear that it was you on both occasions. Had you not slipped up, nobody would have caught it.

Also, that Pootpootpoot guy was caught alt hopping on no less than 4 characters, making multiple threads about the same thing, not realizing that his achievement points would give him away lol. So yes… what you said was a lie.

Also, the reason it matters about account hopping, is people like you are creating multiple threads to try and make it seem like these dungeon kicks are happening WAY more than they actually are.

Since we first had our “conversation” if you can even call it that, like a week or two ago, I’ve leveled up the rest of my 80+ toons to 85 stricly with RDF. They are all pre raid BiS now so that’s 11 characters through heroics to get pre raid BiS - and I’ve YET to be kicked, or even seen any kick abuse.

That leads me to,

It’s as I said before. If it’s happening to you this much, its very much a YOU problem. You’re doing SOMETHING to instigate these kicks.

If I can get through 11 characters and not get kicked a single time, nor see any evidence of rampant vote kicks… and you’re getting kicked 1 out of every 5 runs… Time to look in the mirror.

You’re either a really really bad healer and the groups just don’t want to carry you. Or you’re being toxic in chat. Based on some of the replies I’ve seen from you, and comments you’ve made “Not even the ones directed at me”, I’m leaning more towards you’re toxic in chat.

It’s funny that you try to use the term ‘casual gamer’ as an insult, when it is much more cringy to be a ‘hardcore gamer’. Especially so when you’re talking about an RPG, a game genre whose VERY PREMISE is to be played casually and socially.


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