Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

Are you really comparing people who make videos talking about/playing games other people make as comparable to the invention of a new mode of transportation?

for Blizzard, people with Preacher, me or you, are not essential if we’re not applauding things with Shadowlands.

Who cares about them? I don’t. I’ve been playing WoW for over 12 years and I have never looked to “content creators” to make my gaming decisions for me.
I use my own first hand experience to find out if I like it or not.

Let them go to Wafu town. There will always be more where they came from.

These things happen. Streamers come and go. Someone else will take his place.

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I mean…turns out he might have been onto something.

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Dont be so fast to be sooo sure about Blizzard. Bigger companies have fallen and Blizzard doesnt have a good track record the last 4 years. They canceled Heroes of the Storm, launched Warcraft Reforged, the Diablo Immortal fiasco, BfA, Shadowlands. We are gonna see if Diablo 2 Resurrected becomes Diablo 2 Refunded too. I dont know about Overwatch, never played. And Starcraft is a dead franchise.

I really dont know where are the great Blizzard games anymore. The original trinity of games (WC, SC, D) are mostly in shambles.

And no, those streamers are not replaceable. Asmongold videos on YT make between 200 and 600k views each one fo them. And there’s 3 of them every day. Preach is about the same. Yeah you can watch that hot girl which videos make 5k views. Big clout.

With no Preach, Asmon, Bellular, Pyromancer, Bajheera, Madseason and a few more, you have like 95% of Wow’s content views in Youtube in 6 people. If no one talks about your game, your game doesnt exists. But the worst part is not that one: the worst part is that those streamers will move on to other games and those million views will watch how are other MMO’s. And they will compare Wow to New World, Ashes, Valheim, FFXIV and others. And players will move on from the leftover that are Wow to the fresh food that are other games.

And that’s how a game dies.

It’s funny how many people seem to be completely ignorant of that entire fiasco, the cover ups, the broken promises, the budget cuts, the absent leadership, etc etc.

These guys keep falling and falling, it really is time to clean the house.

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Kind of…

Plenty of these guys who make some people NOT want to play the game so they don’t have to be associated.

Not sure if this was a joke and if so, I apologize.

The game has more than twice the subs before any of these guys were around.


Ok man, now think like the owner of the company.

Let’s say that Wow has 2 million subscribers. Now think that 1 million of those 2 are watching content from 6 people about other games. And they start thinking of jumping to the other ship.

It’s not the fact that I know that Blizzard lost X subscribers. It’s the trend. If the people making time to make videos about your game are reconsidering their subscription and the time they dedicate to advertise and promote your game, it’s pretty damn sure that a lot of other people is considering that same thing.

But that’s hyperbole.

You’re not wrong. But you’re not right either.

What I’m saying (and which I’ve already said), is that YES, Preach is “important” because WHEN HE’S THERE, as you said, he’s pulling big numbers. The “new, hot girl” isn’t.

But once he leavesSOMEONE will take his place. Will it be the “new, hot girl?” If she has good content, you can bet your best dollar she will. But if she’s just eye candy, probably not. But that’s not apples to apples, is it?

Those big 6 names you listed are “important.” They absolutely ARE NOT “crucial.”

And that’s why I said STREAMERS (in the very general sense) are “important” … but they ARE NOT “crucial.” Only the quality of the game could be called that.

When “big names” go away… you realize there were 100 other “little names” that rise to the occasion and take their place. There is nothing unique about this situation.

Not really. I threw draft numbers but that’s the general principle of the thing.

I’m not saying that Wow is gonna die and they will not make a next expansion or something like that. But definetely the game will become smaller.

Content creators are a big part of the community and that side of the Wow experience is getting smaller. That’s not good for anyone. And it’s a symptom of a bigger thing.

I’ve never felt represented by ANY “content creator” my opinions are always my own.

It might be crucial for you and it’s your opinion but I don’t think so, they are not crucial for anything but their own agenda/business.


I get what principle you’re trying to show, but it’s entirely exaggeratory. Your example made it sound like streamers brought in half the crowd. WoW had 12M subscribers before streamers were a thing. They had 5.5M when they were. People were flocking to this game via other means than random people on the internet with webcams.

The game becoming “smaller” is a relevant term. If 1 person leaves, it’s technically smaller. Do I think with streamers leaving, the game will become smaller to the point it’s a problem? Absolutely not. If it does, it was because of other reasons. The whole lawsuit thing going on right now caused many people to stop playing. I guarantee if sub numbers drop, people will rationalize how it was “because streamers left” and forget that people were leaving in flocks before any streamer said they were gonna leave.

Them being a big part of the community is also a matter of opinion. I know plenty of hardcore players who do not watch them, have no interest in them and could care less if they leave. However, anybody leaving because they’re unhappy isn’t good, no matter who it is but pretending a guy with a webcam leaving is going to cause some kind of irreparable damage is just plain silly.

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Essences we’re cool and he said good things about them. Essences acquisition even was good for main, not for alts tho.

But by time Nyalotha came out essences acquisition for returning players had no catchup was garbadge

They are not. Really, they aren’t.

Do they help bringing new people to the game? Not always. When the coverage is positive, yes. Now, tell me, have you seen positive coverage of wow in any content creator since bfa? I really doubt.

Do you think people would come to try the game after seeing a video bashing on torghast, or warfront, or azerithe gear, or grinding corruption gear/essences in every single alt, or the covenant fiasco? Nope.

Now, to think that preach or any particular streamer going alway will sink the game is naive at best. At the end of the day, the big question is: there is still money to be made by covering wow? If there is, someone else will pick the chance and fill the space left by the old streamers. Before long, you have coverage again.

Not to say content creators are not passionate about the game. They are. But there is money to be made and, in our world, when there is money to be made, there are people willing to work for it. Just wait for the new thing.

we didn’t need them in 2006 and we don’t need them now…


Content creators are the best advertisement for anything in 2021, ESPECIALLY if they didn’t get any PR packages or codes because it’s literally free advertising. Probably the most susceptible to content creator advertising are gen Z followed by millennials. Gen Z is now old enough to start working and buying things they want but are young enough to be more easily swayed than millennials or older. Many aren’t old enough to think “you know, maybe I shouldn’t blindly follow a content creator” and will quite literally take their words as gospel. If you ever wonder how YTers sell out of merch that looks crap, THAT is exactly why.

If a creator that has a large gen z following says “mate, that game sucks”, a good portion of them will not touch that game. If that creator says “I’m playing this new game and it’s great”, it’s also that many gen z players who would want to try it out.

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I made the same point. Back in 2006, we had millions more subscribers and no streamers. We formed our own opinions back then. We didn’t wait for some random guy on the internet to tell us what our opinions are.