Why do people keep asking for changes?

I want there to be an option for updated visuals and I also want 1.5/1.6 AV, perhaps with some balancing in order for the battles to be like they were in 2005, long and drawn-out attrition wars. If I don’t get these things, oh well; I’ll still play and have fun.

On the other hand, look at how many threats have come out of this volatile no-change group on this forum.


Also, some people are so paranoid about sharding, that they’ll wait many months before playing at all:

As well as no-changers threatening to close their wallets over a shared sub, optional new water graphics; no spell batching, 1.12 e-z mode threat; 1.12 e-z mode MC, and numerous other things that they’re demanding, lest Blizzard suffer their wrath.

It just goes on and on, the no-changers can’t be satisfied at this point.