Why Do People Even Want To Be Carried?

So everyone seems to be bicker about if carries should be allowed, if they’re good or bad for the game, and how to stop them or improve them, but one thing I don’t see people ask a lot is why do they exist in the first place? For me I’ve never understood the idea of carries, everything I’ve done on my account I’ve 100% legitimately earned and when I didn’t feel like pushing myself for that particular content I just ignored it and moved on. No player should feel obligated to do absolutely everything in the game to the tip top, it’s perfectly fine to skip certain content or fail to beat a boss.

So why do people even want to be carried? The idea literally makes no sense to me as 1) you didn’t EARN that, and 2) no matter how geared you are the gear will be irrelevant in 6-12 months. There’s really no sense of prestige when you didn’t earn something, and even if you do want to feel “OP” for a little while that feeling will soon go away when a new patch/season launches. So why not just play the game and enjoy yourself? Why not experience the game yourself and not treat it like it’s some job that needs to be cheated by having others do it for you? I mean that question legitimately, why do people even want to be carried? What exactly is the benefit?


Like electricity, most people are going to take the easiest way with the least resistance.


There are plenty of people who want to be carried by others and that’s true in all aspects of life. Not just gaming.


It’s simple: People want the rewards, not the “feelings of accomplishment”.

I remember at the end of WoD, I paid 2 million gold for a Mythic Archimonde carry.

Why? Because I wanted a damn Fel Reaver mount and there was only one and it only dropped from Mythic Archimonde.

I didn’t care about anything else. I didn’t want to feel accomplished. I didn’t want to show off. I didn’t even want any gear. I just wanted a Fel Reaver. It was that simple.


Time is money.


some ppl are lazy idk.

like handing in a team paper that you didnt do anything on. some ppl live well with that - i know i wouldnt.


Take the Mythic/AotC mounts for example, maybe I hate raiding but love collecting mounts.

Mythic mounts become low drop rate later and are still hard to solo an expansion (maybe 2) later. AotC mounts disappear after the tier is over. So if I am a collector, my most likely chance of getting these mounts is to buy them.

Now I am a collector and can do it myself, but that’s not usually the majority. Also, waiting potentially 4 years or more isn’t exactly enticing…


Happens in literally every single online multiplayer game. Some people just want to show off their accomplishments, even if they were not the ones that achieved them.


Instant gratification.

Kinda like a drug.


I get carried in content I don’t want to do for rewards I wouldn’t normally get.

I even paid for a carry in my guild last expansion because I was too lazy to learn the fight on the last boss. Just said I would pay 200k to the guild bank and that would pay for repair bills for a while because I didn’t feel like actually contributing a lot - they were fine with that.

yup all my carries have been for mounts.


All I know is it’s lame and I avoid them.

Sad that’s it’s gotten to where it’s even acceptable for them to admit they do it.


I look at it as being carried past the ilvl or rio gate in order to be competitive.

Think of it as reaching level 60. Season one dropped and people were already on +15s and every comp felt like gladiators ranking up as fast as possible meaning your yolo or CR 0 likely had one. Then you were facing people being carried.

Ideally you are on the ladder day one, but if you fall behind it’s not like the PvE open world where you can solo or maintain entry level gear yourself via AI in pvp or have one man dungeons that give rewards such as horrific visions which should have been for Torghast.

So carries are normal. Almost necessity for alts. Either you get your guild to do it or you buy one somehow.

A lot of carries I sell are for people who actually think they are good enough to do content but just need their foot in the door. Fact is they suck and I am happy to take their gold, but they will never do well in PUGs, even with the gear and IO/raid xp.


wondering if either of you bothered to READ the posts before you that spoke about wanting to get the mounts, and not having a thing to do with achievements lol


How so? If he earned the gold to purchase said that carry, he earned that. If someone’s play style is on the economy side, who the hell are you to tell them how to play the game and what they earned\not earned.

Ever bought consumables\anything at all of the AH? You didn’t earn it, by your logic, and any progress made using those consumables is also invalidated.


Same reason there is a onesie that says “Mommy just wanted a backrub”. Sometimes people enjoy others doing the hard work for them. That isn’t to say they have not done things themselves that they are proud of.

So why bother to play? That applies to you too.

Really? Are you a mind reader, so you know how other people feel?

You never heard anyone say, “Oh, look what I BOUGHT!” in your entire life?

Again, the same applies to you.

You mean, like, be stuck doing chores all the time and unable to get into groups?

Why are you so obsessed with trying to convince people to stop wanting to play the game? You get to play it, but they should do, oh, some chores or something that is beneath you.


Probably get some hate on this but I think its a complex issue.

Trying to fit in with a certain group of people.

Trying to impress certain people.

Wanting the Awe factor.

Trying to be something their not.

Many thing contribute to this disease.


People have been buying carries for over a decade and it has always been acceptable to admit it. The only people who generally have problems with carries are the so-so players who aren’t rich enough to buy them and who aren’t skilled enough to sell them.


Ah, yes. The meritocracy.

So what’s the problem?

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