Why do druids get so much attention?

These restoration changes are not really intended to make Restoration more powerful. The 10.0.5 changes actually did the opposite. I’m still marinating on the 10.0.7 changes, but they seem to just make our pathing worse by preventing us from ever taking Cenarius’ Guidance alongside necessary talents like Undergrowth, Flourish, and Photosynthesis. Cenarius’ Guidance had been a nice pick because we have the flexibility of using 1 minute Convokes for either healing or damage, but the Circle of Life and Death / Deep Focus choice node we’re being forced onto gives us a choice between a single target DPS talent, and a general DPS talent with a mediocre-to-bad healing change (remember that HoTs expiring faster works against our mastery, and requires more globals for re-application).

The Guardian changes are hotfixes and reworks because Guardian is noticeably worse than the other tanks. Blizzard also keeps changing the wrong things for Guardian so the situation is not really improving. But I don’t play Guardian, so listen to some more knowledgeable Bears on what’s going on over there.

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Sounds to me like they don’t know how to balance the class tree around 4 specs with different roles.

It’s not balance as much as it is playstyle. All the specs are in horrible shape despite the numbers they put up in certain situations.

I’m a boomie, so I’ll just mention the issues there. We’re a slapped together patchwork or random abilities and mechanics from previous expansions, and they in no way form a cohesive spec. We still have AP from legion, but not the empowerments that came with it, we have eclipse back and finally have the ability to choose which one we’re in instead of having to cycle through them, which has been asked for since like WotLK. And they decide to gut eclipse and move the main buff to our dots instead. Stellar flare is garbage, the only reason we use it is to trigger waning twilight with less than 7 targets. Our capstone talents are literally never used. It really is a trainwreck of a spec, other than for council.

It’s a communication issue. They open up every meeting with ‘we need to work on Balance.’


They are 4 specs & other classes are 3, so they have to get special treatment.

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We get a lot of attention because we are the coolest class since Burning Crusade.

Tank? We morph into an awesome bear.
Dps? We do range and melee, morphing into a freaking cat or a fat chicken you cannot compete with that.
Healing? We are the HOTs Kings/Queens.

Flying? Insta cast flying form!

Stealth? We also do that!

We are cool even in the tiers where we actually suck.

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Have you tried playing mage? They could be overlords of damage but that doesn’t matter when they are miserable to play because of an archaic design

But regardless - not sure why we compare who has the worst anything versus …compiling a list of things that need to change and hoping blizzard gets around to it

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Yeah, I don’t play guardian but I heal them. No idea wtf they did to them with the redesign but they are made of paper now.

Blizzard: Adds in a stealth nerf that isnt even mentioned in patch notes for bear
Players: not amused at all by this.
Blizzard: Provides a small fix

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Yes, I have a 70 mage. Arcane and frost are fine. It’s just not a caster friendly tier / season. If it was no one would be complaining.

it’s because Azeroth needs druidism to achieve anything in this world.

we need to be prioritized & improved to keep ya’ll safe.

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Balance is top tier (since their most recent changes). Guardian and Feral, no shot.

I agree but when was the last time it felt like game design was caster friendly? Maybe I’ve quite too soon in prior expansions to see it.

It feels like this will be the normal now, and so they gotta do some adjustments to specs (not just mage specs)

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because they did druids first for the talent trees and it was by far the worst of them all. so every patch is them making small changes to try and minimize the complaints. just because 1 spec is good doesnt mean all the others are and unlike mages where all 3 are ranged dps so it doesnt matter if 1 is bad each spec is completely different. guardian hasnt recovered from legion

Yeah, start with frost DK. Zero attention since beta. BoS requires perfect scenarios. Obliteration feels painfully clunky and could flat out use a rework.

They can like it or hate it but druids have been the “first child” of the family since well before they were even accessible to both factions. Resources have been piled into making this class attractive and the moment they aren’t at the top of the food chain they get a rework. Always has been, always will be.

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The fact is though - yeah, they are focused on druids atm…but their inability to get it correct is why there is such a long focus to begin with.

Why are the fixes actually regressions? New designers or?

the old dev was just bad and now we got a new 1 and it doesnt seem to go much better. im still not a fan of being in my 4pc 395ilvl and only doing 45k st with the tanks being just slightly below me on dps

Theyre Blizzards golden children and its disgusting

“Why can’t I be at the top of the pack with each spec I play with one single class?” has been the swan song of people rolling out of the druid class for 18 years. Sorry bruh.

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