ahahaha, so that’s why SL is bad? Cause they listened to our feedback! Nice. You’re going delusional here.
u a smart , so is posable that the electis , gonna pick a harder way , but probly NOT ALOT ! most of tim gonna go if its easyer , if human kint , is rare , take a hard way to get a suseccse , some tim , it dont say is easyer so it dont do it but is probly easyer LOLHAHAHA goodjob
You are one who pays money in content of game to be played that he pays monthly sub … Do you also pay someone to live your life too instead of you?
Korthia gear goes to 226. And yes that is solo progression
i say on u ya it is , some tim , pepole wanna get so many gears dont get a trick for it casual pepoles ! u can get SAME GEARS as mystic raider nest pash , probly in same way LOLHAHAHA , save u tim do that u find funs ,
I didn’t say anything about money. I make enough gold in game to afford any carry if I ever need one.
Making gold is in-game skill as any other, and there is nothing wrong to use the aspect of the game you excel at to help you over come the game aspects that you underperforming in.
Because its a fact of life the most people will take the path of least resistance. Id buy carries if I had the gold. Not gonna pay 20 bucks a pop for it though
It goes to 233 and then you’re done. Nothing you can do to improve. Asides of gold.
No, you must earn because it is competitive and not mario . Now it is different if you are talking about coaching, it is fine to pay gold to learn.
Pretty much that.
Can someone please translate this into English?
nest pash u can get probly 250 gears in quest , save u tim dont do alot treasmila
It shouldn’t even go that high tbh.
Says who? If I have something other people willing to take for their service, who are you to tell me or them, that it wasn’t right or earned?
Says who, again?
I just do things I like to do in the game, I don’t need to prove anything.
I considered buying an AotC carry last patch. I fell behind because I was raiding Classic, and then family and work issues took up most of my game time. By the time I was geared, Classic was done, and I had the time to raid heroic Nathria, it was too late. The groups I was raiding with over the winter had their AotC and had stopped raiding. PUGs all required AotC and the only heroic progression group I could find though friends was on an evening I couldn’t raid.
Ultimately I decided it was a waste of money. I don’t care about the achievement in WoW; I care about the journey. Even if I bought AotC, most of the raids were boosts/carries at that point so it did me no good.
This patch I’ve got more time and am hoping the raid I’m in that’s 8/10 normal will be able to go AotC. We should get KT down tonight and start on Sylvanas and once we full clear it’s on to heroic.
I mean there is no in shop option to BUY GLAD MOUNT, or BUY GEAR, BUY CONTENT JUMP!
I assume you are trolling so just let you be.
Solo content should never give gear that’s equal to group content.
FOMO… Fear of Missing Out. Many of the rewards in the game are built on this and other players require these rewards to judge others worthy of playing with them.
what? lol - all these people from wyrmest accord - are you all alts of one person