I responded to you because i wanted to understand not to score some cheap rimshot and now your being a jerk.
And i’m playing it for not heroic raiding but mythic raiding, for cutting edge raiding. I ENJOY PARTICIPATING IN THIS CONTENT. I enjoy the sense of accomplishment for conquering it and i enjoy hanging out with my friends and guildies while doing it. Getting into the raid, pulling the boss, getting better, killing it. I like doing this. It’s enjoyable.
I understand why people would do it for a mount. What i don’t get is why people do it for fleeting things like gear and AOTC achievements.
And that’s great. But it’s not relevant to what I was talking about, which is about buying a carry to get a mount that’s being removed from the game forever.
Everyone enjoys this game different ways, and plays it in different ways. Raiding is not the only thing this game is about, and never has been.
What you’ve been saying is that by paying for a carry for a FOMO mount, I miss out on “pride and accomplishment” and that’s simply not true - this is content I would not be able to do AT ALL otherwise, not these days especially. I’m not denying you your sense of accomplishment, just pointing out that not everyone plays the game for that reason.
Well on that, we agree. I don’t get that either - although Blizzard locking things like Valor upgrades behind KSM probably isn’t helping (and is probably deliberate design as well).
Granted, I’m 60 and I’ve never been accused of coddling anyone, but it seems to me that the problem is that the post-Millennial generation pretty much has this attitude towards everything.
Spend four years in college learning basket-weaving and the history of Himalayan folk-songs? Expect to step into a six-digit CEO position at a tech firm after 3 days on the job.
Can’t get that? Blame the Boomers for wrecking everything. Then get high.
I’m not sure what part of “work hard, work smart, pay your dues, THEN succeed” they’re not getting, but it’s certainly reflected in how they play this game.
Not sure how it doesn’t make sense. We pay for carries so we aren’t burdened with wasting time on something we hate.
Take for example my M+ is NOT content thread or I never want to do another M+ again. Between them over 200 upvotes. The fact is many of us don’t want to be in M+ we don’t want to learn the affixes, the routes, the fights. We just need the gear in there. It is gate-keeped behind something we have no interest in because we hate M+.
You don’t earn gear in this game. Don’t tell me the weekly vault is earning gear or doing a mindless activity of M+ over and over is earning it. They are chores and RNG that ruin the game.
I just want BiS gear so I can begin to enjoy the game how I want. I want to get all these terrible activities out of the way so I can finally just play the game.
This is simple and also mentioned it in my M+ is NOT content thread. You remove all the gear rewards from M+ and Arena. It isn’t complicated. M+ and Arena should only be for people that want to compete in a Season for Titles, mounts and cosmetics.
If you do this then the people that don’t want to do M+ and Arena won’t have too anymore and thus they won’t have to pay for carries.
You are tho, especially putting sense of pride and accomplishment in mocking quotes and ridiculing the idea. You undeniably deny yourself gameplay by doing it. Would you like that gameplay if you weren’t cutting it out? That’s neither here nor there really. You miss out on that experience, if you would have liked it or not.
Some people are " give me fish fam don’t teach me how to fish " . People like this are usually ones who do not have a job and sit on parents or spouses money. So they don’t know what it means to earn, to put effort in order to get outcome.
It’s a phrase that EA pulled out to excuse the arguably pay-to-win aspects of Star Wars Battlefront 2, which became a bit of a meme as a result. I was just being humorous, not mocking you.
Who knows? Point is, Blizzard puts it on a countdown timer, and these days there’s no realistic way I would be able to complete that content before the mount was removed. So I obtain it, legitimately, another way, still doing gameplay that I like.
I know what it’s referencing, which is why i know its mocking. Used in this form it was mocking EA’s blind deaf and dumb PR move. Ergo, mocking me now.
No point is, i literally made this point in my post in the following sentence after you cut off the quote.
No, some people are “sell me the fish instead of lecturing me on how to fish”. While people like you sit here poking their noses in other peoples business for some reason.
This game has next to no solo progression, solo progression here is gold, and that’s what people do. That or leaving to more solo-friendly games like FF.
What does it mean to “earn” something exactly in a group content game? Aren’t the worse players in every group being carried to some extent by the better ones? Regardless of whether any form of currency, whether material, social, or otherwise, is the means by which the lesser player gained entry to the group?
I think one thing that would help combat carries is making it easier for people to get into progression oriented groups. Group finder could use alot of work and there should be more progression oriented content that can be solo qued into. Like solo que 6v6 rated bgs for example. I think that would be wildly popular.
Blizzard could also help the cause by iterating more on balance to keep everyone in a narrower band of performance so non-meta specs don’t have such a hard time finding groups.
I earn my gold, and if need something I hire people that want my gold in exchange for their service. I carry them in gold-making, they carry me in whatever I might need.
Not that I actually buying carries, tho, but I might and don’t see anything wrong with it.
Carried player will join someones key, mess it up because they were carried and don’t know how to actually play… Then they will be removed and they will complain about it.
Carried gladiator will die to combatant me multiply times then will get mad and rage
whisper .
Carried players will give Blizzard wrong feedback as they haven’t really played the game.
and then expansion such as SL will be released with wrong feedback, causing only to work for those people who buy everything with gold while most of the player base will quit