Why do people listen to Bellular when he doesn't actually play?

Here you go. I wish I could forget my online ramblings like you can.


That’s just a post where I was questioning why people liked streamers. Nothing in there asking who this guy is.

Again, I think you’re confused.

NW isn’t out until August 31st. There are betas going on right now.

MMOs take time to play. A lot of it. He doesn’t even play the ones he likes. It’s increasingly becoming clear he’s just milking as many clicks as possible for videos.

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Form your own opinions. Use critical thinking. Its something our society severely lacks these days. Who cares what content creators think. If you agree with them cool, if you don’t, good it means you’re using your brain.

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Maybe this one will jog your memory. Theres about a dozen others.

It’s a weird take to act like content creators don’t exist, or that you are enlightened for not knowing who they are. Especially when there’s weeks worth of evidence proving that you know about them, because they upset you enough to make forum post after forum post.


He stopped licking Blizzard’s boots. Guess he thinks he’s on the cool team now.

He isn’t.

Don’t forget, Asmongold used to do the same thing until he figured he could cash in on the worst people, players and community of WoW.

Also, funny Blizzard hates Asmongold when main staff is filled with people just like him.

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Ok, so I saw the word Preach and didn’t read everything else.

You’re really reading too far into this, my stalker friend.

Nobody said they do not exist. People are just questioning why people have these creepy obsessions with them and give them accolades they know good and well they did not earn.

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I see the word “Asmon” and read nothing further so you’re not alone there.

Having no interest in New World and only recent interest in FF XIV, I have pretty much stopped watching him.

“Bro he said something I don’t agree with how can anyone watch this, bro wtf man”

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I really enjoyed it, but instead of burning out on a beta test where everything is getting reset, I am waiting for the full release.

I just think it’s obnoxious that people go around pretending not to know who these people are, even though they went on mindless rants about them just hours/days before.

You aren’t enlightened above OP because you pretend to not know what the word Bellular means, even though you’ve condemned him openly in the last 72 hours.

Who cares what people watch? Obviously you do, so much so that you have to comment on these posts all the time to either:

  1. Call them panhandlers and condemn them.
  2. Condemn OP for liking them.
  3. Pretend you don’t know them because on the forums, that makes you smart (or something).

I linked 2 of your previous posts because you need to realize how ridiculous your forum persona is. Feigning ignorance isn’t helpful to the conversation.


Me exactly. Played just enough to get around level 16 or so then stopped because I did not want to spoil the experience any further. I tested it. Gave my feedback and honest opinions on the game to the staff in a respectful manner, and now will patiently wait until August 31.

I’ve noticed this a lot too. I think it has something to do with the lazier new gamers.

And I think it’s obnoxious when you sycophants think everyone knows who these people are.

Clearly you didn’t bother to read. I don’t watch the guy. He’s click-baity and annoying. Just like people who can’t read for context.

I don’t care if people don’t know him. The poster i was saying that to goes on rants about streamers for likes, and then pretends to not know who they are in other threads. Hes’s a troll, and you bought the bait.


It’s really a two-way street. I’m not going to say too much because I’m not in the mood for another forum vacation, but we’ve got the Spider-man pointing meme going on between Asmongold and Blizzard.

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Someone talked about streamers so that does not mean people know who they all are. That’s a very weird way to think.

I never claimed anything above the OP so that’s irrelevant.

Nobody cares what other people watch. Watch whatever makes you happy. That’s not the point. It’s when people take these creepy people they do watch and reference them like whatever they say “is the way it is” or are somehow the final voice in something. That or they give them accolades they clearly did not earn. I’ve seen some of the most outrageous and ridiculous claims that people make about these panhandles.

And yes, I saw that you stalked a couple of my posts. I’m proud of you. Expecting everyone to automatically know who random people are isn’t helpful to a conversation either.

“i dont know why people think these celebrities are well known”

  • goes to youtube and sees their face the moment you search anything related to wow
  • goes to forums and sees their names
  • goes to twitch and sees them front page


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For someone who isn’t a fan, you’re sure white knighting him.

And reading over everything here, I would easily say you’re the troll, not him because he wasn’t wrong.

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